

Lrba participates in the differentiation of IgA+ B lymphocytes through TGFβR signaling


Lrba is a cytoplasmic protein involved in vesicular trafficking. Lrba-deficient (Lrba-/-) mice exhibit substantially higher levels of IgA in both serum and feces than wild-type (WT) mice. Transforming growth factor β1 (TGFβ1) and its receptors (TGFβR I and II) is essential for differentiating IgA+ B cells. Furthermore, increased IgA production suggests a potential connection between Lrba and the TGFβR signaling pathway in IgA production. However, the specific function of Lrba in B cell biology remains unknown.


  • Leopoldo Santos-Argumedo

Revista: Frontiers


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