XV International Congress of Cell Biology 2024

ICCB 2024


The Cell at High Resolution


The International Congress of Cell Biology (ICCB) is the main academic event organized by the International Federation of Cell Biology (IFCB). This academic forum brings together scientists from all over the world, from various disciplines focused on the study of the the cell.

The activities include keynote and plenary conferences given by great personalities who have internationally recognized prestige, oral presentations and poster exhibition in specialized simposia organized arround the current topics approaches in Cell Biology. This congress also includes aspects of education in cell biology, which means a career in cell biology, scientific writing and ethics. In addition Exhibition of equipment is also included. This meeting is a forum for interaction between scientists, academics and industry that creates a platform for collaboration, exchange of knowledge and discoveries in the field of cell biology.

Since its creation on november 1972, IFCB has organized congresses in several countries. The first one was held in Boston, USA, in 1976. Its fundamental objective is to promote and act as a coordinating body capable of initiating special studies and encouraging research in areas outside the normal scope of national academic organizations. For the first time, Mexico is organizing the congress, which will be the 15th edition (ICCB-15).


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Av. Instituto Politécnico Nacional 2508,
Col. San Pedro Zacatenco,
Alcaldía Gustavo A. Madero,
Ciudad de México, Código Postal 07360

Tel. +52 55 5747 3800

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21/08/2024 01:10:15 p. m.