

Elucidation of Reaction Mechanism


Estancia de Verano 2024

The elucidation of reaction mechanism is a fundamental prerequisite towards a rational approach to Chemistry. In this project reaction mechanisms of intramolecular Diels-Alder cyclization will be investigated with the hierarchical transition state finder of deMon2k (see The aim of the study is to rationalize the unusual product


distributions based on quantum chemical calculations. To this end, reactant and product structures will be optimized from parallel-tempering Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics trajectories. These structures are then used in a hierarchical transition state search to find activated complexes from which intrinsic reaction coordinates are calculated.


The successful applicant will be provided with a workspace in the Theoretical Chemistry group of Dr. Köster and will have access to all local compute facilities. After a basic introduction into quantum chemical calculations, the student will learn how to optimize molecular structures with first-principles density functional theory methods. For the search of non-intuitive transition states an introduction into the use of the hierarchical transition state finder will be given. Prior knowledge of quantum chemistry is not mandatory.

Dr. Andreas M. Köster


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Col. San Pedro Zacatenco, Alcaldía Gustavo A. Madero
Ciudad de México, C.P. 07360
Apartado Postal: 14-740, 07000 Ciudad de México

Tel. +52 (55) 5747 3800

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11/03/2024 02:22:19 p. m.