

Pyridine and bipyridine complexes of tri- and tetranuclear ruthenium clusters revisited. Substitution, orthometallation and bridges between cluster units


Autores. Vianney González-López, Emmanuel A. Ramírez-Gutiérrez, Josué S. Hernández-Silva, Marco A. Leyva, Ana L. Carrasco, Jorge Tiburcio, Maria J. Rosales-Hoz

Revista: Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Resumen: The reactions of pyridine and 2-, 3- and 4-picoline with [H4Ru4(CO)12] were carried out under several experimental conditions and produced mono- and disubstituted products as well as complexes where Ru-Ru cleavage occurred, and orthometalation of the heterocycle took place. The disubstituted compound [(μ-H)4Ru4(CO)10(py)2] shows that both pyridine rings are coordinated to the same ruthenium atom; the 4-picoline also forms a similar complex. The reaction of [Ru3(CO)12] with 4,4´-bipyridine was also carried out. The product formed shows a bridged structure with both pyridine rings coordinated to a ruthenium triangle in an ortho-metalated mode. Spectroscopic characterization of all new compounds is described and the X-ray crystal structures of [(μ-H)4Ru4(CO)11py], [(μ-H)4Ru4(CO)10(py)2], [(μ-H)2Ru3(CO)8((μ-η2-NC5H4)2] and [{Ru3(CO)10}2(μ-η2–4,4´-(NC5H3)2] are described.


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