Raúl García Ruiz

Raúl García Ruiz

 Laboratorio de redes de computadoras

Tel. 55-5747-3800, Ext. 6353

Temas de investigación

  • Redes de computadoras
  • Métodos para incrementar la seguridad en redes de computadoras en conexiones punto a punto

Artículos relevantes

  • R. I. Romero-Angeles, R. Garcia-Ruiz and D. Lara-Rodriguez, "An Algorithm for the Evaluation of the Throughput of a TCP NewReno Bulk Data Flow," in IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 941-944, June 2015, https://doi.org/10.1109/LCOMM.2015.2415791.
  • A. G. Orozco-Lugo, R. Garcia-Ruiz and M. M. Lara, "Multiple Tone Medium Access Control for Wireless Networks with Multiple Packet Reception and Central Control," Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference (CERMA 2007), Cuernavaca, Mexico, 2007, pp. 56-61, https://doi.org/10.1109/CERMA.2007.4367661.

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27/09/2024 12:59:49 p. m.