Revistas a-z

  1. A Current Bibliography on African Affairs
  2. AACE Journal
  3. AACN: Advanced Critical Care
  4. AACR Annual Meeting Education Book
  5. AACR Meeting Abstracts Online
  6. AADE in Practice
  7. AANA Journal
  8. AAPS Journal
  9. Aaps Pharmscitech
  10. AASRI Procedia
  11. ABA Journal
  12. Abacus
  13. Abdominal Imaging
  14. Abhandlungen Aus Dem Mathematischen Seminar Der Universit
  15. About Campus
  16. Abstract and Applied Analysis
  17. Abstracts in Anthropology
  18. Academic Emergency Medicine
  19. Academic Medicine
  20. Academic Pathology (OA)
  21. Academic Pediatrics
  22. Academic Questions
  23. ACC Current Journal Review
  24. Accident Analysis & Prevention
  25. Accident and Emergency Nursing
  26. Accounting & Finance
  27. Accounting Forum
  28. Accounting History
  29. Accounting Perspectives
  30. Accounting Research Journal
  31. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
  32. Accounting, Management and Information Technologies
  33. Accounting, Organizations and Society
  34. Accounts Of Chemical Research
  35. Accreditation And Quality Assurance
  36. Achievements in the Life Sciences
  37. ACM Communications In Computer Algebra
  38. ACM Computing Surveys
  39. ACM Inroads
  40. ACM Journal On Emerging Technologies In Computing Systems (Jetc)
  41. ACM Lisp Bulletin
  42. ACM SIGACCESS Accessibility and Computing
  43. ACM SIGACT News
  44. ACM SIGAda Ada Letters
  45. ACM SIGAPL APL Quote Quad
  46. ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review
  47. ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News
  48. ACM SIGART Bulletin
  49. ACM SIGBED Review
  50. ACM SIGBIO Newsletter
  51. ACM SIGBioinformatics Record
  52. ACM SIGCAPH Computers and the Physically Handicapped
  53. ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society
  54. ACM SIGCHI Bulletin
  55. ACM SIGCHI Bulletin - a supplement to interactions
  56. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review
  57. ACM SIGCPR Computer Personnel
  58. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin
  59. ACM SIGCSIM Installation Management Review
  60. ACM SIGCUE Outlook
  61. ACM SIGDA Newsletter
  62. ACM SIGDOC Asterisk Journal of Computer Documentation
  63. ACM SIGecom Exchanges
  64. ACM SIGEVOlution
  65. ACM SIGFORTH Newsletter
  66. ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics
  67. ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin
  68. ACM SIGICE Bulletin
  69. ACM SIGIR Forum
  70. ACM SIGITE Newsletter
  71. ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter
  72. ACM SIGLASH Newsletter
  73. ACM SIGMAP Bulletin
  74. ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review
  75. ACM SIGMICRO Newsletter
  76. ACM SIGMINI Newsletter
  77. ACM SIGMIS Database
  78. ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review
  79. ACM SIGMOD Record
  80. ACM SIGMultimedia Records
  81. ACM SIGNUM Newsletter
  82. ACM SIGOA Newsletter
  83. ACM SIGOIS Bulletin
  84. ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review
  85. ACM SIGPC Notes
  86. ACM SIGPLAN Fortran Forum
  87. ACM SIGPLAN Lisp Pointers
  88. ACM SIGPLAN Notices
  89. ACM SIGPLAN OOPS Messenger
  90. ACM SIGSAC Review
  91. ACM SIGSAM Bulletin
  92. ACM SIGSIM Simulation Digest
  93. ACM SIGSMALL / PC Notes
  94. ACM SIGSMALL Newsletter
  95. ACM SIGSOC Bulletin
  96. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
  97. ACM SIGUCCS Newsletter
  98. ACM SIGWEB Newsletter
  99. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS)
  100. ACM Transactions On Algorithms (Talg)
  101. ACM Transactions On Applied Perception (Tap)
  102. ACM Transactions On Architecture And Code Optimization (Taco)
  103. ACM Transactions On Asian Language Information Processing (Talip)
  104. ACM Transactions On Autonomous And Adaptive Systems (Taas)
  105. ACM Transactions On Computation Theory (Toct)
  106. ACM Transactions On Computational Logic (Tocl)
  107. ACM Transactions On Computer Human Interaction Tochi
  108. ACM Transactions On Computer Systems (Tocs)
  109. ACM Transactions On Computing Education (Toce)
  110. ACM Transactions On Database Systems (Tods)
  111. ACM Transactions On Design Automation Of Electronic Systems (Todaes)
  112. ACM Transactions On Embedded Computing Systems (Tecs)
  113. ACM Transactions On Graphics (Tog)
  114. ACM Transactions On Information And System Security (Tissec)
  115. ACM Transactions On Information Systems (Tois)
  116. ACM Transactions On Intelligent Systems And Technology
  117. ACM Transactions On Interactive Intelligent Systems
  118. ACM Transactions On Internet Technology
  119. ACM Transactions On Knowledge Discovery From Data (Tkdd)
  120. ACM Transactions On Management Information Systems
  121. ACM Transactions On Mathematical Software (Toms)
  122. ACM Transactions On Modeling And Computer Simulation (Tomacs)
  123. ACM Transactions On Multimedia Computing Communications And Applications (Tomccap)
  124. ACM Transactions On Programming Languages And Systems (Toplas)
  125. ACM Transactions On Reconfigurable Technology And Systems (Trets)
  126. ACM Transactions On Sensor Networks (Tosn)
  127. ACM Transactions On Software Engineering And Methodology (Tosem)
  128. ACM Transactions On Speech And Language Processing (Tslp)
  129. ACM Transactions On Storage (Tos)
  130. ACM Transactions On The Web (Tweb)
  131. Acoustical Physics
  132. Acoustics Today
  133. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
  134. ACS Catalysis
  135. ACS Chemical Biology
  136. ACS Chemical Neuroscience
  137. ACS Combinatorial Science
  138. ACS Macro Letters
  139. ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters
  140. ACS Nano
  141. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
  142. ACS Synthetic Biology
  143. ACSM´s Health & Fitness Journal
  144. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica
  145. Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica
  146. Acta Analytica
  147. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae
  148. Acta Archaeologica
  149. Acta Arithmetica
  150. Acta Astronautica
  151. Acta Automatica Sinica
  152. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica
  153. Acta Biomaterialia
  154. Acta Biotheoretica
  155. Acta Chiropterologica
  156. Acta Crystallographica Section A
  157. Acta Crystallographica Section B
  158. Acta Crystallographica Section C
  159. Acta Crystallographica Section D
  160. Acta Crystallographica Section E
  161. Acta Crystallographica Section E (2001 - actual)
  162. Acta Crystallographica Section F
  163. Acta Cytologica
  164. Acta Dermato-Venereologica
  165. Acta Diabetologica
  166. Acta Ecologica Sinica
  167. Acta Endoscopica
  168. Acta Ethologica
  169. Acta Genetica Sinica
  170. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition)
  171. Acta Geophysica
  172. Acta Geotechnica
  173. Acta Haematologica
  174. Acta Haematologica Polonica
  175. Acta Histochemica
  176. Acta Hydrochimica Et Hydrobiologica
  177. Acta Informatica
  178. Acta Materialia
  179. Acta Mathematica
  180. Acta Mathematica Hungarica
  181. Acta Mathematica Scientia
  182. Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series
  183. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series
  184. Acta Mechanica
  185. Acta Mechanica Sinica
  186. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica
  187. Acta Metallurgica
  188. Acta Metallurgica et Materialia
  189. Acta Meteorologica Sinica
  190. Acta Neurochirurgica
  191. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica
  192. Acta Neuropathologica
  193. Acta Neuropsychiatrica
  194. Acta Obstetricia Et Gynecologica Scandinavica
  195. Acta Oceanologica Sinica
  196. Acta Oecologica
  197. Acta Ophthalmologica
  198. Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica
  199. Acta Ornithologica
  200. Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition)
  201. Acta Paediatrica
  202. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
  203. Acta Parasitologica (2006 - 2014)
  204. Acta Parasitologica (2007 - 2018)
  205. Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica (APMIS)
  206. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B
  207. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica (2005 - 2017)
  208. Acta Physica Hungarica
  209. Acta Physica Hungarica. New Series. Heavy Ion Physics
  210. Acta Physica Sinica (Overseas Edition)
  211. Acta Physica. Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
  212. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum
  213. Acta Physiologica
  214. Acta Polymerica
  215. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica
  216. Acta Psychologica
  217. Acta Sociologica
  218. Acta Theriologica
  219. Acta Tropica
  220. Acta Zoologica
  221. Actas Dermo-Sifiliográficas (English Edition)
  222. Actas Urológicas Españolas (English Edition)
  223. Action Research
  224. Active and Passive Electronic Components
  225. Active Learning in Higher Education
  226. Actualités Pharmaceutiques
  227. Actualités Pharmaceutiques Hospitalières
  228. Acupuncture and Related Therapies
  229. Acute Medicine & Surgery
  230. Acute Pain
  231. Ad Hoc Networks
  232. Adansonia
  233. Adaptation
  234. Adaptive Behavior
  235. Addiction
  236. Addiction Biology
  237. Addictive Behaviors
  238. Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment
  239. Additive Manufacturing
  240. Additives for Polymers
  241. Adhd Attention Deficit And Hyperactivity Disorders
  242. Administration & Society
  243. Administration And Policy In Mental Health And Mental Health Services Research
  244. Administrative Science Quarterly
  245. Adoption & Fostering
  246. Adsorption
  247. Adult Education Quarterly
  248. Adult Learning
  249. Adultspan Journal
  250. Advanced Cement Based Materials
  251. Advanced Device Materials
  252. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews
  253. Advanced Electronic Materials
  254. Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal
  255. Advanced Energy Conversion
  256. Advanced Energy Materials
  257. Advanced Engineering Forum
  258. Advanced Engineering Informatics
  259. Advanced Engineering Materials
  260. Advanced Functional Materials
  261. Advanced Healthcare Materials
  262. Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer & Composites Science
  263. Advanced Materials
  264. Advanced Materials For Optics And Electronics
  265. Advanced Materials Interfaces
  266. Advanced Materials Research
  267. Advanced Mechanics of Composite Materials (Second Edition)
  268. Advanced Optical Materials
  269. Advanced Optical Technologies
  270. Advanced Performance Materials
  271. Advanced Powder Technology
  272. Advanced Robotics
  273. Advanced Science
  274. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis
  275. Advances in Accounting
  276. Advances in Acoustics and Vibration
  277. Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis
  278. Advances in Aerospace Engineering
  279. Advances in Agriculture
  280. Advances in Anatomic Pathology
  281. Advances in Anatomy
  282. Advances in Andrology
  283. Advances in Anesthesiology
  284. Advances in Applied Biodiversity Science
  285. Advances in Applied Ceramics (formerly British Ceramic Transactions)
  286. Advances In Applied Clifford Algebras
  287. Advances in Applied Mathematics
  288. Advances in Applied Microbiology
  289. Advances in Applied Probability (1969 - 2015)
  290. Advances in Applied Probability (1998 - Actual)
  291. Advances in Artificial Intelligence
  292. Advances in Artificial Neural Systems
  293. Advances in Astronomy
  294. Advances In Atmospheric Sciences
  295. Advances in Bioinformatics
  296. Advances in Biological Regulation
  297. Advances in Biology
  298. Advances in Biomaterials
  299. Advances in Biophysics
  300. Advances in Botany
  301. Advances in Calculus of Variations
  302. Advances in Cancer Research
  303. Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry
  304. Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry
  305. Advances in Chemistry
  306. Advances in Civil Engineering
  307. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science
  308. Advances in Complex Systems
  309. Advances In Computational Mathematics
  310. Advances in Computer Engineering
  311. Advances in Condensed Matter Physics
  312. Advances In Contraception
  313. Advances in Critical Care
  314. Advances In Data Analysis And Classification
  315. Advances in Data Science and Adaptive Analysis
  316. Advances in Decision Sciences
  317. Advances in Dental Research
  318. Advances in Developing Human Resources
  319. Advances in Differential Equations
  320. Advances in Dual Diagnosis
  321. Advances in Ecology
  322. Advances in Electrical Engineering
  323. Advances in Electronics
  324. Advances in Emergency Medicine
  325. Advances in Endocrinology
  326. Advances in Engineering Software
  327. Advances in Engineering Software (1978)
  328. Advances in Engineering Software and Workstations
  329. Advances in Environmental Chemistry
  330. Advances in Environmental Research
  331. Advances in Enzyme Regulation
  332. Advances in Epidemiology
  333. Advances in Evolutionary Biology
  334. Advances in Free Radical Biology & Medicine
  335. Advances in Fuzzy Systems
  336. Advances in Genetics
  337. Advances in Geology
  338. Advances in Geometry
  339. Advances in Geriatrics
  340. Advances In Gerontology
  341. Advances In Health Sciences Education
  342. Advances in Hematology
  343. Advances in Hepatology
  344. Advances in High Energy Physics
  345. Advances in Human-Computer Interaction
  346. Advances in Immunology
  347. Advances in Insect Physiology
  348. Advances in Integrative Medicine
  349. Advances in International Accounting
  350. Advances in Life Course Research
  351. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
  352. Advances in Mathematical Physics
  353. Advances in Mathematics
  354. Advances in Mechanical Engineering
  355. Advances in Medical Sciences
  356. Advances in Medicine
  357. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities
  358. Advances in Meteorology
  359. Advances in Molecular Biology
  360. Advances in Molecular Relaxation and Interaction Processes
  361. Advances in Molecular Relaxation Processes
  362. Advances in Multimedia
  363. Advances In Natural Sciences: Nanoscience And Nanotechnology
  364. Advances in Neonatal Care
  365. Advances in Nephrology
  366. Advances in Neuroimmunology
  367. Advances in Neuroscience
  368. Advances in Nonlinear Analysis
  369. Advances in Numerical Analysis
  370. Advances in Nursing
  371. Advances in Nursing Science
  372. Advances in Nutrition
  373. Advances in Oceanography
  374. Advances in Operations Research
  375. Advances in Optical Technologies
  376. Advances in Optics
  377. Advances in OptoElectronics
  378. Advances in Orthopedic Surgery
  379. Advances in Orthopedics
  380. Advances in Otolaryngology
  381. Advances in Pharmaceutics
  382. Advances in Pharmacological Sciences
  383. Advances in Pharmacology
  384. Advances in Physical Chemistry
  385. Advances in Physics
  386. Advances In Polymer Technology
  387. Advances in Power Electronics
  388. Advances in Preventive Medicine
  389. Advances in Protein Chemistry
  390. Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology
  391. Advances in Psychiatry
  392. Advances in Public Health
  393. Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics
  394. Advances in Radiology
  395. Advances in Regenerative Medicine
  396. Advances in Science and Technology
  397. Advances in Skin and Wound Care
  398. Advances in Software Engineering
  399. Advances in Space Research
  400. Advances in Statistics
  401. Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
  402. Advances In Therapy
  403. Advances in Toxicology
  404. Advances in Tribology
  405. Advances in Urology
  406. Advances in Vascular Medicine
  407. Advances in Virology
  408. Advances in Virus Research
  409. Advances in Water Resources
  410. Advances in Zoology
  411. Adverse Drug Reaction Bulletin
  412. Aegean Review Of The Law Of The Sea And Maritime Law
  413. Aeolian Research
  414. Aequationes Mathematicae
  415. AERA Open
  416. Aerobiologia
  417. AeroMedical Journal
  418. Aerosol Science and Technology
  419. Aerospace Science and Technology
  420. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
  421. Aesthetic Surgery Journal
  422. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications
  423. Affilia
  424. Africa Confidential
  425. Africa Research Bulletin: Economic, Financial And Technical Series
  426. Africa Research Bulletin: Political, Social And Cultural Series
  427. African Affairs
  428. African Archaeological Review
  429. African Development Review
  430. African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics
  431. African Entomology
  432. African Invertebrates
  433. African Journal Of Ecology
  434. African Journal of Emergency Medicine
  435. African Journal of Urology (2008 - 2011)
  436. African Journal of Urology (2012 - 2018)
  437. African Zoology
  438. Afrika Matematica
  439. Afrika Statistika
  440. Afterall: A Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry
  441. Age and Ageing
  442. Ageing International
  443. Ageing Research Reviews
  444. Aggression and Violent Behavior
  445. Aggressive Behavior
  446. Aging Cell
  447. Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy
  448. Agribusiness : An International Journal
  449. Agricultural Administration
  450. Agricultural Administration and Extension
  451. Agricultural And Forest Entomology
  452. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
  453. Agricultural Economics (2000 - 2019)
  454. Agricultural Economics (1986 - 1994)
  455. Agricultural Finance Review
  456. Agricultural Meteorology
  457. Agricultural Sciences in China
  458. Agricultural Systems
  459. Agricultural Wastes
  460. Agricultural Water Management
  461. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia
  462. Agriculture and Environment
  463. Agriculture And Human Values
  464. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
  465. Agro-Ecosystems
  466. Agroforestry Systems
  467. Agronomy For Sustainable Development
  468. Agronomy Journal
  469. Ai & Society
  470. Aiche Journal
  471. AIDS
  472. Aids And Behavior
  473. AIDS Research and Treatment
  474. Ain Shams Engineering Journal
  475. Air & Space Europe
  476. Air & Space Power Journal
  477. Air Medical Journal
  478. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health
  479. Aircraft Design
  480. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology
  481. Alcohol
  482. Alcohol and Alcoholism
  483. Alcoholism And Drug Abuse Weekly
  484. Alcoholism: Clinical And Experimental Research
  485. Alergologia Polska-Polish Journal of Allergology
  486. Alexandria Engineering Journal
  487. Alexandria Journal of Medicine
  488. Algal Research
  489. Algebra
  490. Algebra And Logic
  491. Algebra Colloquium
  492. Algebra Universalis
  493. Algebraic & Geometric Topology
  494. Algebras And Representation Theory
  495. Algorithmica
  496. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
  497. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics Symposium Series
  498. Allergology International
  499. Allergy
  500. Alpine Botany
  501. ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche sur le Handicap
  502. Alternatives
  503. Alternatives To The High Cost Of Litigation
  504. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders
  505. Alzheimer´s & Dementia
  506. Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment (2010 - actual)
  507. Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment (2000 - 2011)
  508. Ambix: The Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
  509. Ambulatory Pediatrics
  510. Ambulatory Surgery
  511. American Anthropologist
  512. American Art
  513. American Behavioral Scientist
  514. American Biology Teacher
  515. American Business Law Journal
  516. American Economist, The
  517. American Educational Research Journal
  518. American Entomologist
  519. American Ethnologist
  520. American Fern Journal
  521. American Heart Journal
  522. American Historical Review, The
  523. American Journal of Agricultural Economics
  524. American Journal of Alzheimer´s Disease & Other Dementias
  525. American Journal of Business
  526. American Journal of Cariology, The
  527. American Journal of Chinese Medicine, The
  528. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, The
  529. American Journal of Clinical Oncology
  530. American Journal of Clinical Pathology
  531. American Journal Of Community Psychology
  532. American Journal of Comparative Law, The
  533. American Journal Of Criminal Justice
  534. American Journal Of Dance Therapy
  535. American Journal of Dermatopathology
  536. American Journal Of Digestive Diseases
  537. American Journal of Distance Education
  538. American Journal Of Economics And Sociology
  539. American Journal of Education
  540. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, The
  541. American Journal of Epidemiology
  542. American Journal of Evaluation
  543. American Journal of Forensic Medicine & Pathology
  544. American Journal of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy, The
  545. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy
  546. American Journal Of Hematology
  547. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
  548. American Journal Of Human Biology
  549. American Journal Of Human Genetics
  550. American Journal of Hypertension
  551. American Journal Of Industrial Medicine
  552. American Journal of Infection Control
  553. American Journal of Jurisprudence, The
  554. American Journal of Law & Medicine
  555. American Journal of Legal History
  556. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine
  557. American Journal of Mathematics
  558. American Journal Of Medical Genetics Part A
  559. American Journal Of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics
  560. American Journal Of Medical Genetics Part C: Seminars In Medical Genetics
  561. American Journal of Medical Quality
  562. American Journal of Medicine Supplements, The
  563. American Journal of Medicine, The
  564. American Journal of Men´s Health
  565. American Journal of Nephrology
  566. American Journal of Nursing
  567. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
  568. American Journal of Ophthalmology
  569. American Journal of Orthodontics
  570. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
  571. American Journal of Orthodontics and Ora lSurgery
  572. American Journal Of Orthopsychiatry
  573. American Journal of Otolaryngology
  574. American Journal Of Pathology, The
  575. American Journal Of Physical Anthropology
  576. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
  577. American Journal of Physics
  578. American Journal Of Physiology
  579. American Journal Of Physiology - Cell Physiology
  580. American Journal Of Physiology - Endocrinology And Metabolism
  581. American Journal Of Physiology - Gastrointestinal And Liver Physiology
  582. American Journal Of Physiology - Heart And Circulatory Physiology
  583. American Journal Of Physiology - Lung Cellular And Molecular Physiology
  584. American Journal Of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative And Comparative Physiology
  585. American Journal Of Physiology - Renal Physiology
  586. American Journal Of Political Science
  587. American Journal Of Potato Research
  588. American Journal of Preventive Medicine
  589. American Journal Of Primatology
  590. American Journal of Public Health
  591. American Journal Of Reproductive Immunology
  592. American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, The
  593. American Journal of Sociology
  594. American Journal of Sports Medicine, The
  595. American Journal of Surgery, The
  596. American Journal of Surgical Pathology
  597. American Journal of the Medical Sciences
  598. American Journal of Theology, The
  599. American Journal of Therapeutics
  600. American Journal Of Transplantation
  601. American Journal Of Tropical Medicine And Hygiene
  602. American Journal On Addictions, The
  603. American Law and Economics Review
  604. American Literary History
  605. American Malacological Bulletin
  606. American Midland Naturalist
  607. American Mineralogist
  608. American Museum Novitates
  609. American Naturalist, The
  610. American Political Thought
  611. American Politics Research
  612. American Review of Public Administration, The
  613. American Sociological Review
  614. American Sociologist
  615. Amine Unit Corrosion in Rufineries (A vol. In European Federation of Corrosion (EFC) Series
  616. Amino Acids
  617. An Introduction to Aspects of Thermodynamics and Kinetics Relevant to Materials Science (Third Edition)
  618. Anaerobe
  619. Anaesthesia
  620. Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine
  621. Anales de Pediatría
  622. Analog Integrated Circuits And Signal Processing
  623. Analyses Of Social Issues & Public Policy
  624. Analysis
  625. Analysis : International mathematical journal of analysis and its applications
  626. Analysis and Applications
  627. Analysis and Intervention in Developmental Disabilities
  628. Analysis And Mathematical Physics
  629. Analysis in Theory and Applications (1989 - 2011)
  630. Analysis in Theory and Applications (2011- actual)
  631. Analysis Mathematica
  632. Analysis: International mathematical journal of analysis and its applications
  633. Analytic Methods in Accident Research
  634. Analytic Philosophy
  635. Analytica Chimica Acta
  636. Analytical And Bioanalytical Chemistry
  637. Analytical Biochemistry
  638. Analytical Cellular Pathology
  639. Analytical Chemistry
  640. Analytical Chemistry Research
  641. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia
  642. Anatomical Record : Advances In Integrative Anatomy And Evolutionary Biology, The
  643. Anatomical Record Part A :Discoveries In Molecular, Cellular, And Evolutionary Biology, The
  644. Anatomical Record Part B: The New Anatomist, The
  645. Anatomical Science International
  646. Anatomical Sciences Education
  647. Anatomy Research International
  648. Andrologia
  649. Andrology
  650. Anemia
  651. Anesthesia & Analgesia
  652. Anesthesiology
  653. Anesthesiology Research and Practice
  654. Angewandte Chemie
  655. Angewandte Chemie International Edition
  656. Angiogenesis
  657. Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular
  658. Angiology
  659. Animal Behaviour
  660. Animal Behaviour Monographs
  661. Animal Cognition
  662. Animal Conservation
  663. Animal Feed Science and Technology
  664. Animal Genetics
  665. Animal Reproduction Science
  666. Animal Science Journal
  667. Animation
  668. Annalen der Philosophie und philosophischen Kritik
  669. Annalen Der Physik
  670. Annales Botanici Fennici
  671. Annales d´Urologie
  672. Annales de Cardiologie et d´Angéiologie
  673. Annales de Chirurgie de la Main et du Membre Supérieur
  674. Annales de Chirurgie Plastique Esthétique
  675. Annales de Diddactique et de Sciencies Cognitives
  676. Annales de Génétique
  677. Annales de l´Institut Henri Poincare (C) Non Linear Analysis
  678. Annales de l´Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques
  679. Annales de l´Institut Pasteur /Immunologie
  680. Annales de l´Institut Pasteur/ Microbiologie
  681. Annales de l´Institut Pasteur/Actualités
  682. Annales de l´Institut Pasteur/Virologie
  683. Annales de Paléontologie
  684. Annales de Réadaptation et de Médecine Physique
  685. Annales des Ponts et Chaussées
  686. Annales des Sciences Naturelles - Zoologie et Biologie Animale
  687. Annales Françaises d´Anesthésie et de Réanimation
  688. Annales Françaises de Médecine d´ Urgence
  689. Annales Henri Poincaré
  690. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique
  691. Annales Nestlé (English ed.)
  692. Annales Polonici Mathematici
  693. Annales scientifiques de l´école normale supérieure
  694. Annales Zoologici
  695. Annales Zoologici Fennici
  696. Annali Dell´ Universita Di Ferrara
  697. Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze (1871 - 2013)
  698. Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze (2004 - actual)
  699. Annali Di Matematica Pura Ed Applicata
  700. Annals of Agricultural Sciences
  701. Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger
  702. Annals Of Anthropological Practice
  703. Annals Of Applied Biology
  704. Annals of Applied Probability, The
  705. Annals of Applied Statistics, The
  706. Annals of Behavioral Medicine
  707. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering
  708. Annals of Botany
  709. Annals of Carnegie Museum
  710. Annals Of Clinical And Translational Neurology
  711. Annals Of Combinatorics
  712. Annals of Diagnostic Pathology
  713. Annals Of Dyslexia
  714. Annals of Emergency Medicine
  715. Annals of Epidemiology
  716. Annals Of Finance
  717. Annals of Financial Economics
  718. Annals Of Forest Science
  719. Annals Of Global Analysis And Geometry
  720. Annals Of Hematology
  721. Annals Of Human Biology
  722. Annals Of Human Genetics
  723. Annals of Mathematical Logic
  724. Annals of Mathematical Statistics, The
  725. Annals Of Mathematics And Artificial Intelligence
  726. Annals of Medicine and Surgery
  727. Annals Of Microbiology
  728. Annals Of Neurology
  729. Annals Of Noninvasive Electrocardiology
  730. Annals of Nuclear Energy
  731. Annals Of Nuclear Medicine
  732. Annals of Nuclear Science and Engineering
  733. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism
  734. Annals of Oncology
  735. Annals Of Operations Research
  736. Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology
  737. Annals of Pharmacotherapy
  738. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
  739. Annals of Physics
  740. Annals of Plastic Surgery
  741. Annals of Probability, The
  742. Annals Of Public And Cooperative Economics
  743. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic
  744. Annals Of Regional Science
  745. Annals Of Science
  746. Annals Of Software Engineering
  747. Annals Of Solid And Structural Mechanics
  748. Annals of Statistics, The
  749. Annals of Surgery
  750. Annals Of Surgical Oncology
  751. Annals Of Telecommunications
  752. ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, The
  753. Annals of the Association of American Geographers
  754. Annals Of The College Of Surgeons Of Hong Kong
  755. Annals of the Entomological Society of America (1908 - Actual)
  756. Annals of the Entomological Society of America (2000 - Actual)
  757. Annals of the History of Computing
  758. Annals of the ICRP (1977 - 2013)
  759. Annals of the ICRP (1999 - 2018)
  760. Annals of the ICRP/ICRP Publication (1959 - 1975)
  761. Annals Of The Institute Of Statistical Mathematics
  762. Annals Of The Missouri Botanical Garden
  763. Annals Of The New York Academy Of Sciences
  764. Annals of Tourism Research
  765. Annals Of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology
  766. Annals of Work Exposures and Health
  767. Annual Bulletin Of Historical Literature
  768. Annual Reports Section A (Inorganic Chemistry)
  769. Annual Review in Automatic Programming
  770. Annual Review Of Analytical Chemistry
  771. Annual Review Of Anthropology
  772. Annual Review Of Astronomy And Astrophysics
  773. Annual Review Of Biochemistry
  774. Annual Review Of Biomedical Engineering
  775. Annual Review Of Biophysics
  776. Annual Review Of Cell And Developmental Biology
  777. Annual Review of Chemical And Biomolecular Engineering
  778. Annual Review Of Clinical Psychology
  779. Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics
  780. Annual Review Of Earth And Planetary Sciences
  781. Annual Review Of Ecology, Evolution, And Systematics
  782. Annual Review Of Entomology
  783. Annual Review Of Environment And Resources
  784. Annual Review of Fish Diseases
  785. Annual Review Of Fluid Mechanics
  786. Annual Review of Food Science And Technology
  787. Annual Review Of Genetics
  788. Annual Review of Genomics And Human Genetics
  789. Annual Review Of Immunology
  790. Annual Review Of Information Science & Technology
  791. Annual Review Of Law And Social Science
  792. Annual Review Of Marine Science
  793. Annual Review Of Materials Research
  794. Annual Review Of Medicine
  795. Annual Review Of Microbiology
  796. Annual Review Of Neuroscience
  797. Annual Review Of Nuclear And Particle Science
  798. Annual Review Of Nutrition
  799. Annual Review Of Pathology: Mechanisms Of Disease
  800. Annual Review Of Pharmacology And Toxicology
  801. Annual Review Of Physical Chemistry
  802. Annual Review Of Physiology
  803. Annual Review Of Phytopathology
  804. Annual Review Of Plant Biology
  805. Annual Review Of Political Science
  806. Annual Review Of Psychology
  807. Annual Review of Public Health
  808. Annual Review Of Sociology
  809. Annual Reviews in Control
  810. Anthropocene
  811. Anthropocene Review, The
  812. Anthropological Theory
  813. Anthropology & Education Quarterly
  814. Anthropology & Humanism
  815. Anthropology Of Consciousness
  816. Anthropology Of Work Review
  817. Anthropology Today
  818. Anthropozoologica
  819. Anti-Cancer Drugs
  820. Anticancer Research / International Journal Of Cancer Research & Treatment
  821. Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
  822. Antimicrobial Agents And Chemotherapy
  823. Antimicrobic Newsletter
  824. Antimicrobics and Infectious Diseases Newsletter
  825. Antipode
  826. Antitrust Bulletin, The
  827. Antiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy
  828. Antiviral Research
  829. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek
  830. Anuario de Psicología Jurídica
  831. Anxiety
  832. Anz Journal Of Surgery
  833. ANZIAM Journal
  834. AORN Journal
  835. APCBEE Procedia
  836. Apidologie
  837. Apmis
  838. Apollo Medicine
  839. Apoptosis
  840. Appetite
  841. Applicable Algebra In Engineering, Communication And Computing
  842. Applicable Analysis
  843. Applicationes Mathematicae
  844. Applications in Plant Sciences
  845. Applications Of Mathematics
  846. Applications of Surface Science
  847. Applied & Translational Genomics
  848. Applied Acoustics
  849. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
  850. Applied And Environmental Microbiology
  851. Applied and Environmental Soil Science
  852. Applied and Preventive Psychology
  853. Applied Animal Behaviour Science
  854. Applied Animal Ethology
  855. Applied Behavioral Science Review
  856. Applied Biochemistry And Biotechnology
  857. Applied Biochemistry And Microbiology
  858. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics
  859. Applied Catalysis
  860. Applied Catalysis A: General
  861. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
  862. Applied Categorical Structures
  863. Applied Clay Science
  864. Applied Cognitive Psychology
  865. Applied Composite Materials
  866. Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing
  867. Applied Computing and Informatics
  868. Applied Earth Science
  869. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy
  870. Applied Energy
  871. Applied Entomology And Zoology
  872. Applied Ergonomics
  873. Applied Geochemistry
  874. Applied Geography
  875. Applied Geomatics
  876. Applied Geophysics
  877. Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology
  878. Applied Intelligence
  879. Applied Linguistics
  880. Applied Magnetic Resonance
  881. Applied Mathematical Modelling
  882. Applied Mathematical Science
  883. Applied Mathematics - A Journal Of Chinese Universities
  884. Applied Mathematics and Computation
  885. Applied Mathematics And Mechanics
  886. Applied Mathematics And Optimization
  887. Applied Mathematics Letters
  888. Applied Mathematics Research Express
  889. Applied Mechanics and Materials
  890. Applied Microbiology And Biotechnology
  891. Applied Numerical Mathematics
  892. Applied Nursing Research
  893. Applied Ocean Research
  894. Applied Organometallic Chemistry
  895. Applied Physics A
  896. Applied Physics B
  897. Applied Physics Express
  898. Applied Physics Letters
  899. Applied Psychological Measurement
  900. Applied Psychology
  901. Applied Psychology: Health And Well-Being
  902. Applied Psychophysiology And Biofeedback
  903. Applied Radiation and Isotopes
  904. Applied Research in Mental Retardation
  905. Applied Research In Quality Of Life
  906. Applied Scientific Research, Section B
  907. Applied Soft Computing
  908. Applied Soil Ecology
  909. Applied Solar Energy
  910. Applied Spatial Analysis And Policy
  911. Applied Spectroscopy
  912. Applied Stochastic Models In Business And Industry
  913. Applied Superconductivity
  914. Applied Surface Science
  915. Applied Thermal Engineering
  916. Applied Vegetation Science
  917. APS Journal
  918. Aquacultural Engineering
  919. Aquaculture
  920. Aquaculture International
  921. Aquaculture Nutrition
  922. Aquaculture Research
  923. Aquatic Botany
  924. Aquatic Conservation: Marine And Freshwater Ecosystems
  925. Aquatic Ecology
  926. Aquatic Geochemistry
  927. Aquatic Procedia
  928. Aquatic Sciences
  929. Aquatic Toxicology
  930. Arab Economic and Business Journal
  931. Arab Journal of Gastroenterology
  932. Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences
  933. Arab Journal of Urology
  934. Arabian Archaeology And Epigraphy
  935. Arabian Journal For Science And Engineering
  936. Arabian Journal of Chemistry
  937. Arabian Journal Of Geosciences
  938. Arabidopsis Book
  939. Arbitration International
  940. Arbitration Law Reports and Review
  941. Archaea
  942. Archaeological And Anthropological Sciences
  943. Archaeological Prospection
  944. Archaeologies
  945. Archaeology In Oceania
  946. Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia
  947. Archaeometry
  948. Archeological Papers Of The American Anthropological Association
  949. Architectural Design
  950. Archiv Der Mathematik
  951. Archiv Der Pharmazie
  952. Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie
  953. Archiv für Protistenkunde
  954. Archival Science
  955. Archive For History Of Exact Sciences
  956. Archive For Mathematical Logic
  957. Archive For Rational Mechanics And Analysis
  958. Archive Of Applied Mechanics
  959. Archives de Pédiatrie
  960. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics
  961. Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases
  962. Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases Supplements
  963. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
  964. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology (1996 - actual)
  965. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology (1986 - 2008)
  966. Archives Of Computational Methods In Engineering
  967. Archives Of Dermatological Research
  968. Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health
  969. Archives Of Environmental Contamination And Toxicology
  970. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics
  971. Archives Of Gynecology And Obstetrics
  972. Archives Of Insect Biochemistry And Physiology
  973. Archives of Medical Research
  974. Archives Of Microbiology
  975. Archives of Oral Biology
  976. Archives Of Orthopaedic And Trauma Surgery
  977. Archives Of Osteoporosis
  978. Archives Of Pharmacal Research
  979. Archives Of Physiology And Biochemistry
  980. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing
  981. Archives Of Sexual Behavior
  982. Archives Of Toxicology
  983. Archives Of Virology
  984. Archives Of Women´s Mental Health
  985. Archivio Di Ortopedia E Reumatologia
  986. Archivos de Bronconeumología (English Edition)
  987. Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología (English Edition)
  988. Archivum Immunologiae Et Therapiae Experimentalis
  989. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research
  990. Ardea
  991. Area
  992. Argospine News & Journal
  993. Argumentation
  994. Arid Ecosystems
  995. Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume (1997 - 2015)
  996. Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume (1996 - 2021)
  997. Arkiv för Matematik
  998. Arkivoc Journal
  999. Armed Forces & Society
  1000. Art Book, The
  1001. Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America
  1002. Art History
  1003. Art Psychotherapy
  1004. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology
  1005. Artery Research
  1006. Arthritis
  1007. Arthritis & Rheumatism
  1008. Arthritis & Rheumatology
  1009. Arthritis Care And Research
  1010. Arthropod Structure & Development
  1011. Arthropod-Plant Interactions
  1012. Arthroscopy Techniques
  1013. Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery
  1014. Arthroskopie
  1015. Artificial Cells, Cell Engineering and Therapy - A volume in Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials
  1016. Artificial Intelligence
  1017. Artificial Intelligence And Law
  1018. Artificial Intelligence in Engineering
  1019. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
  1020. Artificial Intelligence Review
  1021. Artificial Life And Robotics
  1022. Artificial Organs
  1023. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education
  1024. Arts in Psychotherapy, The
  1025. ASA Refresher Courses in Anesthesiology
  1026. ASAIO Journal
  1027. Ashe Higher Education Report
  1028. Ashe-Eric Higher Education Report
  1029. Asia & The Pacific Policy Studies
  1030. Asia Europe Journal
  1031. Asia Pacific Education Review
  1032. Asia Pacific Heart Journal, The
  1033. Asia Pacific Journal Of Human Resources
  1034. Asia Pacific Journal Of Management
  1035. Asia Pacific Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery, The
  1036. Asia Pacific Media Educator
  1037. Asia Pacific Viewpoint
  1038. Asia-Australia Marketing Journal
  1039. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
  1040. Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals
  1041. Asian Case Research Journal
  1042. Asian Economic Journal
  1043. Asian Economic Policy Review
  1044. Asian Education and Development Studies
  1045. Asian Journal Of Andrology
  1046. Asian Journal of Comparative Politics
  1047. Asian Journal Of Control
  1048. Asian Journal Of Criminology
  1049. Asian Journal Of Endoscopic Surgery
  1050. Asian Journal of Legal Education
  1051. Asian Journal of Management Cases
  1052. Asian Journal of Mathematics
  1053. Asian Journal of Neuroscience
  1054. Asian Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
  1055. Asian Journal Of Organic Chemistry
  1056. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  1057. Asian Journal of Psychiatry
  1058. Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, The
  1059. Asian Journal Of Social Psychology
  1060. Asian Journal of Surgery
  1061. Asian Nursing Research
  1062. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction
  1063. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine
  1064. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease
  1065. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine
  1066. Asian Politics And Policy
  1067. Asian Review of Accounting
  1068. Asian Social Work And Policy Review
  1069. Asian/Pacific Island Nursing journal (OA)
  1070. Asian-European Journal of Mathematics
  1071. Asian-Pacific Economic Literature
  1072. Asia-Pacific Biotech News
  1073. Asia-Pacific Financial Markets
  1074. Asia-Pacific Journal Of Atmospheric Sciences
  1075. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration
  1076. Asia-Pacific Journal Of Chemical Engineering
  1077. Asia-Pacific Journal Of Clinical Oncology
  1078. Asia-Pacific Journal Of Financial Studies
  1079. Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation
  1080. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research
  1081. Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology
  1082. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health
  1083. Asia-Pacific Journal of Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation and Technology
  1084. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry
  1085. Aslib Proceedings
  1086. ASN Neuro
  1087. Assembly Automation
  1088. Assessing Writing
  1089. Assessment
  1090. Assessment for Effective Intervention
  1091. Assessment Update
  1092. Asta Advances In Statistical Analysis
  1093. Asta Wirtschafts- Und Sozialstatistisches Archiv
  1094. Asthma Magazine
  1095. Astronomische Nachrichten
  1096. Astronomy & Geophysics (2000 - 2012)
  1097. Astronomy & Geophysics (1997 - Actual)
  1098. Astronomy And Astrophysics Review
  1099. Astronomy and Computing
  1100. Astronomy Letters
  1101. Astronomy Quarterly
  1102. Astronomy Reports
  1103. Astroparticle Physics
  1104. Astrophysical Bulletin
  1105. Astrophysical Journal
  1106. Astrophysical Journal Letters
  1107. Astrophysics
  1108. Astrophysics And Space Science
  1109. at - Automatisierungstechnik
  1110. AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal
  1111. AT&T Technical Journal
  1112. Atención Primaria
  1113. Atherosclerosis
  1114. Atherosclerosis Supplements
  1115. Atlantic Economic Journal
  1116. Atmosphere Ocean
  1117. Atmospheric And Oceanic Optics
  1118. Atmospheric Environment
  1119. Atmospheric Environment (1967)
  1120. Atmospheric Environment. Part A. General Topics
  1121. Atmospheric Environment. Part B. Urban Atmosphere
  1122. Atmospheric Research
  1123. Atmospheric Science Letters
  1124. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables
  1125. Atomic Energy
  1126. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics
  1127. Audiology and Neurotology
  1128. Audiology and Neurotology Extra
  1129. Auk, The (Ornithology) (2000 - Actual)
  1130. Auk, The (Ornithology) (1884 - actual)
  1131. Aula Abierta
  1132. Auris Nasus Larynx
  1133. Austral Ecology
  1134. Austral Entomology
  1135. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal
  1136. AustralAsian Journal of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery, The
  1137. Australasian Journal Of Dermatology
  1138. Australasian Journal Of Ultrasound In Medicine
  1139. Australasian Journal On Ageing
  1140. Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ)
  1141. Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences In Medicine
  1142. Australasian Plant Pathology
  1143. Australasian Psychiatry
  1144. Australasian Psychiatry
  1145. Australian & New Zealand Journal Of Statistics
  1146. Australian Accounting Review
  1147. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology
  1148. Australian And New Zealand Journal Of Family Thera
  1149. Australian And New Zealand Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynaecology
  1150. Australian And New Zealand Journal Of Psychiatry
  1151. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry
  1152. Australian And New Zealand Journal Of Public Health
  1153. Australian College of Midwives Incorporated Journal
  1154. Australian Critical Care
  1155. Australian Dental Journal
  1156. Australian Economic History Review
  1157. Australian Economic Papers
  1158. Australian Economic Review, The
  1159. Australian Educational Researcher
  1160. Australian Emergency Nursing Journal
  1161. Australian Endodontic Journal
  1162. Australian Journal Of Agricultural & Resource Economics
  1163. Australian Journal Of Anthropology, The
  1164. Australian Journal of Career Development
  1165. Australian Journal of Chemistry
  1166. Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs, The
  1167. Australian Journal of Education
  1168. Australian Journal Of Entomology
  1169. Australian Journal Of Grape And Wine Research
  1170. Australian Journal of Management
  1171. Australian Journal of Midwifery, The
  1172. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy
  1173. Australian Journal Of Politics And History
  1174. Australian Journal Of Psychology
  1175. Australian Journal Of Public Administration
  1176. Australian Journal Of Rural Health
  1177. Australian Midwifery
  1178. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal
  1179. Australian Psychologist
  1180. Australian Veterinary Journal
  1181. Autism
  1182. Autism Research
  1183. Autism Research and Treatment
  1184. Autoimmune Diseases
  1185. Autoimmunity Highlights
  1186. Autoimmunity Reviews
  1187. Automated Software Engineering
  1188. Automatic Control And Computer Sciences
  1189. Automatic Documentation And Mathematical Linguistics
  1190. Automatica
  1191. Automation And Remote Control
  1192. Automation in Construction
  1193. Autonomic & Autacoid Pharmacology
  1194. Autonomic Neuroscience
  1195. Autonomous Agents And Multi-Agent Systems
  1196. Autonomous Robots
  1197. Avian Diseases
  1198. Avian Diseases Digest
  1199. Avs Quantum Science
  1200. AWWA Water Science
  1201. Awhonn Lifelines
  1202. Axiomathes
  1. Back Letter, The
  2. Baillière´s Clinical Anaesthesiology
  3. Baillière´s Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
  4. Baillière´s Clinical Gastroenterology
  5. Baillière´s Clinical Haematology
  6. Baillière´s Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  7. Baillière´s Clinical Rheumatology
  8. Baltic Security and Defence Review
  9. Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis
  10. Basal Ganglia
  11. Basic and Applied Ecology
  12. Basic And Applied Pathology
  13. Basic and Clinical Andrology
  14. Basic And Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology
  15. Basic Research In Cardiology
  16. Basin Research
  17. Bauphysik
  18. Baurechtliche Blätter
  19. Bauregelliste A, Bauregelliste B Und Liste C
  20. Bautechnik
  21. Bay Nature Magazine
  22. Bayesian Analysis
  23. BBA Clinical
  24. Behavior Genetics
  25. Behavior Modification
  26. Behavior Research Methods
  27. Behavior Therapy
  28. Behavioral and Brian Functions
  29. Behavioral Ecology
  30. Behavioral Ecology And Sociobiology
  31. Behavioral Interventions
  32. Behavioral Sciences & The Law
  33. Behaviour Research and Therapy
  34. Behavioural Brain Research
  35. Behavioural Neurology
  36. Behavioural Pharmacology
  37. Behavioural Processes
  38. Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry
  39. Beiträge zur Pathologie
  40. Bell Labs Technical Journal
  41. Bell Labs Technical Journal
  42. Bell System Technical Journal, The
  43. Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
  44. Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
  45. Berliner Journal F
  46. Bernoulli
  47. Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology
  48. Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
  49. Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology
  50. Best Practice & Research Clinical Haematology
  51. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology
  52. Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology
  53. Best Practice Onkologie
  54. Beton- Und Stahlbetonbau
  55. BHM Berg - und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte
  56. Bible Translator, The
  57. Biblical Theology Bulletin
  58. Biblical World, The
  59. Big Data & Society
  60. Big Data Mining and Analytics
  61. Big Data Research
  62. Bio Tribune Magazine
  63. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre
  64. Bioanalytical Reviews
  65. Biobehavioral Reviews
  66. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology
  67. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
  68. Biochemical and Molecular Medicine
  69. Biochemical Education
  70. Biochemical Engineering Journal
  71. Biochemical Genetics
  72. Biochemical Journal
  73. Biochemical Medicine
  74. Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology
  75. Biochemical Pharmacology
  76. Biochemical Society Transactions
  77. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology
  78. Biochemistry
  79. Biochemistry (Moscow)
  80. Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement Series A: Membrane And Cell Biology
  81. Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement Series B: Biomedical Chemistry
  82. Biochemistry And Cell Biology
  83. Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Education
  84. Biochemistry Research International
  85. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
  86. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics
  87. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes
  88. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biophysics including Photosynthesis
  89. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Enzymology
  90. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Enzymology and Biological Oxidation
  91. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms
  92. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Structure and Expression
  93. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects
  94. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Lipids and Lipid Metabolism
  95. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids
  96. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease
  97. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research
  98. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Mucoproteins and Mucopolysaccharides
  99. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis
  100. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure
  101. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology
  102. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics
  103. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on Bioenergetics
  104. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on Biomembranes
  105. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on Cancer
  106. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Specialized Section on Biophysical Subjects
  107. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Specialized Section on Enzymological Subjects
  108. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Specialized Section on Lipids and Related Subjects
  109. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Specialized Section on Mucoproteins and Mucopolysaccharides
  110. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Specialized Section on Nucleic Acids and Related Subjects
  111. Biochimie
  112. Biochip Journal
  113. Bioconjugate Chemistry
  114. Biocontrol
  115. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering
  116. Biodegradation
  117. Biodiversity And Conservation
  118. BioDrugs
  119. Bioelectrochemistry
  120. Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics
  121. Bioelectromagnetics
  122. Bioenergy Research
  123. Bioessays
  124. Bioethics
  125. Biofabrication
  126. Biofactors
  127. Biofouling
  128. Biofuels, Bioproducts And Biorefining
  129. Biogeochemistry
  130. Biogerontology
  131. Bioimaging
  132. Bioinformatics
  133. Bioinorganic Chemistry
  134. Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications
  135. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics
  136. Biointerphases
  137. Biologia (2006 - 2014)
  138. Biologia (2006 - actual)
  139. Biologia Plantarum
  140. Biological Bulletin
  141. Biological Chemistry
  142. Biological Conservation
  143. Biological Control
  144. Biological Cybernetics
  145. Biological Invasions
  146. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (1969 - 2016)
  147. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (1996 - Actual)
  148. Biological Psychiatry
  149. Biological Psychology
  150. Biological Research For Nursing
  151. Biological Reviews
  152. Biological Trace Element Research
  153. Biological Wastes
  154. Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures
  155. Biologicals
  156. Biologie In Unserer Zeit (Biuz)
  157. Biology & Philosophy
  158. Biology And Fertility Of Soils
  159. Biology Bulletin
  160. Biology Bulletin Reviews
  161. Biology Letters
  162. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation
  163. Biology of Reproduction (2000 - Actual)
  164. Biology of Reproduction (1969 - Actual)
  165. Biology Of The Cell
  166. Biology of the Cell (1988 - 1994)
  167. Biomacromolecules
  168. Biomarkers
  169. Biomarkers and Genomic Medicine
  170. Biomass
  171. Biomass and Bioenergy
  172. Biomass Conversion And Biorefinery
  173. Biomaterials
  174. Biomechanics And Modeling In Mechanobiology
  175. BioMed Research International
  176. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences
  177. Biomedical Chromatography
  178. Biomedical Engineering
  179. Biomedical Engineering : Applications, Basis and Communications
  180. Biomedical Engineering Letters
  181. Biomedical Instrumentation And Technology
  182. Biomedical Materials
  183. Biomedical Microdevices
  184. Biomedical Research
  185. Biomedical Safety & Standards
  186. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control
  187. Biomedicine & Aging Pathology
  188. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
  189. Biomedicine & Preventive Nutrition
  190. Biometals
  191. Biometric Technology Today
  192. Biometrical Journal
  193. Biometrics
  194. Biometrika
  195. Biomolecular Concepts
  196. Biomolecular Detection and Quantification
  197. Biomolecular Engineering
  198. Biomolecular Nmr Assignments
  199. Bionanoscience
  200. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry
  201. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters
  202. Bioorganic Chemistry
  203. Biopharmaceutics And Drug Disposition
  204. Biophysical Chemistry
  205. Biophysical Journal
  206. Biophysical Reviews
  207. Biophysics
  208. Biophysics Reviews and Letters
  209. Biopolymers
  210. Bioprocess And Biosystems Engineering
  211. Bioresource Technology
  212. Bios
  213. BioScience (2000 - 2013)
  214. BioScience (1996 - Actual)
  215. Bioscience Hypotheses
  216. Bioscience Reports
  217. Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry
  218. Bioscope: South Asian Screen Studies
  219. Biosemiotics
  220. Biosensors
  221. Biosensors and Bioelectronics
  223. Biospectroscopy
  224. Biospektrum
  225. Biostatistics
  226. Biosystems
  227. Biosystems Engineering
  228. Biotechnic & Histochemistry
  229. Biotechniques
  230. Biotechnology & Bioengineering
  231. Biotechnology Advances
  232. Biotechnology And Applied Biochemistry
  233. Biotechnology And Bioprocess Engineering
  234. Biotechnology Journal
  235. Biotechnology Letters
  236. Biotechnology Progress
  237. Biotechnology Progress (1990 - 1995)
  238. Biotechnology Reports
  239. Biotechnology Research International
  240. Biotechnology Techniques
  241. Biotherapy
  242. Biotropica
  243. Biotropica (2000 - 2004)
  244. Bipolar Disorders
  245. Birth
  246. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical And Molecular Teratology
  247. Birth Defects Research Part B: Developmental And Reproductive Toxicology
  248. Birth Defects Research Part C: Embryo Today: Reviews
  249. Bit Numerical Mathematics
  250. BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia
  251. Bjog : An International Journal Of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
  252. Bju International
  253. Blätter der DGVFM
  254. Blood
  255. Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases
  256. Blood Coagulation & Fibrinolysis
  257. Blood Pressure Monitoring
  258. Blood Purification
  259. Blood Reviews
  260. BMC Pharmacology & Toxicology
  261. BMS: Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique
  262. Board & Administrator For Administrators Only
  263. Board Leadership: Policy Governance In Action
  264. Body & Society
  265. Body Image
  266. Boletín IIE
  267. Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italina (1946-2005)
  268. Bone
  269. Bone and Mineral
  270. Bone Marrow Research
  271. Boreas
  272. Borsa Istanbul Review
  273. Botanica Marina
  274. Botanical Bulletin
  275. Botanical Gazette
  276. Botanical Journal Of The Linnean Society
  277. Botanical Review (1935 - actual)
  278. Botanical Review (2002 - 2007)
  279. Botany
  280. Bottom Line, The
  281. Boundary-Layer Meteorology
  282. Brain
  283. Brain And Behavior
  284. Brain and Cognition
  285. Brain and Development
  286. Brain and Language
  287. Brain Cell Biology
  288. Brain Imaging And Behavior
  289. Brain Pathology
  290. Brain Research
  291. Brain Research Bulletin
  292. Brain Research Protocols
  293. Brain Research Reviews
  294. Brain Stimulation
  295. Brain Structure And Function
  296. Brain Topography
  297. Brain Tumor Pathology
  298. Brain, Behavior and Evolution
  299. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity
  300. Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology (Edicion en Espanol)
  301. Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology (Edición en portugués)
  302. Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology (English Edition)
  303. Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases, The
  304. Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology
  305. Brazilian Journal Of Physics
  306. Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics
  307. Breast Cancer
  308. Breast Cancer Research And Treatment
  309. Breast Care
  310. Breast Journal, The
  311. Breast, The
  312. Breviora
  313. Briefings in Bioinformatics
  314. Briefings in Functional Genomics
  315. British Accounting Review, The
  316. British Educational Research Journal
  317. British Educational Research Journal
  318. British Food Journal
  319. British Homoeopathic Journal
  320. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
  321. British Journal of Aesthetics, The
  322. British Journal of Animal Behaviour, The
  323. British Journal Of Applied Physics
  324. British Journal Of Cancer
  325. British Journal Of Clinical Pharmacology
  326. British Journal Of Clinical Psychology
  327. British Journal of Criminology
  328. British Journal Of Dermatology
  329. British Journal Of Developmental Psychology
  330. British Journal of Diseases of the Chest
  331. British Journal Of Educational Psychology
  332. British Journal Of Educational Studies
  333. British Journal Of Educational Studies
  334. British Journal Of Educational Technology
  335. British Journal of Forensic Practice
  336. British Journal Of Haematology
  337. British Journal Of Health Psychology
  338. British Journal Of Industrial Relations
  339. British Journal Of Learning Disabilities
  340. British Journal Of Management
  341. British Journal Of Mathematical And Statistical Psychology
  342. British Journal Of Nutrition
  343. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, The
  344. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
  345. British Journal of Oral Surgery
  346. British Journal of Pain
  347. British Journal Of Pharmacology
  348. British Journal Of Pharmacology And Chemotherapy
  349. British Journal of Plastic Surgery
  350. British Journal Of Politics & International Relations
  351. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, The
  352. British Journal Of Psychology
  353. British Journal Of Psychotherapy
  354. British Journal Of Social Psychology
  355. British Journal of Social Work
  356. British Journal Of Sociology Of Education
  357. British Journal Of Sociology, The
  358. British Journal Of Special Education
  359. British Journal Of Surgery (1996 - 2020)
  360. British Journal Of Surgery (1996 - Actual)
  361. British Journal of Tuberculosis
  362. British Journal of Tuberculosis and Diseases of the Chest
  363. British Journal of Visual Impairment
  364. British Journalism Review
  365. British Medical Bulletin
  366. British Veterinary Journal
  367. British Yearbook of International Law
  368. Brittonia (1932 - actual)
  369. Brittonia (2002 - 2007)
  370. Brown University Child And Adolescent Behavior Letter, The
  371. Brown University Child And Adolescent Psychopharmacology Update, The
  372. Brown University Digest Of Addiction Theory And Application, The
  373. Brown University Geriatric Psychopharmacology Update, The
  374. Brown University Psychopharmacology Update, The
  375. BRQ Business Research Quarterly
  376. Bruce R Hopkins´ Nonprofit Counsel
  377. Bryologist
  378. Building and Environment
  379. Building Science
  380. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology
  381. Building Simulation
  382. Built Environment Project and Asset Management
  383. Bulletin de l´Institut Pasteur
  384. Bulletin de la Société de pathologie exotique
  385. Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France
  386. Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques
  387. Bulletin du Cancer/Radiothérapie
  388. Bulletin Geodesique (1946-1975)
  389. Bulletin of Carnegie Museum of Natural History
  390. Bulletin Of Earthquake Engineering
  391. Bulletin Of Economic Research
  392. Bulletin Of Engineering Geology And The Environment
  393. Bulletin Of Environmental Contamination And Toxicology
  394. Bulletin Of Experimental Biology And Medicine
  395. Bulletin of Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University
  396. Bulletin Of General Relativity And Gravitation
  397. Bulletin Of Latin American Research
  398. Bulletin of Marine Science
  399. Bulletin Of Materials Science
  400. Bulletin Of Mathematical Biology (1939 - actual)
  401. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (1973 - 1994)
  402. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
  403. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic
  404. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society (1891 - 1991)
  405. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society (1891 - actual)
  406. Bulletin Of The American Museum Of Natural History
  407. Bulletin Of The American Society For Information Science & Technology
  408. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society
  409. Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin
  410. Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington
  411. Bulletin Of The Brazilian Mathematical Society
  412. Bulletin of the British Mycological Society
  413. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan
  414. Bulletin Of The Crimean Astrophysical Observatory
  415. Bulletin Of The Institute Of Classical Studies (1996 - 2019)
  416. Bulletin Of The Institute Of Classical Studies (1996 - Actual)
  417. Bulletin Of The Korean Chemical Society
  418. Bulletin Of The Lebedev Physics Institute
  419. Bulletin or the London Mathematical Society
  420. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology
  421. Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History
  422. Bulletin Of The Russian Academy Of Sciences: Physics
  423. Bulletin Volcanologique
  424. Bulletin, Southern California Academy of Sciences
  425. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d´ Anthropologie de Paris
  426. Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz
  427. Burnout Research
  428. Burns
  429. Business & Information Systems Engineering
  430. Business & Society
  431. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly
  432. Business And Society Review
  433. Business Change And Re-Engineering
  434. Business Ethics: A European Review
  435. Business Horizons
  436. Business Information Review
  437. Business Perspectives & Research
  438. Business Strategy And The Environment
  439. Business Strategy Review
  1. Ca: A Cancer Journal For Clinicians
  2. Cactus and Succulent Journal
  3. Calcified Tissue International
  4. Calcolo
  5. Calculus Of Variations And Partial Differential Equations
  6. Calphad
  7. Cambridge Journal of Economics
  8. Cambridge Journal Of Education
  9. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society
  10. Cambridge Quarterly
  11. Campus Legal Advisor
  12. Campus Security Report
  13. Campus-Wide Information Systems
  14. Canadian Accounting Perpectives
  15. Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly
  16. Canadian Electrical Engineering Journal
  17. Canadian Entomologist
  18. Canadian Geographer/Le Geographe Canadien, The
  19. Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal
  20. Canadian Institute of Food Technology Journal
  21. Canadian Journal Of Administrative Sciences
  22. Canadian Journal Of Agricultural Economics
  23. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia / Journal Canadien d´ Anesthésie
  24. Canadian Journal of Cardiology
  25. Canadian Journal Of Chemical Engineering, The
  26. Canadian Journal of Chemistry
  27. Canadian Journal of Diabetes
  28. Canadian Journal Of Economics
  29. Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  30. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
  31. Canadian Journal of Mathematics
  32. Canadian Journal of Microbiology
  33. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy
  34. Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology / Journal Canadien d´Ophtalmologie
  35. Canadian Journal of Physics
  36. Canadian Journal Of Physiology And Pharmacology
  37. Canadian Journal of School Psychology
  38. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education
  39. Canadian Journal Of Statistics, The
  40. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin
  41. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly
  42. Canadian Pharmacists Journal
  43. Canadian Public Administration/Administration Publique Du Canada
  44. Canadian Review Of Sociology/Revue Canadienne De Sociologie
  45. Cancer
  46. Cancer And Metastasis Reviews
  47. Cancer Causes & Control
  48. Cancer Chemotherapy And Pharmacology
  49. Cancer Cytopathology
  50. Cancer Detection and Prevention
  51. Cancer Epidemiology
  52. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention
  53. Cancer Gene Therapy
  54. Cancer Genetics
  55. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics
  56. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy
  57. Cancer Journal, The
  58. Cancer Letters
  59. Cancer Medicine
  60. Cancer Microenvironment
  61. Cancer Nanotechnology
  62. Cancer Nursing
  63. Cancer Prevention Journals Portal
  64. Cancer Prevention Research
  65. Cancer Research
  66. Cancer Reviews Online (2007 - 2011)
  67. Cancer Science
  68. Cancer Treatment Communications
  69. Cancer Treatment Reviews
  70. Cancer/Radiothérapie
  71. Capital & Class
  72. Capital Markets Law Journal
  73. Carbohydrate Polymers
  74. Carbohydrate Research
  75. Carbon
  76. Carbonates And Evaporites
  77. Carcinogenesis
  78. Card Technology Today
  79. Cardiology
  80. Cardiology in Review
  81. Cardiology Research and Practice
  82. Cardiorenal Medicine
  83. Cardiovascular And Interventional Radiology
  84. Cardiovascular and Thoracic Open (OA)
  85. Cardiovascular Drug Reviews
  86. Cardiovascular Drugs And Therapy
  87. Cardiovascular Engineering (2001 - 2010)
  88. Cardiovascular Engineering And Technology
  89. Cardiovascular Intervention And Therapeutics
  90. Cardiovascular Pathology
  91. Cardiovascular Psychiatry and Neurology
  92. Cardiovascular Radiation Medicine
  93. Cardiovascular Research
  94. Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine
  95. Cardiovascular Therapeutics
  96. Cardiovascular Toxicology
  97. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals
  98. Career Development International
  99. Career Development Quarterly, The
  100. Caries Research
  101. Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy
  102. Cartilage
  103. Cartographic Journal (The)
  104. Case Manager, The
  105. Case Reports in Anesthesiology
  106. Case Reports in Cardiology
  107. Case Reports in Critical Care
  108. Case Reports in Dentistry
  109. Case Reports in Dermatological Medicine
  110. Case Reports in Dermatology
  111. Case Reports in Emergency Medicine
  112. Case Reports in Endocrinology
  113. Case Reports in Gastroenterology
  114. Case Reports in Gastrointestinal Medicine
  115. Case Reports in Genetics
  116. Case Reports in Hematology
  117. Case Reports in Hepatology
  118. Case Reports in Immunology
  119. Case Reports in Infectious Diseases
  120. Case Reports in Medicine
  121. Case Reports in Nephrology
  122. Case Reports in Nephrology and Urology
  123. Case Reports in Neurological Medicine
  124. Case Reports in Neurology
  125. Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology
  126. Case Reports in Oncological Medicine
  127. Case Reports in Oncology
  128. Case Reports in Ophthalmological Medicine
  129. Case Reports in Ophthalmology
  130. Case Reports in Orthopedics
  131. Case Reports in Otolaryngology
  132. Case Reports in Pathology
  133. Case Reports in Pediatrics
  134. Case Reports in Psychiatry
  135. Case Reports in Pulmonology
  136. Case Reports in Radiology
  137. Case Reports in Rheumatology
  138. Case Reports in Surgery
  139. Case Reports in Transplantation
  140. Case Reports in Urology
  141. Case Reports in Vascular Medicine
  142. Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine
  143. Case Reports in Women´s Health
  144. Case Studies in Construction Materials
  145. Case Studies in Engineering Failure Analysis
  146. Case Studies in Fire Safety
  147. Case Studies in Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation
  148. Case Studies in Structural Engineering
  149. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
  150. Case Studies on Transport Policy
  151. Castanea
  152. Catalysis Communications
  153. Catalysis In Industry
  154. Catalysis Letters
  155. Catalysis Reviews
  156. Catalysis Surveys From Asia
  157. Catalysis Today
  158. Catalysis, Structure & Reactivity
  159. CATENA
  160. Catheterization And Cardiovascular Diagnosis
  161. Catheterization And Cardiovascular Interventions
  162. Ceas Aeronautical Journal
  163. Ceas Space Journal
  164. Celestial Mechanics And Dynamical Astronomy
  165. Cell
  166. Cell And Tissue Banking
  167. Cell And Tissue Biology
  168. Cell And Tissue Research
  169. Cell Biochemistry And Biophysics
  170. Cell Biochemistry And Function
  171. Cell Biology And Toxicology
  172. Cell Biology International
  173. Cell Biology International (1993 - 2009)
  174. Cell Biology International Reports
  175. Cell Biology International Reports
  176. Cell Calcium
  177. Cell Death & Differentiation
  178. Cell Differentiation
  179. Cell Differentiation and Development
  180. Cell Motility And The Cytoskeleton
  181. Cell Proliferation
  182. Cell Reports
  183. Cell Research
  184. Cell Stress & Chaperones
  185. Cell Stress And Chaperones
  186. Cell Structure and Function
  187. Cell Transplantation
  188. Cells Tissues Organs
  189. Cellular & Molecular Immunology
  190. Cellular And Molecular Bioengineering
  191. Cellular And Molecular Biology
  192. Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters (2006 - 2014)
  193. Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters (2006 - actual)
  194. Cellular And Molecular Life Sciences
  195. Cellular And Molecular Neurobiology
  196. Cellular Immunology
  197. Cellular Microbiology
  198. Cellular Oncology
  199. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry
  200. Cellular Signalling
  201. Cellulose
  202. Cement and Concrete Composites
  203. Cement and Concrete Research
  204. Centaurus
  205. Central European Journal Of Biology
  206. Central European Journal Of Chemistry
  207. Central European Journal Of Computer Science
  208. Central European Journal Of Engineering
  209. Central European Journal Of Geosciences
  210. Central European Journal Of Mathematics
  211. Central European Journal Of Medicine
  212. Central European Journal Of Operations Research
  213. Central European Journal Of Physics
  214. Cephalagia
  215. Cephalalgia
  216. Ceramics International
  217. Ceramurgia International
  218. Cereal Chemistry
  219. Cerebellum
  220. Cerebral Cortex
  221. Cerebrovascular Diseases
  222. Cerebrovascular Diseases Extra
  223. CES Transactions on Electrical Machines and Systems
  224. CESifo Economic Studies
  225. Chance
  226. Chaos
  227. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
  228. Chelonian Conservation and Biology
  229. Chembiochem
  230. Chembioeng Reviews
  231. Chemcatchem
  232. Chemelectrochem
  233. Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
  234. Chemical Biology & Drug Design
  235. Chemical Communications
  236. Chemical Engineering & Technology (Cet)
  237. Chemical Engineering (Acceso a texto completo requiere ID y Password, por favor solicitelo a su bibliotecario)
  238. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification
  239. Chemical Engineering Journal
  240. Chemical Engineering Journal and the Biochemical Engineering Journal, The
  241. Chemical Engineering Journal, The
  242. Chemical Engineering Progress
  243. Chemical Engineering Research and Design
  244. Chemical Engineering Science
  245. Chemical Geology
  246. Chemical Geology: Isotope Geoscience section
  247. Chemical Health and Safety
  248. Chemical Innovation
  249. Chemical Papers (2006 - 2014)
  250. Chemical Papers (2006 - actual)
  251. Chemical Physics
  252. Chemical Physics Letters
  253. Chemical Product and Process Modeling
  254. Chemical Record, The
  255. Chemical Research In Toxicology
  256. Chemical Reviews
  257. Chemical Senses
  258. Chemical Society Reviews
  259. Chemical Vapor Deposition
  260. Chemico-Biological Interactions
  261. Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry
  262. Chemie In Unserer Zeit (Chiuz)
  263. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik (Cit)
  264. Cheminform
  265. Chemistry - A European Journal
  266. Chemistry - An Asian Journal
  267. Chemistry & Biodiversity
  268. Chemistry & Biology
  269. Chemistry & Industry
  270. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids
  271. Chemistry And Technology Of Fuels And Oils
  272. Chemistry International (1997 - 2013)
  273. Chemistry International (1997 - actual)
  274. Chemistry Letters
  275. Chemistry Of Heterocyclic Compounds
  276. Chemistry Of Materials
  277. Chemistry Of Natural Compounds
  278. Chemistry World
  279. Chemistryopen
  280. Chemists´ Section Of The Cotton Oil Press
  281. Chemkon - Chemie Konkret, Forum Fuer Unterricht Und Didaktik
  282. Chemmedchem
  283. Chemnanomat Chemistry Of Nanomaterials For Energy, Biology
  284. Chemoecology
  285. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems
  286. Chemosensory Perception
  287. Chemosphere
  288. Chemosphere - Global Change Science
  289. Chemotherapy
  290. Chemotherapy Research and Practice
  291. Chemphyschem
  292. Chempluschem
  293. Chemsuschem Chemistry And Sustainability, Energy & Materials
  294. Chesapeake Science
  295. Child & Family Social Work
  296. Child & Youth Care Forum
  297. Child Abuse & Neglect
  298. Child Abuse Review
  299. Child And Adolescent Mental Health
  300. Child And Adolescent Social Work Journal
  301. Child Development
  302. Child Development Perspectives
  303. Child Development Research
  304. Child Indicators Research
  305. Child Language Teaching and Therapy
  306. Child Maltreatment
  307. Child Neurology Open
  308. Child Psychiatry & Human Development
  309. Child Psychology And Psychiatry Review
  310. Child: Care, Health And Development
  311. Child´s Nervous System
  312. Childhood
  313. Children & Schools
  314. Children & Society
  315. Children and Youth Services Review
  316. Children´s Literature In Education
  317. Chimia : International Journal of Chemistry
  318. China Agricultural Economic Review
  319. China And World Economy
  320. China Communications
  321. China Economic Policy Review
  322. China Economic Review
  323. China Finance Review International
  324. China Information
  325. China Journal of Accounting Research
  326. China Journal, The
  327. China Ocean Engineering
  328. China Particuology
  329. China Population, Resources and Environment
  330. China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies
  331. China Report
  332. China-Eu Law Journal
  333. Chinese Annals Of Mathematics - Series B
  334. Chinese Astronomy
  335. Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics
  336. Chinese Chemical Letters
  337. Chinese Geographical Science
  338. Chinese Herbal Medicines
  339. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics
  340. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry
  341. Chinese Journal Of Astronomy And Astrophysics
  342. Chinese Journal of Biology
  343. Chinese Journal Of Cancer Research
  344. Chinese Journal of Catalysis
  345. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering
  346. Chinese Journal Of Chemical Physics
  347. Chinese Journal Of Chemistry
  348. Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, The
  349. Chinese Journal Of Digestive Diseases
  350. Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering
  351. Chinese Journal of Electronics
  352. Chinese Journal of Engineering
  353. Chinese Journal Of Geochemistry
  354. Chinese Journal Of Geophysics
  355. Chinese Journal Of Integrative Medicine
  356. Chinese Journal of International Law
  357. Chinese Journal of International Politics
  358. Chinese Journal of Mathematics
  359. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines
  360. Chinese Journal Of Oceanology And Limnology
  361. Chinese Journal Of Polymer Science
  362. Chinese Journal of Sociology
  363. Chinese Journal of Traumatology (English Edition)
  364. Chinese Journal of Urban and Environmental Studies
  365. Chinese Medical Sciences Journal
  366. Chinese Physics B
  367. Chinese Physics C
  368. Chinese Physics Letters
  369. Chinese-German Journal Of Clinical Oncology
  370. Chirality
  371. Chirurgie de la Main
  372. Cholesterol
  373. Christian bioethics: Non-Ecumenical Studies in Medical Morality
  374. Christianity & Literature
  375. Chromatographia
  376. Chromatographic Reviews
  377. Chromatography Research International
  378. Chromosoma
  379. Chromosome Research
  380. Chronic Illness
  381. Chronic Respiratory Disease
  382. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing
  383. Circuit World
  384. Circuits, Systems And Signal Processing
  385. Circulation (1950 - actual)
  386. Circulation (1950 - actual)
  387. Circulation Reserach
  388. Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology
  389. Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics
  390. Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging
  391. Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions
  392. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
  393. Circulation: Heart Failure
  394. CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal
  395. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology
  396. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology
  397. Cirugía Española (English Edition)
  398. Cities
  399. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education
  400. City & Community
  401. City & Society
  402. City, Culture and Society
  403. Cladistics
  404. Classical And Quantum Gravity
  405. Classical Philology
  406. Classical Receptions Journal
  407. Clays and Clay Minerals (2000 - 2015)
  408. Clays and Clay Minerals (2002 - 2013)
  409. Clean - Soil, Air, Water
  410. Clean Technologies And Environmental Policy
  411. Climate Change Economics
  412. Climate Dynamics
  413. Climate Risk Management
  414. Climatic Change
  415. Clin-Alert
  416. Clinica Chimica Acta
  417. Clínica y Salud
  418. Clinical & Experimental Allergy
  419. Clinical & Experimental Allergy Reviews
  420. Clinical & Experimental Dermatology
  421. Clinical & Experimental Immunology
  422. Clinical & Experimental Metastasis
  423. Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology
  424. Clinical & Laboratory Haematology
  425. Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
  426. Clinical Anatomy
  427. Clinical and Applied Immunology Reviews
  428. Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis
  429. Clinical and Diagnostic Virology
  430. Clinical And Experimental Hypertension
  431. Clinical and Experimental Immunology
  432. Clinical And Experimental Medicine
  433. Clinical And Experimental Nephrology
  434. Clinical And Experimental Neuroimmunology
  435. Clinical And Experimental Optometry
  436. Clinical And Experimental Pharmacology And Physiology
  437. Clinical And Translational Oncology
  438. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology (1994 - 2012)
  439. Clinical Autonomic Research
  440. Clinical Biochemistry
  441. Clinical Biomechanics
  442. Clinical Breast Cancer
  443. Clinical Cancer Research
  444. Clinical Cardiology
  445. Clinical Case Reports
  446. Clinical Case Studies
  447. Clinical Chemistry
  448. Clinical Child And Family Psychology Review
  449. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry
  450. Clinical Colorectal Cancer
  451. Clinical Cornerstone
  452. Clinical Drug Investigation
  453. Clinical Dysmorphology
  454. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience
  455. Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing
  456. Clinical Endocrinology
  457. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health
  458. Clinical Epigenetics
  459. Clinical Eye and Vision Care
  460. Clinical Genetics
  461. Clinical Genitourinary Cancer
  462. Clinical Imaging
  463. Clinical Immunology
  464. Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology
  465. Clinical Immunology Newsletter
  466. Clinical Implant Dentistry And Related Research
  467. Clinical Infectious Diseases
  468. Clinical Journal Of Gastroenterology
  469. Clinical Journal of Pain
  470. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine
  471. Clinical Leukemia
  472. Clinical Liver Disease
  473. Clinical Lung Cancer
  474. Clinical Lymphoma
  475. Clinical Lymphoma and Myeloma
  476. Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma and Leukemia
  477. Clinical Materials
  478. Clinical Microbiology And Infection
  479. Clinical Microbiology Newsletter
  480. Clinical Microbiology Reviews
  481. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery
  482. Clinical Neuropharmacology
  483. Clinical Neurophysiology
  484. Clinical Neuroradiology
  485. Clinical Neuroscience Research
  486. Clinical Nuclear Medicine
  487. Clinical Nurse Specialist
  488. Clinical Nursing Research
  489. Clinical Nutrition
  490. Clinical Nutrition Insight
  491. Clinical Nutrition Supplements
  492. Clinical Obesity
  493. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology
  494. Clinical Oncology
  495. Clinical Oncology And Cancer Research
  496. Clinical Oral Implants Research
  497. Clinical Oral Investigations
  498. Clinical Orthodontics And Research
  499. Clinical Orthopaedics And Related Research
  500. Clinical Otolaryngology
  501. Clinical Otolaryngology & Allied Sciences
  502. Clinical Ovarian and Other Gynecologic Cancer
  503. Clinical Ovarian Cancer
  504. Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine
  505. Clinical Pediatrics
  506. Clinical Pharmacokinetics
  507. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics
  508. Clinical Pharmacology In Drug Development
  509. Clinical Physics And Physiological Measurement
  510. Clinical Physiology And Functional Imaging
  511. Clinical Plasma Medicine
  512. Clinical Prostate Cancer
  513. Clinical Proteomics
  514. Clinical Psychological Science
  515. Clinical Psychologist
  516. Clinical Psychology And Psychotherapy (An International Journal Of Theory & Practice)
  517. Clinical Psychology Review
  518. Clinical Psychology: Science And Practice
  519. Clinical Pulmonary Medicine
  520. Clinical Queries: Nephrology
  521. Clinical Radiology
  522. Clinical Rehabilitation
  523. Clinical Research In Cardiology
  524. Clinical Research in Cardiology Supplements
  525. Clinical Respiratory Journal, The
  526. Clinical Reviews In Allergy & Immunology
  527. Clinical Reviews In Bone And Mineral Metabolism
  528. Clinical Rheumatology
  529. Clinical Science
  530. Clinical Simulation in Nursing
  531. Clinical Social Work Journal
  532. Clinical Teacher, The
  533. Clinical Techniques in Equine Practice
  534. Clinical Techniques in Small Animal Practice
  535. Clinical Therapeutics
  536. Clinical Toxicology
  537. Clinical Transplantation
  538. Clinical Trials
  539. Clinical Update
  540. Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology
  541. Clinics in Dermatology
  542. Clinics in Endocrinology and Metabolism
  543. Cliometrica
  544. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal
  545. Cluster Computing
  546. Cns Drug Reviews
  547. Cns: Neuroscience And Therapeutics
  548. CNSA Journal
  549. Coastal Engineering
  550. Coastal Engineering Journal
  551. Coastal Management
  552. Cognition
  553. Cognition And Instruction
  554. Cognition, Technology & Work
  555. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology
  556. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice
  557. Cognitive Brain Research
  558. Cognitive Computation
  559. Cognitive Development
  560. Cognitive Neurodynamics
  561. Cognitive Processing
  562. Cognitive Psychology
  563. Cognitive Science
  564. Cognitive Science - A Multidisciplinary Journal
  565. Cognitive Systems Research
  566. Cognitive Therapy And Research
  567. Cognitive, Affective, & Behaviorial Neuroscience
  568. Coke And Chemistry
  569. Cold Regions Science and Technology
  570. Cold Spray Materials Deposition Process, The 
  571. Cold Spray Technology
  572. Coleopterists Bulletin
  573. Collagen and Related Research
  574. Collectanea Mathematica
  575. Collection Building
  576. College Athletics And The Law
  577. Collegian
  578. Colloid And Polymer Science
  579. Colloid Journal
  580. Colloids and Interface Science Communications
  581. Colloids and Surfaces
  582. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects
  583. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces
  584. Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology
  585. Côlon & Rectum
  586. Coloproctology
  587. Color Research & Application
  588. Coloration Technology
  589. Colorectal Disease
  590. Columbia Journal of World Business, The
  591. Combinatorial Chemistry - an Online Journal
  592. Combinatorica
  593. Combustion and Flame
  594. Combustion, Explosion And Shock Waves
  595. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici (1929 - 2004)
  596. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici (1997 - actual)
  597. Common Law World Review
  598. Communication & the Public
  599. Communication and Sport
  600. Communication Disorders Quarterly
  601. Communication Research
  602. Communication Theory (1997 - 2017)
  603. Communication Theory (1996 - Actual)
  604. Communication, Culture & Critique (2008 - 2017)
  605. Communication, Culture & Critique (2008 - Actual)
  606. Communications Engineer
  607. Communications in Algebra
  608. Communications in Analysis and Geometry
  609. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics
  610. Communications in Information & Systems
  611. Communications in Mathematical Analysis
  612. Communications in Mathematical Physics (1965 - 1997)
  613. Communications In Mathematical Physics (1965 - 2013)
  614. Communications in Mathematical Sciences
  615. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
  616. Communications in Partial Differential Equations
  617. Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation
  618. Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods
  619. Communications In Theoretical Physics
  620. Communications Of The ACM
  621. Communications On Pure & Applied Mathematics
  622. Communications on Stochastic Analysis
  623. Communications Society
  624. Communications, Radar and Signal Processing, IEE Proceedings F
  625. Communist and Post-Communist Studies
  626. Community College Review
  627. Community Dentistry And Oral Epidemiology
  628. Community Development Journal
  629. Community Mental Health Journal
  630. Comparative and General Pharmacology
  631. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology
  632. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology
  633. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology
  634. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  635. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Comparative Biochemistry
  636. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Comparative Pharmacology
  637. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Pharmacology, Toxicology and Endocrinology
  638. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology
  639. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics
  640. Comparative Clinical Pathology
  641. Comparative Education
  642. Comparative Education Review
  643. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
  644. Comparative Parasitology
  645. Comparative Political Studies
  646. Compare - a Journal of Comparative and international Education
  647. COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering
  648. Compensation & Benefits Review
  649. Competition & Change
  650. Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal
  651. Compilation of Presidential Documents
  652. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice
  653. Complementary Therapies in Medicine
  654. Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery
  655. Complex Analysis And Operator Theory
  656. Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations
  657. Complexity
  658. Composite Repair
  659. Composite Structures
  660. Composites
  661. Composites Business Analyst
  662. Composites Engineering
  663. Composites Manufacturing
  664. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing
  665. Composites Part B: Engineering
  666. Composites Science and Technology
  667. Compositio Mathematica
  668. Compounding Precipitated Silica in Elastomers 
  669. Comprehensive Psychiatry
  670. Comprehensive Reviews In Food Science And Food Safety
  671. Comptes Rendus Biologies
  672. Comptes Rendus Chimie
  673. Comptes Rendus de l´Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics
  674. Comptes Rendus de l´Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science
  675. Comptes Rendus de l´Académie des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics
  676. Comptes Rendus de l´Académie des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics- Physics-Astronomy
  677. Comptes Rendus de l´Académie des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics- Physics-Chemistry-Astronomy
  678. Comptes Rendus de l´Académie des Sciences - Series IIC - Chemistry
  679. Comptes Rendus de l´Académie des Sciences - Series III - Sciences de la Vie
  680. Comptes Rendus de l´Académie des Sciences - Series IV - Physics- Astrophysics
  681. Comptes Rendus Geoscience
  682. Comptes Rendus Mathematique
  683. Comptes Rendus Mecanique
  684. Comptes Rendus Palevol
  685. Comptes Rendus Physique
  686. Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory
  687. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine
  688. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
  689. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry
  690. Computational and Theoretical Polymer Science
  691. Computational Biology and Chemistry
  692. Computational Biology Journal
  693. Computational Complexity
  694. Computational Economics
  695. Computational Geometry
  696. Computational Geosciences
  697. Computational Intelligence
  698. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
  699. Computational Linguistics
  700. Computational Management Science
  701. Computational Materials Science
  702. Computational Mathematics And Mathematical Physics
  703. Computational Mathematics And Modeling
  704. Computational Mechanics
  705. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics
  706. Computational Optimization And Applications
  707. Computational Science & Discovery
  708. Computational Statistics
  709. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
  710. Computer
  711. Computer Aided Geometric Design
  712. Computer Animation And Virtual Worlds (Prev: Jnl Of Visualisation & Computer Animation)
  713. Computer Applications In Engineering Education
  714. Computer Communications
  715. Computer Compacts
  716. Computer Fraud & Security
  717. Computer Fraud & Security Bulletin
  718. Computer Graphics and Image Processing
  719. Computer Graphics Forum
  720. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
  721. Computer Journal
  722. Computer Languages
  723. Computer Languages, Systems & Structures
  724. Computer Law & Security Review
  725. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
  726. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
  727. Computer Networks
  728. Computer Networks (1976)
  729. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems
  730. Computer Physics Communications
  731. Computer Physics Reports
  732. Computer Programs in Biomedicine
  733. Computer Science - Research And Development
  734. Computer Science Review
  735. Computer Speech & Language
  736. Computer Standards & Interfaces
  737. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (Cscw)
  738. Computer Vision and Image Understanding
  739. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing
  740. Computer-Aided Civil And Infrastructure Engineering
  741. Computer-Aided Design
  742. Computer-Aided Engineering Journal
  743. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics
  744. Computerized Radiology
  745. Computerized Tomography
  746. Computers & Chemical Engineering
  747. Computers & Chemistry
  748. Computers & Education
  749. Computers & Electrical Engineering
  750. Computers & Fluids
  751. Computers & Geosciences
  752. Computers & Graphics
  753. Computers & Industrial Engineering
  754. Computers & Mathematics with Applications
  755. Computers & Operations Research
  756. Computers & Security
  757. Computers & Structures
  758. Computers & Urban Society
  759. Computers and Biomedical Research
  760. Computers and Composition
  761. Computers and Digital Techniques, IEE Journal on
  762. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
  763. Computers and Geotechnics
  764. Computers and Standards
  765. Computers in Biology and Medicine
  766. Computers In Entertainment (Cie)
  767. Computers in Human Behavior
  768. Computers in Industry
  769. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
  770. Computing
  771. Computing & Control Engineering Journal
  772. Computing And Visualization In Science
  773. Computing in Science & Engineering
  774. Computing Systems in Engineering
  775. Concepts In Magnetic Resonance
  776. Concepts In Magnetic Resonance Part A
  777. Concepts In Magnetic Resonance Part B: Magnetic Resonance Engineering
  778. Concurrency And Computation: Practice & Experience
  779. Concurrent Engineering
  780. Condor, The (Ornithological Applications) (2000 - Actual)
  781. Condor, The (Ornithological Applications) (1996 - Actual)
  782. Confederation of Australian Critical Care Nurses Journal
  783. Conference Papers in Science
  784. Conflict Management and Peace Science
  785. Conflict Resolution Quarterly
  786. Conformal Geometry and Dynamics
  787. Congenital Anomalies
  788. Congenital Heart Disease
  789. Congestive Heart Failure
  790. Consciousness and Cognition
  791. Conservation
  792. Conservation & Recycling
  793. Conservation Biology
  794. Conservation Genetics
  795. Conservation Genetics Resources
  796. Constellations: An International Journal Of Critical And Democratic Theory
  797. Constitutional Political Economy
  798. Constraints
  799. Construction and Building Materials
  800. Construction Innovation
  801. Constructive Approximation
  802. Contact Dermatitis
  803. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye
  804. Contemporary Accounting Research
  805. Contemporary Clinical Trials
  806. Contemporary Diagnostic Radiology
  807. Contemporary Drug Problems
  808. Contemporary Economic Policy
  809. Contemporary Education Dialogue
  810. Contemporary Educational Psychology
  811. Contemporary Family Therapy
  812. Contemporary Islam
  813. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood
  814. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education
  815. Contemporary Jewry
  816. Contemporary Neurosurgery
  817. Contemporary Physics
  818. Contemporary Problems Of Ecology
  819. Contemporary Review of the Middle East
  820. Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews
  821. Contemporary Spine Surgery
  822. Contemporary Women's Writing
  823. Contexts
  824. Continental Philosophy Review
  825. Continental Shelf Research
  826. Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain
  827. Continuum Mechanics And Thermodynamics
  828. Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology
  829. Contraception
  830. Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging
  831. Contributions to Indian Sociology
  832. Contributions To Mineralogy And Petrology
  833. Contributions To Plasma Physics
  834. Contributions to Political Economy
  835. Control & Automation
  836. Control Engineering Practice
  837. Controlled Clinical Trials
  838. Controlling & Management
  839. Convergence
  840. Conversations In Religion & Theology
  841. Cooperation and Conflict
  842. Coordination Chemistry Reviews
  843. Copeia
  844. Cor et Vasa
  845. Coral Reefs
  846. Cornea
  847. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
  848. Coronary Artery Disease
  849. Coronary Health Care
  850. Corporate Governance
  851. Corporate Governance; The international journal of business in society
  852. Corporate Philanthropy Report
  853. Corporate Social Responsibility And Environmental Management
  854. Corrosion
  855. Corrosion Behaviour and Protection of Copper and Aluminium Alloys in Seawater - A volume in European Federation of Corrosion (EFC) Series
  856. Corrosion by Carbon and Nitrogen
  857. Corrosion Engineering, Science & Technology
  858. Corrosion in Refineries - A volume in European Federation of Corrosion (EFC) Series
  859. Corrosion Issues in Light Water Reactors - A volume in European Federation of Corrosion (EFC) Series
  860. Corrosion of Metallic Heritage Artefacts - A volume in European Federation of Corrosion (EFC) Series
  861. Corrosion Reviews
  862. Corrosion Science
  863. Cortex
  864. Cosmic Research
  865. COSMOS
  866. COSPAR Information Bulletin
  867. Cotton - A volume in Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles
  868. Counseling And Values
  869. Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation
  870. Counseling Psychologist, The
  871. Counselling And Psychotherapy Research
  872. Counselor Education And Supervision
  873. Course of Study, The
  874. CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications
  875. Cpt: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology
  876. Creativity And Innovation Management
  877. Creditor Reporting System on Aid Activities - Système de notification des pays créanciers sur les activités d´aide
  878. Cretaceous Research
  879. Crime & Delinquency
  880. Crime and Justice - Electronic Edition
  881. Crime, Law And Social Change
  882. Crime, Media, Culture
  883. Criminal Behaviour And Mental Health
  884. Criminal Justice and Behavior
  885. Criminal Justice Policy Review
  886. Criminal Justice Review
  887. Criminal Law And Philosophy
  888. Criminal Law Forum
  889. Criminology
  890. Criminology & Criminal Justice
  891. Criminology And Public Policy
  892. Critical Care Medicine
  893. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly
  894. Critical Care Research and Practice
  895. Critical Criminology
  896. Critical Historical Studies
  897. Critical Inquiry
  898. Critical Pathways in Cardiology: Journal
  899. Critical Perspectives on Accounting
  900. Critical perspectives on international business
  901. Critical Quarterly
  902. Critical Research on Religion
  903. Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering
  904. Critical Reviews In Biotechnology
  905. Critical Reviews in Eukaryotic Gene Expression
  906. Critical Reviews In Food Science And Nutrition
  907. Critical Reviews in Immunology
  908. Critical Reviews In Microbiology
  909. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology
  910. Critical Reviews In Plant Sciences
  911. Critical Reviews In Solid State And Materials Science
  912. Critical Reviews In Toxicology
  913. Critical Social Policy
  914. Critical Sociology
  915. Critical Ultrasound Journal
  916. Critique of Anthropology
  917. Crop Journal, The
  918. Crop Protection
  919. Crop Science
  920. Crops & Soils Magazine
  921. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal
  922. Cross-Cultural Research
  923. Crosscurrents
  924. Cryobiology
  925. Cryogenics
  926. Cryptogamie, Algologie
  927. Cryptogamie, Bryologie
  928. Cryptogamie, Mycologie
  929. Cryptography And Communications
  930. Crystal Engineering
  931. Crystal Growth & Design
  932. Crystal Research And Technology
  933. Crystallography Reports
  934. CSA News Magazine
  935. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems
  936. Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa
  937. Cuadernos de Pedagogía (Requiere ID y Password, pregunte a su bibliotecario)
  938. Cultura y Educación
  939. Cultural Anthropology
  940. Cultural Dynamics
  941. Cultural Geographies
  942. Cultural Sociology
  943. Cultural studies
  944. Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies
  945. Cultural Studies Of Science Education
  946. Culture & Psychology
  947. Culture, Agriculture, Food & Environment
  948. Culture, Medicine, And Psychiatry
  949. Curator The Museum Journal
  950. Current Allergy And Asthma Reports
  951. Current Anaesthesia & Critical Care
  952. Current Anthropology
  953. Current Applied Physics
  954. Current Atherosclerosis Reports
  955. Current Biology
  956. Current Bladder Dysfunction Reports
  957. Current Breast Cancer Reports
  958. Current Cardiology Reports
  959. Current Cardiovascular Imaging Reports
  960. Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports
  961. Current Colorectal Cancer Reports
  962. Current Developments in Mathematics
  963. Current Diabetes Reports
  964. Current Diagnostic Pathology
  965. Current Directions in Psychological Science
  966. Current Eye Research
  967. Current Fungal Infection Reports
  968. Current Gastroenterology Reports
  969. Current Genetics
  970. Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research
  971. Current Heart Failure Reports
  972. Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports
  973. Current Hepatitis Reports
  974. Current Herpetology
  975. Current HIV / AIDS Reports
  976. Current Hypertension Reports
  977. Current Infectious Disease Reports
  978. Current Legal Problems
  979. Current Microbiology
  980. Current Neurology And Neuroscience Reports
  981. Current Obstetrics & Gynaecology
  982. Current Oncology Reports
  983. Current Opinion in Allergy and Clinical Immunology
  984. Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology
  985. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences
  986. Current Opinion in Biotechnology
  987. Current Opinion in Cardiology
  988. Current Opinion in Cell Biology
  989. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology
  990. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering
  991. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care
  992. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science
  993. Current Opinion in Critical Care
  994. Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes & Obesity
  995. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
  996. Current Opinion in Food Science
  997. Current Opinion in Gastroenterology
  998. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development
  999. Current Opinion in Hematology
  1000. Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS
  1001. Current Opinion in Immunology
  1002. Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases
  1003. Current Opinion in Insect Science
  1004. Current Opinion in Lipidology
  1005. Current Opinion in Microbiology
  1006. Current Opinion in Nephrology & Hypertension
  1007. Current Opinion in Neurobiology
  1008. Current Opinion in Neurology
  1009. Current Opinion in Obstetrics & Gynecology
  1010. Current Opinion in Oncology
  1011. Current Opinion in Ophthalmology
  1012. Current Opinion in Organ Transplantation
  1013. Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery
  1014. Current Opinion in Pediatrics
  1015. Current Opinion in Pharmacology
  1016. Current Opinion in Plant Biology
  1017. Current Opinion in Psychiatry
  1018. Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine
  1019. Current Opinion in Rheumatology
  1020. Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science
  1021. Current Opinion in Structural Biology
  1022. Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care
  1023. Current Opinion in Urology
  1024. Current Opinion in Virology
  1025. Current Orthopaedic Practice
  1026. Current Orthopaedics
  1027. Current Osteoporosis Reports
  1028. Current Paediatrics
  1029. Current Pain And Headache Reports
  1030. Current Plant Biology
  1031. Current Problems in Cancer
  1032. Current Problems in Cardiology
  1033. Current Problems in Dermatology
  1034. Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology
  1035. Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care
  1036. Current Problems in Pediatrics
  1037. Current Problems in Surgery
  1038. Current Psychiatry Reports
  1039. Current Psychological Reviews
  1040. Current Psychology
  1041. Current Reviews In Musculoskeletal Medicine
  1042. Current Rheumatology Reports
  1043. Current Sociology
  1044. Current Sports Medicine Reports
  1045. Current Surgery
  1046. Current Therapeutic Research
  1047. Current Topics in Cellular Regulation
  1048. Current Treatment Options In Cardiovascular Medicine
  1049. Current Treatment Options In Neurology
  1050. Current Treatment Options In Oncology
  1051. Current Urology
  1052. Current Urology Reports
  1053. Currents in Biblical Research
  1054. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning
  1055. Curriculum Inquiry
  1056. Curtis´S Botanical Magazine
  1057. CVD Prevention and Control
  1058. CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing
  1059. CVGIP: Image Understanding
  1060. Cybernetics And Systems Analysis
  1061. Cytogenetic and Genome Research
  1062. Cytokine
  1063. Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews
  1064. Cytology And Genetics
  1065. Cytometry
  1066. Cytometry A
  1067. Cytometry Part B:Clinical Cytometry
  1068. Cytopathology
  1069. Cytoskeleton
  1070. Cytotechnology
  1071. Cytotherapy
  1072. Czechoslovak Journal Of Physics
  1073. Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
  1. Daedalus
  2. Dairy Science & Technology
  3. Dalton Transactions
  4. Dao
  5. Das Neurophysiologie-Labor
  6. Data & Knowledge Engineering
  7. Data Mining And Knowledge Discovery
  8. Data Processing
  9. Dataset Papers in Science
  10. Datenbank-Spektrum
  11. Datenschutz Und Datensicherheit
  12. De Architectura
  13. De Economist
  14. De Indiæ Utriusque Re Naturali et Medica
  15. Dean & Provost
  16. Decision Sciences
  17. Decision Sciences Journal Of Innovative Education
  18. Decision Support Systems
  19. Decisions In Economics And Finance
  20. Deep Sea Research
  21. Deep Sea Research (1953)
  22. Deep Sea Research and Oceanographic Abstracts
  23. Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers
  24. Deep Sea Research Part B. Oceanographic Literature Review
  25. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers
  26. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography
  27. Defect and Diffusion Forum
  28. Defence Technology
  29. Dementia
  30. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders
  31. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra
  32. Demography
  33. Dendrochronologia
  34. Dental Abstracts
  35. Dental Materials
  36. Dental Traumatology
  37. Department Chair
  38. Depositional Record, The
  39. Depression
  40. Depression And Anxiety
  41. Depression Research and Treatment
  42. Der Anaesthesist
  43. Der Chirurg
  44. Der Diabetologe
  45. Der Gastroenterologe
  46. Der Gynäkologe
  47. Der Hautarzt
  48. Der Internist
  49. Der Junge Zahnarzt
  50. Der Kardiologe
  51. Der Markt
  52. Der Mkg-Chirurg
  53. Der Nephrologe
  54. Der Nervenarzt
  55. Der Onkologe
  56. Der Ophthalmologe
  57. Der Orthop
  58. Der Pathologe
  59. Der Pneumologe
  60. Der Radiologe
  61. Der Schmerz
  62. Der Unfallchirurg
  63. Der Urologe
  64. Der Zoologische Garten
  65. Der Zoologische Garten
  66. Dermatitis
  67. Dermatologic Surgery
  68. Dermatologic Therapy
  69. Dermatologica Sinica
  70. Dermatology
  71. Dermatology Research and Practice
  72. Dermatopathology
  73. Desalination
  74. Design Automation For Embedded Systems
  75. Design Management Journal
  76. Design Management Review
  77. Design Studies
  78. Designs, Codes And Cryptography
  79. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift
  80. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Akupunktur
  81. Developing Economies, The
  82. Developing World Bioethics
  83. Development (Cambridge)
  84. Development And Change
  85. Development Genes And Evolution
  86. Development Policy Review
  87. Development, Growth & Differentiation
  88. Developmental & Comparative Immunology
  89. Developmental Biology
  90. Developmental Biology Journal
  91. Developmental Brain Research
  92. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
  93. Developmental Disabilities Research Review
  94. Developmental Dynamics
  95. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology
  96. Developmental Neurobiology
  97. Developmental Neuroscience
  98. Developmental Psychobiology
  99. Developmental Review
  100. Developmental Science
  101. DFI Journal (Journal of the Deep Foundations Institute)
  102. Dfz - Der Freie Zahnarzt
  103. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Search and Reviews
  104. Diabetes & Metabolism
  105. Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research
  106. Diabetes Educator, The
  107. Diabetes Obesity & Metabolism
  108. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice
  109. Diabetes/Metabolism: Research And Reviews (Elect)
  110. Diabetic Medicine
  111. Diabetologia
  112. Diabetology International
  113. Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging
  114. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy
  115. Diagnostic Cytopathology
  116. Diagnostic Histopathology
  117. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease
  118. Diagnostic Molecular Pathology
  119. Dialectica
  120. Dialectical Anthropology
  121. Dialog
  122. Dialogues in Human Geography
  123. Dialysis & Transplantation
  124. Diamond and Related Materials
  125. Dibt Mitteilungen
  126. Die Casting Engineer (Acceso a texto completo requiere ID y Password, por favor solicitelo a su bibliotecario)
  127. Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German
  128. Differential and Integral Equations
  129. Differential Equations
  130. Differential Equations And Dynamical Systems
  131. Differential Geometry and its Applications
  132. Differentiation
  133. Digest Of Middle East Studies
  134. Digestion
  135. Digestive and Liver Disease
  136. Digestive and Liver Disease Supplements
  137. Digestive Diseases
  138. Digestive Diseases And Sciences
  139. Digestive Endoscopy
  140. Digestive Surgery
  141. Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
  142. Digital Health (OA)
  143. Digital Investigation
  144. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities
  145. Digital Signal Processing
  146. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing
  147. Diogenes
  148. Diplomatic History (1997 - 2012)
  149. Diplomatic History (1996 - Actual)
  150. Disability and Health Journal
  151. Disability Compliance For Higher Education
  152. Disaster Management & Response
  153. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal
  154. Disasters
  155. Discorsi e Dimostrazioni Matematiche
  156. Discourse & Communication
  157. Discourse & Society
  158. Discourse Processes
  159. Discourse Studies
  160. Discourse, Context & Media
  161. Discrete & Computational Geometry
  162. Discrete Applied Mathematics
  163. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
  164. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems
  165. Discrete Mathematics
  166. Discrete Mathematics and Applications
  167. Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications
  168. Discrete Optimization
  169. Disease Markers
  170. Disease-a-Month
  171. Diseases Of The Colon & Rectum
  172. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum
  173. Diseases Of The Esophagus (1999 - 2016)
  174. Diseases of the Esophagus (1996 - Actual)
  175. Dislocations in Solids
  176. Displays
  177. Dissertationes Mathematicae
  178. Distributed And Parallel Databases
  179. Distributed Computing
  180. Distributed Systems Engineering
  181. Diversity And Distributions
  182. DNA Repair
  183. DoctorConsult - The Journal. Wissen für Klinik und Praxis
  184. Documenta Ophthalmologica
  185. Doklady Biochemistry And Biophysics
  186. Doklady Biological Sciences
  187. Doklady Chemistry
  188. Doklady Earth Sciences
  189. Doklady Mathematics
  190. Doklady Physical Chemistry
  191. Doklady Physics
  192. Domestic Animal Endocrinology
  193. Dose-response (OA)
  194. Douleur et Analgésie
  195. Drug and Alcohol Dependence
  196. Drug And Alcohol Review
  197. Drug and Chemical Toxicology (1997 - 2008)
  198. Drug Delivery And Translational Research
  199. Drug Development Research
  200. Drug Discovery Today
  201. Drug Discovery Today: BIOSILICO
  202. Drug Discovery Today: Disease Mechanisms
  203. Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models
  204. Drug Discovery Today: TARGETS
  205. Drug Discovery Today: Technologies
  206. Drug Discovery Today: Therapeutic Strategies
  207. Drug Invention Today
  208. Drug Metabilism & Disposition
  209. Drug Research
  210. Drug Resistance Updates
  211. Drug Safety
  212. Drug Science, Policy and Law
  213. Drug Testing And Analysis
  214. Drugs
  215. Drugs & Therapy Perspectives
  216. Drugs and Alcohol Today
  217. Dublin Quarterly Journal Of Medical Science
  218. Duke Mathematical Journal
  219. Durability of Composites for Civil Structural Applications - A volume in Woodhead Publishing Series in Civil and Structural Engineering
  220. Durability of Concrete and Cement Composites - A volume in Woodhead Publishing Series in Civil and Structural Engineering
  221. Dyes and Pigments
  222. Dynamic Games And Applications
  223. Dynamical Systems
  224. Dynamics And Control
  225. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans
  226. Dyslexia
  227. Dysphagia
  1. E - The Environmental Magazine
  2. E & I Elektrotechnik Und Informationstechnik
  3. Ear and Hearing
  4. Early Childhood Education Journal
  5. Early Childhood Research Quarterly
  6. Early Human Development
  7. Early Intervention In Psychiatry
  8. Early Medieval Europe
  9. Early Music
  10. Earth and Planetary Science Letters
  11. Earth Interactions (1997 - 2010)
  12. Earth Science Frontiers
  13. Earth Science Informatics
  14. Earth Surface Processes And Landforms
  15. Earth, Moon, And Planets
  16. Earth´s Future
  17. Earthquake Engineering And Engineering Vibration
  18. Earthquake Engineering And Structural Dynamics
  19. Earthquake Science
  20. Earth-Science Reviews
  21. East Asia
  22. East Asian Policy
  23. East European Politics and Societies
  24. Eating Behaviors
  25. EAU Update Series
  26. EAU-EBU Update Series
  27. EBioMedicine
  28. Echocardiography
  29. Ecography
  30. Ecohealth
  31. Ecohydrology
  32. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology
  33. Ecological Applications
  34. Ecological Complexity
  35. Ecological Economics
  36. Ecological Engineering
  37. Ecological Entomology
  38. Ecological Indicators
  39. Ecological Informatics
  40. Ecological Management & Restoration
  41. Ecological Modelling
  42. Ecological Monographs
  43. Ecological Research (1997 - actual)
  44. Ecological Research (1986 - 2018)
  45. Ecology
  46. Ecology And Evolution
  47. Ecology Letters
  48. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish
  49. Econometric Reviews
  50. Econometrics Journal, The
  51. Econometrica
  52. Econometrica (1933 - 2013)
  53. Econometrics Journal, The
  54. EconomiA
  55. Economic Affairs
  56. Economic Analysis and Policy
  57. Economic and Industrial Democracy
  58. Economic and Labour Relations Review, The
  59. Economic Anthropology
  60. Economic Botanic
  61. Economic Botany
  62. Economic Bulletin
  63. Economic Change And Restructuring
  64. Economic Development and Cultural Change
  65. Economic Development Quarterly
  66. Economic Geography
  67. Economic History Review
  68. Economic Inquiry
  69. Economic Journal, The (1997 - 2018)
  70. Economic Journal, The (1996 - Actual)
  71. Economic Modelling
  72. Economic Notes
  73. Economic Outlook
  74. Economic Papers: A Journal Of Applied Economics And Policy
  75. Economic Policy
  76. Economic Quality Control
  77. Economic Record, The
  78. Economic Systems
  79. Economic Theory
  80. Economica
  81. Economics & Human Biology
  82. Economics & Politics
  83. Economics Letters
  84. Economics of Education Review
  85. Economics Of Governance
  86. Economics Of Transition, The
  87. Economics of Transportation
  88. Economics Research International
  89. Ecoscience
  90. Ecosystem Services
  91. Ecosystems
  92. Ecotoxicology
  93. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
  94. ECS Electrochemistry Letters
  95. ECS Journal of Solid State Science & Techonology
  96. ECS Solid State Letters
  97. Ecumenical Review, The
  98. Edentata
  99. Education + Training
  100. Education and Computing
  101. Education And Information Technologies
  102. Education and Urban Society
  103. Education Citizenship and Social Justice
  104. Education for Chemical Engineers
  105. Education in Chemistry
  106. Education Research International
  107. Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues
  108. Educational Administration Quarterly
  109. Educational and Psychological Measurement
  110. Educational Assessment, Evaluation And Accountability
  111. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis
  112. Educational Management Administration & Leadership
  113. Educational Measurement: Issues And Practice
  114. Educational Philosophy And Theory
  115. Educational Policy
  116. Educational Psychologist
  117. Educational Psychology Review
  118. Educational Research
  119. Educational Research And Evaluation
  120. Educational Research For Policy And Practice
  121. Educational Research Review
  122. Educational Researcher
  123. Educational Review
  124. Educational Studies In Mathematics
  125. Educational Technology Research And Development
  126. Educational Theory
  127. Egyptian Heart Journal, The
  128. Egyptian Informatics Journal
  129. Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia
  130. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research, The
  131. Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
  132. Egyptian Journal of Chest Disease and Tuberculosis
  133. Egyptian Journal of Critical Care Medicine, The
  134. Egyptian Journal of Ear, Nose, Throat and Allied Sciences
  135. Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences
  136. Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics
  137. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum
  138. Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, The
  139. Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science, The
  140. Egyptian Pediatric Association Gazette
  141. Egyptian Rheumatologist, The
  142. EJVES Extra
  143. Elearn
  144. E-Learning and Digital Media
  145. Electoral Studies
  146. Electric Power Applications, IEE Journal on
  147. Electric Power Systems Research
  148. Electrical Engineering
  149. Electrical Engineering
  150. Electrical Engineering In Japan
  151. Electrical Engineers - Part I: General, Journal of the Institution of
  152. Electrical Engineers - Part II: Power Engineering, Journal of the Institution of
  153. Electrical Engineers - Part IIA: Automatic Regulators and Servo Mechanisms, Journal of the Institution of
  154. Electrical Engineers - Part III: Communication Engineering, including the Proceedings of the Wireless Section of the Institution, Journal of the Institution of
  155. Electrical Engineers - Part III: Radio and Communication Engineering, Journal of the Institution of
  156. Electrical Engineers - Part IIIA: Radiocommunication, Journal of the Institution of
  157. Electrical Engineers - Part IIIA: Radiolocation, Journal of the Institution of
  158. Electrical Engineers, Journal of the Institution of
  159. Electrical Engineers, Proceedings of the Institution of
  160. Electricity Journal, The
  161. Electroanalysis
  162. Electrocatalysis
  163. Electrochemical Society´s Interface, The
  164. Electrochemistry Communications
  165. Electrochimica Acta
  166. Electrodeposition and Surface Treatment
  167. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology
  168. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/Electromyography and Motor Control
  169. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/Evoked Potentials Section
  170. Electron Microscopy Reviews
  171. Electronic and Radio Engineers, Journal of the Institution of
  172. Electronic and Radio Engineers, Proceedings of the Indian Division of the Institution of
  173. Electronic and Radio Engineers, Proceedings of the Institution of
  174. Electronic Circuits and Systems, IEE Journal on
  175. Electronic Commerce Research
  176. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
  177. Electronic Design (Acceso a texto completo requiere ID y password, por favor solicítelo a su bibliotecario)
  178. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology
  179. Electronic Journal of Statistics
  180. Electronic Journal Of Theoretical Chemistry
  181. Electronic Library, The
  182. Electronic Markets
  183. Electronic Materials Letters
  184. Electronic News
  185. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics
  186. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
  187. Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society (1995 - 2007)
  188. Electronic Systems News
  189. Electronics
  190. Electronics & Communication Engineering Journal
  191. Electronics & Communications In Japan
  192. Electronics And Communiations In Japan (Part I:Communications)
  193. Electronics And Communications In Japan (Part Ii: Electronics)
  194. Electronics And Communications In Japan (Part Iii: Fundamental Electronic Science)
  195. Electronics and Power
  196. Electronics Education
  197. Electronics Letters
  198. Electronics Systems and Software
  199. Electrophoresis
  200. Elementary School Journal, The
  201. Elementary School Teacher and Course of Study, The
  202. Elementary School Teacher, The
  203. ELT Journal
  204. EM Magazine - Environmental Manager
  205. Embo Journal, The
  206. Embo Molecular Medicine
  207. Embo Reports
  208. EMC - Anesthésie-Réanimation
  209. EMC - Cardiologie-Angéiologie
  210. EMC - Chirurgie
  211. EMC - Dentisterie
  212. EMC - Dermatologie-Cosmétologie
  213. EMC - Endocrinologie
  214. EMC - Gynécologie-Obstétrique
  215. EMC - Hématologie
  216. EMC - Hépato-Gastroenterologie
  217. EMC - Hépatologie
  218. EMC - Kinésithérapie
  219. EMC - Maladies Infectieuses
  220. EMC - Médecine
  221. EMC - Néphrologie
  222. EMC - Neurologie
  223. EMC - Odontologie
  224. EMC - Ophtalmologie
  225. EMC - Oto-rhino-laryngologie
  226. EMC - Pédiatrie
  227. EMC - Pneumologie
  228. EMC - Podologie
  229. EMC - Podologie-Kinésithérapie
  230. EMC - Psychiatrie
  231. EMC - Radiologie
  232. EMC - Rhumatologie-Orthopédie
  233. EMC - Stomatologie
  234. EMC - Toxicologie-Pathologie
  235. EMC - Vétérinaire
  236. Emergency Medicine Australasia
  237. Emergency Medicine International
  238. Emergency Medicine News
  239. Emergency Radiology
  240. Emerging Adulthood
  241. Emerging Economy Studies
  242. Emerging Markets Review
  243. Emotion Review
  244. Emotion, Space and Society
  245. Empirica
  246. Empirical Economics
  247. Empirical Software Engineering
  248. Empirical Studies of the Arts
  249. Employee Relations: The International Journal
  250. Employee Responsibilities And Rights Journal
  251. Employment Relations Today
  252. Endeavour
  253. Endocrine
  254. Endocrine Abstracts
  255. Endocrine Pathology
  256. Endocrine Reviews
  257. Endocrinología y Nutrición (English Edition)
  258. Endocrinology
  259. Endodontic Topics
  260. Energy
  261. Energy & Fuels
  262. Energy and Buildings
  263. Energy Conversion
  264. Energy Conversion and Management
  265. Energy Economics
  266. Energy Efficiency
  267. Energy for Sustainable Development
  268. Energy Harvesting and Systems
  269. Energy in Agriculture
  270. Energy Materials
  271. Energy Policy
  272. Energy Procedia
  273. Energy Research & Social Science
  274. Energy Science & Engineering
  275. Energy Strategy Reviews
  276. Energy Systems
  277. Energy Technology
  278. E-Neuroforum
  279. Engineering & Technology
  280. Engineering & Technology
  281. Engineering Analysis
  282. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
  283. Engineering and Process Economics
  284. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
  285. Engineering Biology
  286. Engineering Computations
  287. Engineering Costs and Production Economics
  288. Engineering Failure Analysis
  289. Engineering Fracture Mechanics
  290. Engineering Geology
  291. Engineering In Life Sciences
  292. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine
  293. Engineering Management International
  294. Engineering Management Journal
  295. Engineering Optimization
  296. Engineering Science and Education Journal
  297. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal
  298. Engineering Structures
  299. Engineering With Computers
  300. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management
  301. English for Specific Purposes
  302. English Historical Review
  303. English In Education
  304. English: Journal of the English Association
  305. English Literary Renaissance
  306. Enrollment Management Report
  307. Ensayos sobre Política Económica
  308. Enseñanza de las Ciencias
  309. Enterprise & Society
  310. Entertainment Computing
  311. Entomologia Experimentalis Et Applicata
  312. Entomologica Americana
  313. Entomological News
  314. Entomological Research
  315. Entomological Review
  316. Entomological Science
  317. Entrepreneurship Theory And Practice
  318. Environment and Behavior
  319. Environment and Planning A
  320. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design
  321. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy
  322. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
  323. Environment and Urbanization
  324. Environment and Urbanization Asia
  325. Environment International
  326. Environment Systems & Decisions
  327. Environment, Development And Sustainability
  328. Environmental And Ecological Statistics
  329. Environmental and Experimental Botany
  330. Environmental And Molecular Mutagenesis
  331. Environmental And Resource Economics
  332. Environmental Biology Of Fishes
  333. Environmental Chemistry Letters
  334. Environmental Development
  335. Environmental Earth Sciences
  336. Environmental Economics And Policy Studies
  337. Environmental Entomology (2000 - Actual)
  338. Environmental Entomology (1996 - Actual)
  339. Environmental Fluid Mechanics
  340. Environmental Geochemistry And Health
  341. Environmental Geology
  342. Environmental Health And Preventive Medicine
  343. Environmental History
  344. Environmental Impact Assessment Review
  345. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
  346. Environmental Law Review
  347. Environmental Management
  348. Environmental Microbiology
  349. Environmental Microbiology Reports
  350. Environmental Modeling & Assessment
  351. Environmental Modelling & Software
  352. Environmental Monitoring And Assessment
  353. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management
  354. Environmental Policy And Governance
  355. Environmental Policy and Law
  356. Environmental Pollution
  357. Environmental Pollution (1970)
  358. Environmental Pollution Series A, Ecological and Biological
  359. Environmental Pollution Series B, Chemical and Physical
  360. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy
  361. Environmental Quality Management
  362. Environmental Research
  363. Environmental Research Letters
  364. Environmental Science & Policy
  365. Environmental Science & Technology
  366. Environmental Science And Pollution Research
  367. Environmental Sciences Europe
  368. Environmental Software
  369. Environmental Toxicology
  370. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry
  371. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology
  372. Environmentalist, The
  373. Environmentalist, The
  374. Environmetrics
  375. Enzyme and Microbial Technology
  376. Enzyme Research
  377. EP Europace
  378. Epidemics
  379. Epidemiology
  380. Epidemiology Research International
  381. Epilepsia
  382. Epilepsy & Behavior
  383. Epilepsy & Behavior Case Reports
  384. Epilepsy Currents
  385. Epilepsy Research
  386. Epilepsy Research and Treatment
  387. Epileptic Disorders
  388. Epileptic Disorders
  389. Epileptology
  390. Epl (Europhysics Letters)
  391. Epma Journal
  392. e-Polymers
  393. Eppo Bulletin
  394. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal
  395. Equine Veterinary Education
  396. Equine Veterinary Journal
  397. Era Forum
  398. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
  399. Ergonomics in Design: The Quarterly of Human Factors Applications
  400. Erkenntnis
  401. Erwerbs-Obstbau
  402. Esc Heart Failure
  403. Esophagus
  404. ESP Journal, The
  405. e-SPEN Journal
  406. e-SPEN, the European e-Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism
  407. Essays in Criticism
  408. Estuaries And Coasts
  409. Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science
  410. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
  411. Estudios de Psicología
  412. Estudios Gerenciales
  413. Ethical Theory And Moral Practice
  414. Ethics
  415. Ethics & International Affairs
  416. Ethics And Information Technology
  417. Ethik In Der Medizin
  418. Ethnicities
  419. Ethnicity & Health
  420. Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care
  421. Ethnography
  422. Ethnography and Education
  423. Ethology
  424. Ethology and Sociobiology
  425. Ethos
  426. Ets Research Report Series
  427. Eukaryotic Cell
  428. EuPA Open Proteomics
  429. Euphytica
  430. Eurasian Soil Science
  431. Euro III-Vs Review
  432. Eurochoices
  433. Euromicro Newsletter
  434. Europäisches Journal für Minderheitenfragen
  435. European Actuarial Journal
  436. European Addiction Research
  437. European Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Diseases
  438. European Archives Of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
  439. European Archives Of Psychiatry And Clinical Neuroscience
  440. European Biophysics Journal
  441. European Business Review
  442. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
  443. European Demographic Information Bulletin
  444. European Diabetes Nursing
  445. European Eating Disorders Review
  446. European Economic Review
  447. European Educational Research Journal
  448. European Educational Research Journal
  449. European Financial Management
  450. European Food Research And Technology
  451. European Geriatric Medicine
  452. European Heart Journal
  453. European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care (2012 -2020)
  454. European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care (2012 - Actual)
  455. European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging
  456. European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy
  457. European Heart Journal - Quality of Care and Clinical Outcomes
  458. European History Quarterly
  459. European Journal For Philosophy Of Science
  460. European Journal Of Ageing
  461. European Journal of Agronomy
  462. European Journal of Anaesthesiology (LWW)
  463. European Journal of Applied Mathematics
  464. European Journal Of Applied Physiology
  465. European Journal of Cancer
  466. European Journal of Cancer (1965)
  467. European Journal of Cancer and Clinical Oncology
  468. European Journal Of Cancer Care
  469. European Journal of Cancer Part B: Oral Oncology
  470. European Journal of Cancer Prevention
  471. European Journal of Cancer Supplements
  472. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
  473. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing (2002 - 2020)
  474. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing (2002 - Actual)
  475. European Journal of Cell Biology
  476. European Journal Of Clinical Investigation
  477. European Journal Of Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases
  478. European Journal Of Clinical Pharmacology
  479. European Journal of Combinatorics
  480. European Journal of Communication
  481. European Journal of Control
  482. European Journal of Criminology
  483. European Journal of Cultural Studies
  484. European Journal Of Dental Education
  485. European Journal Of Drug Metabolism And Pharmacokinetics
  486. European Journal Of Education
  487. European Journal of Emergency Medicine
  488. European Journal Of Endocrinology
  489. European Journal Of Epidemiology
  490. European Journal Of Forest Research
  491. European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
  492. European Journal Of Haematology
  493. European Journal Of Health Economics
  494. European Journal Of Heart Failure
  495. European Journal of Heart Failure
  496. European Journal Of Immunology
  497. European Journal of Industrial Relations
  498. European Journal of Inflammation
  499. European Journal of Innovation Management
  500. European Journal Of Inorganic Chemistry
  501. European Journal of Integrative Medicine
  502. European Journal of Internal Medicine
  503. European Journal of International Law
  504. European Journal of International Relations
  505. European Journal Of Law And Economics
  506. European Journal Of Lipid Science And Technology
  507. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids
  508. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids
  509. European Journal of Medical Genetics
  510. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
  511. European Journal Of Neurology
  512. European Journal Of Neuroscience
  513. European Journal Of Nuclear Medicine And Molecular Imaging
  514. European Journal Of Nutrition
  515. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology
  516. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology
  517. European Journal of Oncology Nursing
  518. European Journal of Operational Research
  519. European Journal Of Oral Sciences
  520. European Journal Of Organic Chemistry
  521. European Journal of Orthodontics
  522. European Journal Of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology
  523. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology
  524. European Journal Of Pain
  525. European Journal Of Pain Supplements
  526. European Journal Of Pediatrics
  527. European Journal Of Personality
  528. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  529. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics
  530. European Journal of Pharmacology
  531. European Journal of Pharmacology: Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology
  532. European Journal of Pharmacology: Molecular Pharmacology
  533. European Journal Of Philosophy
  534. European Journal Of Physics
  535. European Journal Of Plant Pathology
  536. European Journal Of Plastic Surgery
  537. European Journal of Political Economy
  538. European Journal Of Political Research
  539. European Journal Of Political Research Political Data Yearbook
  540. European Journal of Political Theory
  541. European Journal Of Population / Revue Europ
  542. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (1999 - 2020)
  543. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (1996 - Actual)
  544. European Journal of Probation
  545. European Journal of Protistology
  546. European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context, The
  547. European Journal Of Psychology Of Education
  548. European Journal of Public Health
  549. European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management
  550. European Journal of Radiology
  551. European Journal of Radiology Extra
  552. European Journal of Radiology Open
  553. European Journal Of Social Psychology
  554. European Journal of Social Theory
  555. European Journal of Soil Biology
  556. European Journal Of Soil Science
  557. European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry
  558. European Journal Of Surgery
  559. European Journal of Surgical Oncology (EJSO)
  560. European Journal Of Trauma And Emergency Surgery
  561. European Journal of Ultrasound
  562. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
  563. European Journal of Vascular Surgery
  564. European Journal Of Wildlife Research
  565. European Journal of Women´s Studies
  566. European Journal Of Wood And Wood Products
  567. European Journal On Criminal Policy And Research
  568. European Law Journal
  569. European Management Journal
  570. European Management Review
  571. European Neurology
  572. European Neuropsychopharmacology
  573. European Orthopaedics And Traumatology
  574. European Physical Education Review
  575. European Physical Journal A - Hadrons And Nuclei
  576. European Physical Journal B - Condensed Matter And Complex Systems
  577. European Physical Journal C - Particles And Fields
  578. European Physical Journal D - Atomic, Molecular, Optical And Plasma Physics
  579. European Physical Journal E - Soft Matter And Biological Physics
  580. European Physical Journal H
  581. European Physical Journal Plus
  582. European Physical Journal Special Topics
  583. European Polymer Journal
  584. European Psychiatry
  585. European Radiology
  586. European Research in Telemedicine / La Recherche Européenne en Télémédecine
  587. European Review of Agricultural Economics
  588. European Review of Economic History
  589. European Reviews Of Aging And Physical Activity
  590. European Sociological Review
  591. European Spine Journal
  592. European Surgery
  593. European Surgical Research
  594. European Thyroid Journal
  595. European Transactions On Telecommunications
  596. European Union Politics
  597. European Urban and Regional Studies
  598. European Urology
  599. European Urology Supplements
  600. European View
  601. Evaluation
  602. Evaluation & the Health Professions
  603. Evaluation and Program Planning
  604. Evaluation in Education
  605. Evaluation in Education. International Progress
  606. Evaluation Review
  607. Evansia
  608. Evidence-based Cardiovascular Medicine
  609. Evidence-Based Child Health: A Cochrane Review Journal
  610. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
  611. Evidence-based Healthcare
  612. Evidence-based Healthcare and Public Health
  613. Evidence-based Obstetrics & Gynecology
  614. Evidence-based Oncology
  615. Evidence-Based Preclinical Medicine
  616. Evolution
  617. Evolution (2000 - 2009)
  618. Evolution And Development
  619. Evolution and Human Behavior
  620. Evolution: Education And Outreach
  621. Evolutionary Anthropology
  622. Evolutionary Applications
  623. Evolutionary Biology
  624. Evolutionary Computation
  625. Evolutionary Ecology
  626. Evolutionary Intelligence
  627. Evolutionary Psychology (OA)
  628. Evolving Systems
  629. Exceptional Children
  630. Exercise and Sports Science Reviews
  631. Exergy, An International Journal
  632. Exogenous Dermatology
  633. Experimental And Applied Acarology
  634. Experimental and Clinical Immunogenetics
  635. Experimental and Molecular Pathology
  636. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology
  637. Experimental Astronomy
  638. Experimental Biology And Medicine
  639. Experimental Biology and Medicine
  640. Experimental Brain Research
  641. Experimental Cell Research
  642. Experimental Dermatology
  643. Experimental Economics
  644. Experimental Eye Research
  645. Experimental Gerontology
  646. Experimental Hematology
  647. Experimental Lung Research
  648. Experimental Mathematics (1992 - 2012)
  649. Experimental Mathematics (1997 - 2012)
  650. Experimental Mechanics
  651. Experimental Mycology
  652. Experimental Neurology
  653. Experimental Parasitology
  654. Experimental Pathology
  655. Experimental Physiology
  656. Experimental Techniques
  657. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
  658. Experimentelle Pathologie
  659. Experiments In Fluids
  660. Expert Systems
  661. Expert Systems with Applications
  662. Explorations in Economic History
  663. EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing
  664. Expositiones Mathematicae
  665. Expository Times
  666. Extractive Industries and Society, The
  667. Extremes
  668. Extremophiles
  669. Eye
  670. Eye and Contact Lens: Science and Clinical Practice
  1. F. Scott Fitzgerald Review, The
  2. Facies
  3. Facilities
  4. Familial Cancer
  5. Family & Community Health
  6. Family & Consumer Sciences Research Journal
  7. Family Business Review
  8. Family Business Review
  9. Family Court Review
  10. Family Journal, The
  11. Family Practice
  12. Family Process
  13. Family Relations
  14. Faraday Discussions
  15. FASEB Journal
  16. Fatigue & Fracture Of Engineering Materials And Structures
  17. Febs Journal
  18. FEBS Letters
  19. Febs Letters
  20. FEBS Open Bio
  21. Feddes Repertorium
  22. Federal Grants & Contracts
  23. Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery
  24. Feminism & Psychology
  25. Feminist Criminology
  26. Feminist Legal Studies
  27. Feminist Theology
  28. Feminist Theory
  29. FEMS Microbiology Ecology (1997 - 2014)
  30. FEMS Microbiology Ecology (1985 - Actual)
  31. FEMS Microbiology Letters (1997 - 2014)
  32. FEMS Microbiology Letters (1977 - Actual)
  33. FEMS Microbiology Reviews (1997 - 2014)
  34. FEMS Microbiology Reviews (1985 - Actual)
  35. FEMS Yeast Research (2001 - 2014)
  36. FEMS Yeast Research (2001 - Actual)
  37. Fertility and Sterility
  38. Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy
  39. Few-Body Systems
  40. Fiber And Integrated Optics
  41. Fibers And Polymers
  42. Fibre Chemistry
  43. Fibre Science and Technology
  44. Fibrinolysis
  45. Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis
  46. Field Crops Research
  47. Field Methods
  48. Field Mycology
  49. Fieldiana Anthropology
  50. Fieldiana Botany
  51. Fieldiana Geology
  52. Fieldiana Life and Earth Sciences
  53. Fieldiana Zoology
  54. Filtration + Separation
  55. Filtration Industry Analyst
  56. Finance And Stochastics
  57. Finance Research Letters
  58. Financial Accountability & Management
  59. Financial Management
  60. Financial Markets And Portfolio Management
  61. Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments
  62. Financial Review
  63. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design
  64. Finite Fields and Their Applications
  65. Fire And Materials
  66. Fire Safety Journal
  67. Fire Technology
  68. First Language
  69. Fiscal Studies
  70. Fish & Shellfish Immunology
  71. Fish And Fisheries
  72. Fish Physiology And Biochemistry
  73. Fisheries Management & Ecology
  74. Fisheries Oceanography
  75. Fisheries Research
  76. Fisheries Science
  77. Fisheries Science
  78. Fitoterapia
  79. Flavour And Fragrance Journal
  80. Flexible Services And Manufacturing Journal
  81. Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants
  82. Florida Entomologist
  83. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation
  84. Flow, Turbulence And Combustion
  85. Fluctuation and Noise Letters
  86. Fluid Dynamics
  87. Fluid Dynamics Research
  88. Fluid Dynamics Research
  89. Fluid Phase Equilibria
  90. Focus On Alternative And Complementary Therapies An Evidence-Based Approach
  91. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
  92. Focus on Catalysts
  93. Focus On Geography
  94. Focus on Pigments
  95. Focus on Polyvinyl Chloride
  96. Focus on Powder Coatings
  97. Focus on Surfactants
  98. Folia Geobotanica
  99. Folia Microbiologica
  100. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica
  101. Folia Primatologica
  102. Food & Nutrition Research
  103. Food Analytical Methods
  104. Food And Bioprocess Technology
  105. Food and Bioproducts Processing
  106. Food and Chemical Toxicology
  107. Food and Cosmetics Toxicology
  108. Food And Energy Security
  109. Food And Environmental Virology
  110. Food and Nutrition Bulletin
  111. Food Biophysics
  112. Food Bioscience
  113. Food Chemistry
  114. Food Control
  115. Food Digestion
  116. Food Engineering Reviews
  117. Food Hydrocolloids
  118. Food Microbiology
  119. Food Packaging and Shelf Life
  120. Food Policy
  121. Food Quality and Preference
  122. Food Research International
  123. Food Reviews International
  124. Food Science & Nutrition
  125. Food Science And Biotechnology
  126. Food Science and Human Wellness
  127. Food Science and Technology International
  128. Food Security
  129. Food Service Technology
  130. Food Structure
  131. Food Technology and Biotechnology
  132. Food Technology (Acceso a texto completo requiere ID, por favor solicítelo a su bibliotecario)
  133. Food Webs
  134. Foot & Ankle International
  135. Foot and Ankle Specialist
  136. Foot and Ankle Surgery
  137. Foot, The
  138. Fooyin Journal of Health Sciences
  139. Foreign Language Annals
  140. Foreign Policy Analysis (2005)
  141. Foreign Policy Analysis (2005 - Actual)
  142. Foreign Trade Review
  143. Forensic Science
  144. Forensic Science International
  145. Forensic Science International Supplement Series
  146. Forensic Science International: Genetics
  147. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series
  148. Forensic Science, Medicine, And Pathology
  149. Forensic Toxicology
  150. Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie
  151. Forest Ecology and Management
  152. Forest Pathology
  153. Forest Policy and Economics
  154. Forest Science
  155. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research
  156. Forestry Studies In China
  157. Formal Aspects Of Computing
  158. Formal Methods In System Design
  159. Formosan Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders
  160. Formosan Journal of Surgery
  161. Forschende Komplementärmedizin / Research in Complementary Medicine
  162. Forschung
  163. Forschung Im Ingenieurwesen
  164. For The Learning Of Mathematics
  165. Fortschritte Der Physik/Progress Of Physics
  166. Forum
  167. Forum Der Psychoanalyse
  168. Forum for Modern Language Studies
  169. Forum For Social Economics
  170. Forum Italicum
  171. Forum Mathematicum
  172. Fossil Record-Mitteilungen Aus Dem Museum Fuer Naturkunde
  173. Foundation Years, The
  174. Foundations Of Chemistry
  175. Foundations Of Computational Mathematics
  176. Foundations Of Physics
  177. Foundations Of Physics Letters
  178. Foundations Of Science
  179. Fractals
  180. Fractional Calculus And Applied Analysis
  181. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis
  182. Francis W. Parker School Studies in Education
  183. Francis W. Parker School Year Book
  184. Free Radical Biology and Medicine
  185. Free Radical Research
  186. Free Radicals and Antioxidants
  187. French Cultural Studies
  188. French History
  189. French Studies
  190. Frequenz
  191. Freshwater Biology
  192. Freshwater Reviews
  193. Freshwater Science
  194. Frontiers In Biology
  195. Frontiers In Ecology And The Environment
  196. Frontiers In Energy
  197. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology
  198. Frontiers Of Agriculture In China
  199. Frontiers of Architectural Research
  200. Frontiers Of Business Research In China
  201. Frontiers Of Chemical Science And Engineering
  202. Frontiers Of Chemistry In China
  203. Frontiers of Computer Science
  204. Frontiers Of Earth Science
  205. Frontiers Of Economics In China
  206. Frontiers Of Education In China
  207. Frontiers Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering In China
  208. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
  209. Frontiers Of History In China
  210. Frontiers Of Law In China
  211. Frontiers Of Literary Studies In China
  212. Frontiers Of Materials Science
  213. Frontiers Of Mathematics In China
  214. Frontiers Of Mechanical Engineering
  215. Frontiers Of Medicine
  216. Frontiers of Optoelectronics
  217. Frontiers Of Philosophy In China
  218. Frontiers Of Physics
  219. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering
  220. Fuel
  221. Fuel and Energy Abstracts
  222. Fuel Cells
  223. Fuel Cells Bulletin
  224. Fuel Processing Technology
  225. Functional & Integrative Genomics
  226. Functional Analysis And Its Applications
  227. Functional Analysis And Other Mathematics
  228. Functional Ecology
  229. Functional Materials Letters
  230. Functiones et Approximatio Commentarii Mathematici
  231. Fundamenta Mathematicae
  232. Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology
  233. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology
  234. Fungal Biology
  235. Fungal Biology Reviews
  236. Fungal Diversity
  237. Fungal Ecology
  238. Fungal Genetics and Biology
  239. Fusion Engineering and Design
  240. Fuss & Sprunggelenk
  241. Future Generation Computer Systems
  242. Future Prescriber
  243. Futures
  244. Fuzzy Information And Engineering
  245. Fuzzy Optimization And Decision Making
  246. Fuzzy Sets and Systems
  1. Gait & Posture
  2. Game Theory
  3. Games and Culture
  4. Games and Economic Behavior
  5. Gamm - Mitteilungen
  6. Gas Separation & Purification
  7. Gastric Cancer
  8. Gastroentérologie Clinique et Biologique
  9. Gastroenterology
  10. Gastroenterology Nursing
  11. Gastroenterology Research and Practice
  12. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
  13. Gastrointestinal Intervention
  14. Gastrointestinal Tumors
  15. Gcb Bioenergy
  16. GE Jornal Português de Gastrenterologia
  17. Gef
  18. Gem - International Journal On Geomathematics
  19. Gender & History
  20. Gender & Society
  21. Gender in Management: An International Journal
  22. Gender Issues
  23. Gender Medicine
  24. Gender, Technology and Development
  25. Gender, Work & Organisation
  26. Gene
  27. Gene Analysis Techniques
  28. Gene Expression Patterns
  29. Gene Therapy
  30. General and Comparative Endocrinology
  31. General Anthropology Bulletin Of The General Anthropology Division
  32. General Hospital Psychiatry
  33. General Music Today
  34. General Pharmacology: The Vascular System
  35. General Relativity And Gravitation
  36. General Thoracic And Cardiovascular Surgery
  37. General Topology and its Applications
  38. Genes & Development
  39. Genes & Diseases
  40. Genes & Genomics
  41. Genes & Nutrition
  42. Genes To Cells
  43. Genes, Brain And Behavior
  44. Genes, Chromosomes And Cancer
  45. Genesis: The Journal Of Genetics And Development (Formerly Developmental Genetics)
  46. Genetic Analysis: Biomolecular Engineering
  47. Genetic Epidemiology
  48. Genetic Programming And Evolvable Machines
  49. Genetic Resources And Crop Evolution
  50. Genetica
  51. Genetics
  52. Genetics Research International
  53. Genome
  54. Genome Research
  55. Genomic Medicine, Biomarkers, and Health Sciences
  56. Genomics
  57. Genomics Data
  58. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics
  59. Geo: Geography And Environment
  60. Geoarchaeology
  61. Geobiology
  62. Geobios
  63. Geochemistry International
  64. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
  65. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
  66. Geochronometria
  67. Geoderma
  68. Geoderma Regional
  69. Geodiversitas
  70. Geoexploration
  71. Geofluids
  72. Geoforum
  73. Geografiska Annaler Series A: Physical Geography
  74. Geografiska Annaler Series B: Human Geography
  75. Geographical Analysis
  76. Geographical Journal, The
  77. Geographical Research
  78. Geographical Review
  79. Geography And Natural Resources
  80. Geography Compass
  81. Geography Journal
  82. Geoheritage
  83. Geoinformatica
  84. Geojournal
  85. Geological Journal
  86. Geology Of Ore Deposits
  87. Geology Today
  88. Geomagnetism And Aeronomy
  89. Geo-Marine Letters
  90. Geomechanics And Tunnelling
  91. Geometriae Dedicata
  92. Geometric And Functional Analysis
  93. Geometry
  94. Geometry & Topology
  95. Geomorphology
  96. Geophysical Journal International (1997 - 2012)
  97. Geophysical Journal International (1996 - Actual)
  98. Geophysical Prospecting
  99. Geophysical Research Letters
  100. GeoResJ
  101. Georgian Mathematical Journal
  102. Georgian Mathematical Journal
  103. Geoscience Data Journal
  104. Geoscience Frontiers
  105. Geosciences Journal
  106. Geo-Spatial Information Science
  107. Geostandards & Geoanalytical Research
  108. Geotechnical And Geological Engineering
  109. Geotechnik
  110. Geotectonics
  111. Geotextiles and Geomembranes
  112. Geothermics
  113. Geriatric Mental Health Care
  114. Geriatric Nephrology And Urology
  115. Geriatric Nursing
  116. Geriatric Orthopaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation
  117. Geriatrics & Gerontology International
  118. German Economic Review
  119. German History
  120. German Life And Letters
  121. German Quarterly, The
  122. German Research
  123. Gerodontology
  124. Gerontologist
  125. Gerontology
  126. Gerontology and Gereatric Medicine (OA)
  127. GeroScience (AGE)
  128. Gesta
  129. Gesunde Pflanzen
  130. Getty Research Journal
  131. Gifted Child Quarterly
  132. Gifted Child Today
  133. Gifted Education International
  134. Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia
  135. Glass And Ceramics
  136. Glass Physics And Chemistry
  137. Glass Technology - European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A
  138. Glia
  139. Global and Planetary Change
  140. Global Biogeochemical Cycles
  141. Global Business And Organizational Excellence
  142. Global Business Review
  143. Global Change Biology
  144. Global Credit Review
  145. Global Ecology & Biogeography
  146. Global Ecology & Biogeography Letters
  147. Global Economics and Management Review
  148. Global Environmental Change
  149. Global Finance Journal
  150. Global Food Security
  151. Global Health Promotion
  152. Global Heart
  153. Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies
  154. Global Media and Communication
  155. Global Networks
  156. Global Paediatric Health (OA)
  157. Global Policy
  158. Global Qualitative Nursing Research
  159. Global Social Policy
  160. Global Strategy Journal
  161. Global Studies of Childhood
  162. Globalization Societies And Education
  163. Glycobiology
  164. Glycoconjugate Journal
  165. Gondwana Research
  166. Governance
  167. Government And Opposition
  168. Government Information Quarterly
  169. Government Publications Review
  170. Government Publications Review (1973)
  171. Government Publications Review. Part A
  172. Government Publications Review. Part B
  173. Gps Solutions
  174. Graefe´s Archive For Clinical And Experimental Ophthalmology
  175. Grand N
  176. Granular Matter
  177. Graphical Models
  178. Graphical Models and Image Processing
  179. Graphs And Combinatorics
  180. Grass & Forage Science
  181. Grassland Science
  182. Gravitation And Cosmology
  183. Green Chemistry
  184. Green Processing and Synthesis
  185. Greenhouse Gases: Science And Technology
  186. Grey Systems: Theory and Application
  187. Ground Water
  188. Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation
  189. Group
  190. Group & Organization Management
  191. Group Analysis
  192. Group Decision And Negotiation
  193. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations
  194. Groups Complexity Cryptology
  195. Growth And Change
  196. Growth Hormone & IGF Research
  197. Grundwasser
  198. Gruppendynamik Und Organisationsberatung
  199. GRUR International
  200. Gynäkologische Endokrinologie
  201. Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation
  202. Gynecologic Oncology
  203. Gynecologic Oncology Case Reports
  204. Gynecological Surgery
  205. Gynécologie Obstétrique & Fertilité
  206. Gynecology and Minimally Invasive Therapy
  207. Gyroscopy And Navigation
  1. Habitat International
  2. Haematologica
  3. Haemophilia
  4. Hand
  5. Hand Surgery
  6. Hand, The
  7. Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science
  8. Harmful Algae
  9. Harper´s Magazine
  10. Harvard Educational Review
  11. Harvard Kennedy School Review
  12. Harvard Papers in Botany
  13. Haseltonia
  14. Hastings Center Report
  15. HBRC Journal
  16. Head & Neck: Journal For The Sciences & Specialties Of The Head And Neck
  17. Head And Neck Pathology
  18. Headache
  19. Health & Place
  20. Health & Social Care In The Community
  21. Health & Social Work
  22. Health And Technology
  23. Health Care Analysis
  24. Health Care Management Review
  25. Health Care Management Science
  26. Health Care Manager, The
  27. Health Economics
  28. Health Education & Behavior
  29. Health Education Journal
  30. Health Education Research
  31. Health Expectations
  32. Health Informatics Journal
  33. Health Information & Libraries Journal
  34. Health Libraries Review
  35. Health Outcomes Research in Medicine
  36. Health Physics: The Radiation Safety Journal
  37. Health Policy
  38. Health Policy and Education
  39. Health Policy and Planning
  40. Health Policy and Technology
  41. Health Promotion International
  42. Health Promotion Practice
  43. Health Psychology Open
  44. Health Services And Outcomes Research Methodology
  45. Health Services Research
  46. Health Services Research & Managerial Epidemiology
  47. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal
  48. Healthcare
  49. Healthcare Management Forum
  50. Healthcare Management Forum
  51. Healthcare Technology Letters
  52. Hearing Journal, The
  53. Hearing Research
  54. Heart & Lung: The Journal of Acute and Critical Care
  55. Heart And Vessels
  56. Heart Failure Reviews
  57. HEART Insight
  58. Heart Lung & Circulation
  59. Heart, Lung and Circulation
  60. Heat And Mass Transfer
  61. Heat Recovery Systems and CHP
  62. Heat Transfer - Asian Research (Formerly Heat Transfer-Japanese Research)
  63. Hebraica
  64. Hebrew Student, The
  65. Hec Forum
  66. Heilberufe
  67. Helgoland Marine Research
  68. Helia
  69. Helicobacter
  70. Hellenic Journal Of Surgery
  71. Helminthologia
  72. Helminthologia
  73. Helvetica Chimica Acta
  74. Hematological Oncology
  75. Hematology and Cell Therapy
  76. Hematology/Oncology and Stem Cell Therapy
  77. Hemodialysis International
  78. Hepatitis Research and Treatment
  79. Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International
  80. Hepatology
  81. Hepatology International
  82. Hepatology Research
  83. Herald Of The Russian Academy Of Sciences
  84. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal
  85. Hereditas
  86. Heredity
  87. Hernia
  88. Herpetologica
  89. Herpetological Monographs
  90. Herz
  91. Herzschrittmachertherapie + Elektrophysiologie
  92. Heteroatom Chemistry
  93. Heterocyclic Communications
  94. Heythrop Journal, The
  95. High Energy Chemistry
  96. High Energy Density Physics
  97. High Performance Polymers
  98. High Temperature
  99. High Temperature Materials and Processes
  100. High Voltage
  101. Higher Education
  102. Higher Education Abstracts
  103. Higher Education for the Future
  104. Higher Education Management and Policy
  105. Higher Education Quarterly
  106. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning
  107. Higher-Order And Symbolic Computation
  108. Hippocampus
  109. Hiroshima Mathematical Journal
  110. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences
  111. Histochemistry And Cell Biology
  112. Histopathology
  113. Historia Mathematica
  114. Historian, The
  115. Historical Research (1996 - 2019)
  116. Historical Research (1996 - Actual)
  117. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
  118. History
  119. History And Anthropology
  120. History and Sociology of South Asia
  121. History And Theory
  122. History Compass
  123. History Of Education
  124. History Of Education Quarterly
  125. History of Education Review
  126. History of Psychiatry
  127. History of Religions
  128. History of Science
  129. History of the Human Sciences
  130. History Teacher
  131. History Workshop Journal
  132. HIV & AIDS Review
  133. Hiv Medicine
  134. Hno
  135. Hokkaido Mathematical Journal
  136. Holistic Nursing Practice
  137. Holocaust and Genocide Studies
  138. Holocene, The
  139. Holzforschung
  140. Home Care Provider
  141. Home Health Care Management & Practice
  142. Home Healthcare Nurse
  143. Homeopathy
  144. Homicide Studies
  145. HOMO - Journal of Comparative Human Biology
  146. Homology, Homotopy and Applications
  147. Hong Kong Journal of Nephrology
  148. Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy
  149. Hong Kong Journal of Social Work, The
  150. Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal
  151. HOPOS: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
  152. Hormone Research in Paediatrics
  153. Hormones and Behavior
  154. Hormones And Cancer
  155. Horticulture, Environment, And Biotechnology
  156. HortScience
  157. Hospital Aviation
  158. Housing, Care and Support
  159. Houston Journal of Mathematics
  160. Howard Journal Of Criminal Justice, The
  161. HPB
  162. HPB Surgery
  163. Hss Journal
  164. Hugo Journal
  165. Human & Experimental Toxicology
  166. Human Affairs
  167. Human Biology
  168. Human Brain Mapping
  169. Human Cell
  170. Human Cell
  171. Human Communication Research (1997 - 2017)
  172. Human Communication Research (1996 - Actual)
  173. Human Development
  174. Human Ecology
  175. Human Factors
  176. Human Factors And Ergonomics In Manufacturing & Service Industries
  177. Human Gene Therapy
  178. Human Gene Therapy Clinical Development
  179. Human Gene Therapy Methods
  180. Human Genetics
  181. Human Heredity
  182. Human Immunology
  183. Human Molecular Genetics
  184. Human Movement Science
  185. Human Mutation
  186. Human Nature
  187. Human Ontogenetics
  188. Human Pathology
  189. Human Pathology: Case Reports
  190. Human Physiology
  191. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical And Experimental
  192. Human Relations
  193. Human Reproduction
  194. Human Reproduction Update
  195. Human Resource Development Quarterly
  196. Human Resource Development Review
  197. Human Resource Management
  198. Human Resource Management International Digest
  199. Human Resource Management Journal
  200. Human Resource Management Review
  201. Human Rights Law Review
  202. Human Rights Review
  203. Human Studies
  204. Humanity & Society
  205. Humanomics
  206. Hungarica Acta Physica
  207. Husserl Studies
  208. Hydrobiologia
  209. Hydrogeology Journal
  210. Hydrological Processes
  211. Hydrometallurgy
  212. Hypatia
  213. Hyperfine Interactions
  214. Hypertension
  1. I Tatti Studies in the Italian Renaissance
  2. I&Ec Fundamentals
  3. I&Ec Process Design And Development
  4. IATSS Research
  5. Iber
  6. Ibis
  7. ICAN: Infant, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition
  8. Icarus
  9. ICES Journal of Marine Science
  10. Ichthyological Research
  11. i-com
  12. Iconographia Mycologica
  13. ICSID Review - Foreign Investment Law Journal
  14. IDA Journal of Desalination and Water Reuse
  15. IDCases
  16. Ids Bulletin
  17. Ids Practice Papers
  18. Ids Research Reports
  19. Ids Working Papers
  20. IEE Proceedings - Circuits, Devices and Systems
  21. IEE Proceedings - Communications
  22. IEE Proceedings - Communications
  23. IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques
  24. IEE Proceedings - Control Theory and Applications
  25. IEE Proceedings - Electric Power Applications
  26. IEE Proceedings - Electric Power Applications
  27. IEE Proceedings - Generation, Transmission and Distribution
  28. IEE Proceedings - Information Security
  29. IEE Proceedings - Intelligent Transport Systems
  30. IEE Proceedings - Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation
  31. IEE Proceedings - Nanobiotechnology
  32. IEE Proceedings - Optoelectronics
  33. IEE Proceedings - Radar, Sonar and Navigation
  34. IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology
  35. IEE Proceedings - Software
  36. IEE Proceedings - Software Engineering
  37. IEE Proceedings - Systems Biology
  38. IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image and Signal Processing
  39. IEE Proceedings A - Physical Science, Measurement and Instrumentation, Management and Education
  40. IEE Proceedings A - Physical Science, Measurement and Instrumentation, Management and Education - Reviews
  41. IEE Proceedings A - Science, Measurement and Technology
  42. IEE Proceedings B - Electric Power Applications
  43. IEE Proceedings C - Generation, Transmission and Distribution
  44. IEE Proceedings D - Control Theory and Applications
  45. IEE Proceedings E - Computers and Digital Techniques
  46. IEE Proceedings F - Radar and Signal Processing
  47. IEE Proceedings G - Circuits, Devices and Systems
  48. IEE Proceedings G - Electronic Circuits and Systems
  49. IEE Proceedings H - Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation
  50. IEE Proceedings I - Communications, Speech and Vision
  51. IEE Proceedings I - Solid-State and Electron Devices
  52. IEE Proceedings J - Optoelectronics
  53. IEE Review
  54. IEEE / ACM Transactions On Computational Biology And Bioinformatics
  55. IEEE / ACM Transactions On Networking
  56. IEEE Access
  57. IEEE Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Newsletter
  58. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine
  59. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
  60. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Group Newsletter
  61. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine
  62. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Newsletter
  63. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters
  64. IEEE ASSP Magazine
  65. IEEE Audio and Electroacoustics Newsletter
  66. IEEE Biometrics Compendium
  67. IEEE Circuits & Systems Magazine
  68. IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine
  69. IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine
  70. IEEE Cloud Computing
  71. IEEE Communications Letters
  72. IEEE Communications Magazine
  73. IEEE Communications Society Magazine
  74. IEEE Communications Standards Magazine
  75. IEEE Communications Surveys
  76. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials
  77. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine
  78. IEEE Computational Science and Engineering
  79. IEEE Computer Applications in Power
  80. IEEE Computer Architecture Letters
  81. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
  82. IEEE Concurrency
  83. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine
  84. IEEE Control Systems
  85. IEEE Control Systems Letters
  86. IEEE Control Systems Magazine
  87. IEEE CSIT Newsletter
  88. IEEE Design & Test
  89. IEEE Design & Test of Computers
  90. IEEE Distributed Systems Online
  91. IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine
  92. IEEE Electrification Magazine
  93. IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine
  94. IEEE Electron Device Letters
  95. IEEE Embedded Systems Letters
  96. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine
  97. IEEE Engineering Management Review
  98. IEEE Expert
  99. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
  100. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine
  101. IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine
  102. IEEE Industry Applications Magazine
  103. IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine
  104. IEEE Intelligent Systems
  105. IEEE Intelligent Systems and their Applications
  106. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine
  107. IEEE Internet Computing
  108. IEEE Internet of Things Journal
  109. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
  110. IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology
  111. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
  112. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering
  113. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics
  114. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics
  115. IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification
  116. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
  117. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics
  118. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing
  119. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits
  120. IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society
  121. IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine
  122. IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems
  123. IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits
  124. IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques
  125. IEEE Journal on Robotics and Automation
  126. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
  127. IEEE Latin America Transactions
  128. IEEE LCS
  129. IEEE Life Sciences Letters
  130. IEEE LTS
  131. IEEE Magnetics Letters
  132. IEEE Micro
  133. IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters
  134. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters
  135. IEEE Microwave Magazine
  136. IEEE MultiMedia
  137. IEEE Nanotechnology Express
  138. IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine
  139. IEEE Network
  140. IEEE Parallel & Distributed Technology: Systems & Applications
  141. IEEE Personal Communications
  142. IEEE Pervasive Computing
  143. IEEE Photonics Journal
  144. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters
  145. IEEE Potentials
  146. IEEE Power and Energy Magazine
  147. IEEE Power and Energy Technology Systems Journal
  148. IEEE Power Electronics Letters
  149. IEEE Power Electronics Magazine
  150. IEEE Power Engineering Review
  151. IEEE Professional Group on Antennas and Propagation Newsletter
  152. IEEE Professional Technical Group on Antennas and Propagation Newsletter
  153. IEEE Pulse
  154. IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering
  155. IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje
  156. IEEE RFIC Virtual Journal
  157. IEEE RFID Virtual Journal
  158. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine
  159. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
  160. IEEE Security & Privacy
  161. IEEE Sensors Journal
  162. IEEE Sensors Letters
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  828. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer
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  835. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
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  853. International Journal Of Imaging Systems And Technology
  854. International Journal Of Immunogenetics
  855. International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology
  856. International Journal of Immunopharmacology
  857. International Journal of Impact Engineering
  858. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics
  859. International Journal of Industrial Organization
  860. International Journal of Infectious Diseases
  861. International Journal of Inflammation
  862. International Journal of Information Management
  863. International Journal Of Information Security
  864. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making
  865. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management
  866. International Journal of Innovation Management
  867. International Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
  868. International Journal of Inorganic Materials
  869. International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology
  870. International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics
  871. International Journal Of Intelligent Systems
  872. International Journal Of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research
  873. International Journal of Intercultural Relations
  874. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management
  875. International Journal Of Japanese Sociology
  876. International Journal Of Laboratory Hematology
  877. International Journal Of Language & Communication Disorders
  878. International Journal of Law and Information Technology
  879. International Journal of Law and Management
  880. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
  881. International Journal of Law in the Built Environment
  882. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice
  883. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family
  884. International Journal Of Legal Medicine
  885. International Journal of Lexicography
  886. International Journal Of Life Cycle Assessment
  887. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies
  888. International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds, The
  889. International Journal Of Machine Learning And Cybernetics
  890. International Journal of Machine Tool Design and Research
  891. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture
  892. International Journal of Management Education, The
  893. International Journal Of Management Reviews
  894. International Journal of Managerial Finance
  895. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business
  896. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies
  897. International Journal of Manpower
  898. International Journal of Manufacturing Engineering
  899. International Journal of Marine Energy
  900. International Journal of Maritime History
  901. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry
  902. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics
  903. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes
  904. International Journal Of Material Forming
  905. International Journal of Materials in Engineering Applications
  906. International Journal of Mathematics
  907. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
  908. International Journal Of Mathematics Education In Science And Technology
  909. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education
  910. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
  911. International Journal Of Mechanics And Materials In Design
  912. International Journal of Medical Genetics
  913. International Journal of Medical Informatics
  914. International Journal of Medical Microbiology
  915. International Journal of Medical Microbiology Supplements
  916. International Journal Of Medical Robotics And Computer Assisted Surgery, The
  917. International Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
  918. International Journal Of Mental Health And Addiction
  919. International Journal Of Mental Health Nursing
  920. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education
  921. International Journal of Metals
  922. International Journal Of Methods In Psychiatric Research
  923. International Journal of Microbiology
  924. International Journal of Microwave Science and Technology
  925. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
  926. International Journal of Mineral Processing
  927. International Journal of Mineralogy
  928. International Journal Of Minerals, Metallurgy, And Materials
  929. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology
  930. International Journal of Modeling, Simulation and Scientific Computing
  931. International Journal of Modern Physics A: Particles and Fields; Gravitation; Cosmology
  932. International Journal of Modern Physics B: Condensed Matter Physics; Statistical Physics; Applied Physics
  933. International Journal of Modern Physics C: Computational Physics and Physical Computation
  934. International Journal of Modern Physics D: Gravitation; Astrophysics and Cosmology
  935. International Journal of Modern Physics E
  936. International Journal of Molecular Imaging
  937. International Journal of Multiphase Flow
  938. International Journal of Music Education
  939. International Journal of Mycobacteriology
  940. International Journal of Nanoscience
  941. International Journal Of Nautical Archaeology
  942. International Journal of Navigation and Observation
  943. International Journal of Nephrology
  944. International Journal Of Network Management
  945. International Journal of Neural Systems
  946. International Journal of Neuropharmacology
  947. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics
  948. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation
  949. International Journal Of Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Marketing
  950. International Journal of Nuclear Energy
  951. International Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Biology
  952. International Journal of Number Theory
  953. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow
  954. International Journal Of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices And Fields
  955. International Journal Of Nursing Knowledge
  956. International Journal Of Nursing Practice
  957. International Journal of Nursing Sciences
  958. International Journal of Nursing Studies
  959. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia
  960. International Journal Of Occupational Medicine And Environmental Health
  961. International Journal of Oceanography
  962. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology
  963. International Journal Of Older People Nursing
  964. International Journal of Optics
  965. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
  966. International Journal of Oral Surgery
  967. International Journal of Orthodontia
  968. International Journal of Orthodontia and Dentistry for Children
  969. International Journal of Orthodontia and Oral Surgery
  970. International Journal of Orthodontia and Oral Surgery (1919)
  971. International Journal of Orthodontia, Oral Surgery and Radiography
  972. International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing
  973. International Journal Of Osteoarchaeology
  974. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine
  975. International Journal of Otolaryngology
  976. International Journal Of Paediatric Dentistry
  977. International Journal of Paleopathology
  978. International Journal of Palliative Care
  979. International Journal Of Parallel Programming
  980. International Journal of Partial Differential Equations
  981. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
  982. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
  983. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Extra
  984. International Journal of Pediatrics
  985. International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
  986. International Journal Of Peptide Research And Therapeutics
  987. International Journal of Peptides
  988. International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications
  989. International Journal of Pharmaceutics
  990. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice (1996 - 2020)
  991. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice (1996 - Actual)
  992. International Journal of Photochemistry
  993. International Journal of Photoenergy
  994. International Journal of PIXE
  995. International Journal of Plant Genomics
  996. International Journal of Plant Sciences
  997. International Journal of Plasticity
  998. International Journal Of Plastics Technology
  999. International Journal of Police Science and Management
  1000. International Journal Of Politics, Culture, And Society
  1001. International Journal of Polymer Science
  1002. International Journal of Population Research
  1003. International Journal Of Precision Engineering And Manufacturing
  1004. International Journal of Press/Politics, The
  1005. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping
  1006. International Journal Of Primatology
  1007. International Journal of Production Economics
  1008. International Journal of Project Management
  1009. International Journal of Proteomics
  1010. International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, The
  1011. International Journal Of Psychoanalysis, The
  1012. International Journal Of Psychology
  1013. International Journal of Psychophysiology
  1014. International Journal Of Public Health
  1015. International Journal of Public Opinion Research
  1016. International Journal of Public Sector Management
  1017. International Journal Of Qualitative Studies In Education
  1018. International Journal Of Quantum Chemistry
  1019. International Journal of Quantum Information
  1020. International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part A. Applied Radiation and Isotopes
  1021. International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part B. Nuclear Medicine and Biology
  1022. International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part C. Radiation Physics and Chemistry
  1023. International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part D. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements
  1024. International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics
  1025. International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing
  1026. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials
  1027. International Journal of Refrigeration
  1028. International Journal of Refugee Law
  1029. International Journal Of Rehabilitation And Health
  1030. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research
  1031. International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering
  1032. International Journal of Reproductive Medicine
  1033. International Journal of Research in Marketing
  1034. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management
  1035. International Journal Of Rf And Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering
  1036. International Journal Of Rheumatic Diseases
  1037. International Journal of Rheumatology
  1038. International Journal Of Robotics Research
  1039. International Journal Of Robust And Nonlinear Control
  1040. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences
  1041. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts
  1042. International Journal of Rotating Machinery
  1043. International Journal of Rural Management
  1044. International Journal Of Salt Lake Research
  1045. International Journal Of Satellite Communications And Networking
  1046. International Journal Of Science And Mathematics Education
  1047. International Journal of Science Education
  1048. International Journal of Sediment Research
  1049. International Journal Of Selection And Assessment
  1050. International Journal Of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis
  1051. International Journal of Semantic Computing
  1052. International Journal of Social Economics
  1053. International Journal of Social Psychiatry
  1054. International Journal Of Social Robotics
  1055. International Journal Of Social Welfare
  1056. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy
  1057. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
  1058. International Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
  1059. International Journal of Solids and Structures
  1060. International Journal of Spectroscopy
  1061. International Journal Of Speech Technology
  1062. International Journal of Spine Surgery, The
  1063. International Journal of Statistical Mechanics
  1064. International Journal Of Steel Structures
  1065. International Journal of Stochastic Analysis
  1066. International Journal Of Stomatology & Occlusion Medicine
  1067. International Journal Of Stress Management
  1068. International Journal Of Stroke
  1069. International Journal of Stroke
  1070. International Journal of Structural Integrity
  1071. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics
  1072. International Journal of Superconductivity
  1073. International Journal of Surgery
  1074. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports
  1075. International Journal of Surgical Oncology
  1076. International Journal of Surgical Pathology
  1077. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education
  1078. International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment
  1079. International Journal Of Systematic Theology
  1080. International Journal Of Systems Assurance Engineering And Management
  1081. International Journal Of Technology And Design Education
  1082. International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications
  1083. International Journal Of The Classical Tradition
  1084. International Journal of the Sociology of Law
  1085. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance
  1086. International Journal Of Theoretical Physics
  1087. International Journal of Thermal Sciences
  1088. International Journal Of Thermophysics
  1089. International Journal of Tissue Engineering
  1090. International Journal of Tourism Management
  1091. International Journal Of Tourism Research
  1092. International Journal of Toxicology
  1093. International Journal Of Training And Development
  1094. International Journal of Transitional Justice
  1095. International Journal of Transport Management
  1096. International Journal of Trauma Nursing
  1097. International Journal of Turbo & Jet-Engines
  1098. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems
  1099. International Journal Of Urban And Regional Research
  1100. International Journal Of Urological Nursing
  1101. International Journal Of Urology
  1102. International Journal Of Value-Based Management
  1103. International Journal of Vascular Medicine
  1104. International Journal of Vehicular Technology
  1105. International Journal of Veterinary Science and Medicine
  1106. International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing
  1107. International Journal of Web Information Systems
  1108. International Journal Of Wireless Information Networks
  1109. International Journal of Zoology
  1110. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools
  1111. International Journal On Digital Libraries
  1112. International Journal On Document Analysis And Recognition (Ijdar)
  1113. International Journal on E-Learning
  1114. International Journal On Interactive Design And Manufacturing (Ijidem)
  1115. International Journal On Software Tools For Technology Transfer
  1116. International Journal: CanadaEUR(TM)s Journal of Global Policy Analysis
  1117. International Labour Review
  1118. International Library Review
  1119. International Materials Reviews
  1120. International Mathematics Research Notices
  1121. International Medical Review on Down Syndrome
  1122. International Microbiology
  1123. International Migration
  1124. International Migration Review
  1125. International Nursing Review
  1126. International Ophthalmology
  1127. International Ophthalmology Clinics
  1128. International Orthopaedics
  1129. International Political Science Abstracts / Documentation Politique Internationale
  1130. International Political Science Review/ Revue internationale de science politique
  1131. International Political Sociology
  1132. International Quarterly of Community Health Education
  1133. International Regional Science Review
  1134. International Relations
  1135. International Relations of the Asia-Pacific
  1136. International Review for the Sociology of Sport
  1137. International Review of Administrative Sciences
  1138. International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology
  1139. International Review of Cytology
  1140. International Review Of Economics
  1141. International Review of Economics & Finance
  1142. International Review of Economics Education
  1143. International Review Of Education
  1144. International Review Of Finance
  1145. International Review of Financial Analysis
  1146. International Review Of Hydrobiology
  1147. International Review of Law and Economics
  1148. International Review Of Mission
  1149. International Review of Neurobiology
  1150. International Review Of Victimology
  1151. International Review On Public And Nonprofit Marketing
  1152. International Scholarly Research Notices
  1153. International Small Business Journal
  1154. International Social Science Journal
  1155. International Social Security Review
  1156. International Social Work
  1157. International Sociology
  1158. International Statistical Review
  1159. International Statistical Review (2003 - 2006)
  1160. International Strategic Management Review
  1161. International Studies
  1162. International Studies Perspectives (2002)
  1163. International Studies Perspectives (2000 - Actual)
  1164. International Studies Quarterly
  1165. International Studies Review
  1166. International Tax And Public Finance
  1167. International Transactions In Operational Research
  1168. International Transactions On Electrical Energy Systems
  1169. International Urogynecology Journal
  1170. International Urology And Nephrology
  1171. International Wood Products Journal
  1172. International Wound Journal
  1173. International Zoo Yearbook
  1174. Internationale Revue Fur Soziale Sicherheit
  1175. Internet and Higher Education, The
  1176. Internet Interventions
  1177. Internet Mathematics
  1178. Internet Research
  1179. Interpretation
  1180. Intervention
  1181. Intervention in School and Clinic
  1182. Interventional Cardiology Newsletter
  1183. Interventional Neurology
  1184. Interventional Neuroradiology
  1185. Intervirology
  1186. Invasive Plant Science And Management
  1187. Inventiones Mathematicae
  1188. Inverse Problems
  1189. Invertebrate Biology
  1190. Invertebrate Neuroscience
  1191. Investigational New Drugs
  1192. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (IOVS)
  1193. Investigative Radiology
  1194. Ion Exchange Materials
  1195. Ionics
  1196. Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
  1197. Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
  1198. iPerception (OA)
  1199. IRBM
  1200. IRBM News
  1201. IRE Professional Group on Antennas and Propagation Newsletter
  1202. IRE Transactions on Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics
  1203. IRE Transactions on Aerospace and Navigational Electronics
  1204. IRE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
  1205. IRE Transactions on Audio
  1206. IRE Transactions on Automatic Control
  1207. IRE Transactions on Bio-Medical Electronics
  1208. IRE Transactions on Broadcast and Television Receivers
  1209. IRE Transactions on Broadcast Transmission Systems
  1210. IRE Transactions on Broadcasting
  1211. IRE Transactions on Circuit Theory
  1212. IRE Transactions on Communications Systems
  1213. IRE Transactions on Component Parts
  1214. IRE Transactions on Education
  1215. IRE Transactions on Electron Devices
  1216. IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers
  1217. IRE Transactions on Engineering Management
  1218. IRE Transactions on Engineering Writing and Speech
  1219. IRE Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics
  1220. IRE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
  1221. IRE Transactions on Information Theory
  1222. IRE Transactions on Instrumentation
  1223. IRE Transactions on Medical Electronics
  1224. IRE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques
  1225. IRE Transactions on Military Electronics
  1226. IRE Transactions on Nuclear Science
  1227. IRE Transactions on Product Engineering and Production
  1228. IRE Transactions on Production Techniques
  1229. IRE Transactions on Radio Frequency Interference
  1230. IRE Transactions on Reliability and Quality Control
  1231. IRE Transactions on Space Electronics and Telemetry
  1232. IRE Transactions on Telemetry and Remote Control
  1233. IRE Transactions on Ultrasonic Engineering
  1234. IRE Transactions on Vehicular Communications
  1235. Irish Journal Of Medical Science
  1236. Irish Theological Quarterly
  1237. Ironmaking & Steelmaking
  1238. Irrigation And Drainage
  1239. Irrigation And Drainage Systems
  1240. Irrigation Science
  1241. ISA Transactions
  1242. Isbt Science Series: The International Journal Of Intracellular Transport
  1243. Isis (1913 - 2012)
  1244. Isis (2002 - actual)
  1245. Island Arc
  1246. ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment
  1247. ISME Journal, The
  1248. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
  1249. Israel Journal Of Chemistry
  1250. Israel Journal Of Mathematics
  1251. ISRN Addiction
  1252. ISRN Agronomy
  1253. ISRN AIDS
  1254. ISRN Algebra
  1255. ISRN Allergy
  1256. ISRN Analytical Chemistry
  1257. ISRN Anatomy
  1258. ISRN Anesthesiology
  1259. ISRN Applied Mathematics
  1260. ISRN Artificial Intelligence
  1261. ISRN Astronomy and Astrophysics
  1262. ISRN Atmospheric Sciences
  1263. ISRN Biochemistry
  1264. ISRN Bioinformatics
  1265. ISRN Biomaterials
  1266. ISRN Biomathematics
  1267. ISRN Biophysics
  1268. ISRN Biotechnology
  1269. ISRN Botany
  1270. ISRN Cardiology
  1271. ISRN Cell Biology
  1272. ISRN Ceramics
  1273. ISRN Chemical Engineering
  1274. ISRN Chromatography
  1275. ISRN Civil Engineering
  1276. ISRN Combinatorics
  1277. ISRN Communications and Networking
  1278. ISRN Computational Mathematics
  1279. ISRN Computer Graphics
  1280. ISRN Condensed Matter Physics
  1281. ISRN Corrosion
  1282. ISRN Critical Care
  1283. ISRN Dentistry
  1284. ISRN Dermatology
  1285. ISRN Developmental Biology
  1286. ISRN Discrete Mathematics
  1287. ISRN Ecology
  1288. ISRN Economics
  1289. ISRN Education
  1290. ISRN Electronics
  1291. ISRN Emergency Medicine
  1292. ISRN Endocrinology
  1293. ISRN Endoscopy
  1294. ISRN Epidemiology
  1295. ISRN Evolutionary Biology
  1296. ISRN Family Medicine
  1297. ISRN Forestry
  1298. ISRN Gastroenterology
  1299. ISRN Genetics
  1300. ISRN Genomics
  1301. ISRN Geometry
  1302. ISRN Geophysics
  1303. ISRN Geriatrics
  1304. ISRN Hematology
  1305. ISRN Hepatology
  1306. ISRN High Energy Physics
  1307. ISRN Hypertension
  1308. ISRN Immunology
  1309. ISRN Infectious Diseases
  1310. ISRN Inflammation
  1311. ISRN Inorganic Chemistry
  1312. ISRN Machine Vision
  1313. ISRN Materials Science
  1314. ISRN Mathematical Analysis
  1315. ISRN Mathematical Physics
  1316. ISRN Mechanical Engineering
  1317. ISRN Metallurgy
  1318. ISRN Meteorology
  1319. ISRN Microbiology
  1320. ISRN Minimally Invasive Surgery
  1321. ISRN Molecular Biology
  1322. ISRN Molecular Imaging
  1323. ISRN Nanomaterials
  1324. ISRN Nanotechnology
  1325. ISRN Nephrology
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  1327. ISRN Neurology
  1328. ISRN Neuroscience
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  1331. ISRN Obesity
  1332. ISRN Obstetrics and Gynecology
  1333. ISRN Oceanography
  1334. ISRN Oncology
  1335. ISRN Ophthalmology
  1336. ISRN Optics
  1337. ISRN Organic Chemistry
  1338. ISRN Orthopedics
  1339. ISRN Otolaryngology
  1340. ISRN Pain
  1341. ISRN Parasitology
  1342. ISRN Pathology
  1343. ISRN Pediatrics
  1344. ISRN Pharmaceutics
  1345. ISRN Pharmacology
  1346. ISRN Physical Chemistry
  1347. ISRN Physiology
  1348. ISRN Plastic Surgery
  1349. ISRN Polymer Science
  1350. ISRN Preventive Medicine
  1351. ISRN Probability and Statistics
  1352. ISRN Psychiatry
  1353. ISRN Public Health
  1354. ISRN Pulmonology
  1355. ISRN Radiology
  1356. ISRN Rehabilitation
  1357. ISRN Renewable Energy
  1358. ISRN Rheumatology
  1359. ISRN Robotics
  1360. ISRN Sensor Networks
  1361. ISRN Signal Processing
  1362. ISRN Software Engineering
  1363. ISRN Soil Science
  1364. ISRN Spectroscopy
  1365. ISRN Stem Cells
  1366. ISRN Stroke
  1367. ISRN Surgery
  1368. ISRN Thermodynamics
  1369. ISRN Tissue Engineering
  1370. ISRN Toxicology
  1371. ISRN Transplantation
  1372. ISRN Tribology
  1373. ISRN Urology
  1374. ISRN Vascular Medicine
  1375. ISRN Veterinary Science
  1376. ISRN Virology
  1377. ISRN Zoology
  1378. it - Information Technology
  1379. IT Professional
  1380. ITBM-RBM
  1381. ITBM-RBM News
  1382. ITNOW
  1383. Iubmb Life
  1384. Izvestiya, Atmospheric And Oceanic Physics
  1385. Izvestiya, Physics Of The Solid Earth
  1386. Izvestiya: Mathematics
  1. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging
  2. JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions
  3. JACC: Heart Failure
  4. Jadavpur Journal of International Relations
  5. Jahresbericht Der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung
  6. JAMA Journal
  7. JAMA Neurology
  8. Japan and the World Economy
  9. Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  10. Japan Journal Of Industrial And Applied Mathematics
  11. Japan Journal Of Nursing Science
  12. Japanese Dental Science Review
  13. Japanese Economic Review, The
  14. Japanese Journal Of Applied Physics
  15. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology
  16. Japanese Journal Of Mathematics
  17. Japanese Journal Of Ophthalmology
  18. Japanese Journal Of Radiology
  19. Japanese Psychological Research
  20. JBI Reports
  21. JBIC Journal Of Biological Inorganic Chemistry
  22. JCC Open
  23. JCMS: Journal Of Common Market Studies
  24. JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology
  25. JDMS: Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology
  26. Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies
  27. Jetp Letters
  28. Jewish History
  29. Jindal Journal of Business Research
  30. JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute
  31. JNEN: Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology
  32. Joint Bone Spine
  33. JOM Journal of the Minerals Metals & Materials Society
  34. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration
  35. JONA´s Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation
  36. Jornal de Pediatria
  37. Jornal de Pediatria (Versão em Português)
  38. Jour Al Of Data And Information Quality
  39. Journal Africain d´Hépato-Gastroentérologie
  40. Journal Africain Du Cancer / African Journal Of Cancer
  41. Journal - American Water Works Association
  42. Journal d´ Analyse Mathématique
  43. Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées
  44. Journal de Mycologie Médicale / Journal of Medical Mycology
  45. Journal de Pédiatrie et de Puériculture
  46. Journal Der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft
  47. Journal For Eighteenth-Century Studies
  48. Journal For General Philosophy Of Science
  49. Journal For Healthcare Quality
  50. Journal for Labour Market Research
  51. Journal for Manufacturing Science and Production
  52. Journal for Nature Conservation
  53. Journal for Nurse Practitioners, The
  54. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development(JNSD)
  55. Journal For Specialists In Pediatric Nursing
  56. Journal for the Education of the Gifted
  57. Journal for the History of Astronomy
  58. Journal For The Scientific Study Of Religion
  59. Journal for the Study of the New Testament
  60. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament
  61. Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha
  62. Journal For The Theory Of Social Behaviour
  63. Journal für Ästhetische Chirurgie
  64. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
  65. Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik
  66. Journal für Rechtspolitik
  67. Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit
  68. Journal In Computer Virology
  69. Journal Of Abnormal Child Psychology
  70. Journal Of Academic Ethics
  71. Journal of Academic Librarianship, The
  72. Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change
  73. Journal of Accounting and Economics
  74. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
  75. Journal of Accounting Education
  76. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies
  77. Journal of Accounting Literature
  78. Journal Of Accounting Research
  79. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance
  80. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
  81. Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies
  82. Journal Of Acupuncture And Tuina Science
  83. Journal of Acute Disease
  84. Journal of Acute Medicine
  85. Journal of Addiction
  86. Journal of Addiction Medicine
  87. Journal Of Addictions & Offender Counseling, The
  88. Journal of Adolescence
  89. Journal Of Adolescent & Adult Literacy
  90. Journal of Adolescent Health
  91. Journal of Adolescent Health Care
  92. Journal of Adolescent Research
  93. Journal Of Adult Development
  94. Journal of Adult Protection
  95. Journal of Advanced Academics
  96. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems
  97. Journal Of Advanced Nursing
  98. Journal of Advanced Research
  99. Journal Of Advanced Transportation
  100. Journal of Advances in Management Research
  101. Journal Of Advances In Modeling Earth Systems
  102. Journal of Aerodynamics
  103. Journal of Aerosol Science
  104. Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, The (2001 - 2020)
  105. Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, The (1996 - Actual)
  106. Journal of Affective Disorders
  107. Journal Of African American Studies
  108. Journal of African Earth Sciences
  109. Journal of African Earth Sciences (1983)
  110. Journal of African Earth Sciences (and the Middle East)
  111. Journal of African Economies
  112. Journal of African Trade
  113. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research
  114. Journal of Aging and Health
  115. Journal of Aging Research
  116. Journal of Aging Studies
  117. Journal Of Agrarian Change
  118. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies
  119. Journal Of Agricultural And Environmental Ethics
  120. Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry
  121. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology
  122. Journal Of Agricultural Economics
  123. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research
  124. Journal Of Agricultural, Biological, And Environmental Statistics
  125. Journal Of Agronomy And Crop Science
  126. Journal of Air Medical Transport
  127. Journal of Air Transport Management
  128. Journal of Algebra
  129. Journal of Algebra and Its Applications
  130. Journal Of Algebraic Combinatorics
  131. Journal of Algebraic Geometry
  132. Journal of Algorithms
  133. Journal of Allergy
  134. Journal of Allergy
  135. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
  136. Journal of Alloys and Compounds
  137. Journal of Alzheimer´s Disease
  138. Journal Of Ambient Intelligence And Humanized Computing
  139. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management
  140. Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
  141. Journal Of American Culture, The
  142. Journal Of American Geriatrics Society
  143. Journal of American History
  144. Journal of Amino Acids
  145. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis
  146. Journal Of Analytical Chemistry
  147. Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry
  148. Journal Of Analytical Psychology, The
  149. Journal of Analytical Toxicology
  150. Journal Of Anatomy
  151. Journal Of Andrology
  152. Journal Of Anesthesia
  153. Journal of Anesthesiology
  154. Journal of Angiology
  155. Journal Of Animal Breeding And Genetics
  156. Journal Of Animal Ecology
  157. Journal Of Animal Physiology And Nutrition
  158. Journal of Animal Science
  159. Journal of Animals
  160. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology
  161. Journal of Anthropology
  162. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
  163. Journal of Antitrust Enforcement
  164. Journal of Anxiety Disorders
  165. Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL
  166. Journal of Applied Accounting Research
  167. Journal of Applied Analysis
  168. Journal Of Applied And Industrial Mathematics
  169. Journal Of Applied Behavior Analysis
  170. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, The
  171. Journal Of Applied Biobehavioral Research
  172. Journal of Applied Biomedicine
  173. Journal of Applied Chemistry
  174. Journal Of Applied Corporate Finance
  175. Journal Of Applied Crystallography
  176. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology
  177. Journal Of Applied Ecology
  178. Journal Of Applied Econometrics
  179. Journal of Applied Economics
  180. Journal Of Applied Electrochemistry
  181. Journal Of Applied Entomology
  182. Journal Of Applied Genetics
  183. Journal of Applied Geodesy
  184. Journal of Applied Geophysics
  185. Journal of Applied Gerontology
  186. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology
  187. Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine, The
  188. Journal of Applied Logic
  189. Journal of Applied Mathematics
  190. Journal of Applied Mathematics
  191. Journal Of Applied Mathematics And Computing
  192. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
  193. Journal Of Applied Mechanics
  194. Journal Of Applied Mechanics And Technical Physics
  195. Journal Of Applied Metalworking
  196. Journal Of Applied Microbiology
  197. Journal Of Applied Philosophy
  198. Journal Of Applied Phycology
  199. Journal of Applied Physics
  200. Journal Of Applied Physiology
  201. Journal Of Applied Polymer Science
  202. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, The
  203. Journal of Applied Probability (1964 - 2012)
  204. Journal of Applied Probability (1998 - 2015)
  205. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education
  206. Journal Of Applied Research In Intellectual Disabilities
  207. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition
  208. Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
  209. Journal Of Applied Social Psychology
  210. Journal of Applied Social Science
  211. Journal Of Applied Spectroscopy
  212. Journal Of Applied Toxicology
  213. Journal of Approximation Theory
  214. Journal Of Aquatic Animal Health
  215. Journal Of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress And Recovery
  216. Journal Of Arachnology
  217. Journal Of Archaeological Method And Theory
  218. Journal Of Archaeological Research
  219. Journal of Archaeological Science
  220. Journal of Archaeology
  221. Journal Of Architectural Education
  222. Journal of Arid Environments
  223. Journal of Arrhythmia
  224. Journal of Arthroplasty, The
  225. Journal of Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery
  226. Journal Of Artificial Organs
  227. Journal of Asian and African Studies
  228. Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies
  229. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
  230. Journal of Asian Economics
  231. Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs
  232. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity
  233. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology
  234. Journal Of Assisted Reproduction And Genetics
  235. Journal of Assistive Technologies
  236. Journal of ASTM International
  237. Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation
  238. Journal of Astrophysics
  239. Journal Of Astrophysics And Astronomy
  240. Journal of Atherosclerosis Research
  241. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
  242. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics
  243. Journal Of Atmospheric Chemistry
  244. Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics
  245. Journal of Attention Disorders
  246. Journal Of Autism And Developmental Disorders
  247. Journal of Autoimmunity
  248. Journal Of Automated Reasoning
  249. Journal Of Avian Biology
  250. Journal Of Avian Medicine And Surgery
  251. Journal Of Bacteriology
  252. Journal of Banking & Finance
  253. Journal of Basic & Applied Zoology, The
  254. Journal Of Basic Microbiology
  255. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry
  256. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics
  257. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance
  258. Journal Of Behavioral Decision Making
  259. Journal of Behavioral Economics
  260. Journal Of Behavioral Education
  261. Journal Of Behavioral Health Services & Research
  262. Journal Of Behavioral Medicine
  263. Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers
  264. Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods
  265. Journal Of Biochemical And Molecular Toxicology (Formerly Journal Of Biochemical Toxicology)
  266. Journal Of Biochemistry
  267. Journal Of Bioeconomics
  268. Journal Of Bioenergetics And Biomembranes
  269. Journal Of Bioethical Inquiry
  270. Journal Of Biogeography
  271. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
  272. Journal Of Biological Chemistry
  273. Journal Of Biological Physics
  274. Journal Of Biological Rhythms
  275. Journal of Biological Standardization
  276. Journal of Biological Systems
  277. Journal of Biomarkers
  278. Journal of Biomaterials Applications
  279. Journal of Biomechanics
  280. Journal of Biomedical Education
  281. Journal of Biomedical Engineering
  282. Journal of Biomedical Informatics
  283. Journal Of Biomedical Materials Research
  284. Journal Of Biomedical Materials Research Part A
  285. Journal Of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials
  286. Journal Of Biomedical Optics
  287. Journal of Biomedical Research
  288. Journal Of Biomedical Science
  289. Journal of Biomedical Science
  290. Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials, and Tissue Engineering
  291. Journal Of Biomolecular Nmr
  292. Journal of Biomolecular Screening
  293. Journal of Bionic Engineering
  294. Journal Of Biophotonics
  295. Journal of Biophysics
  296. Journal Of Biorheology
  297. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
  298. Journal Of Biosciences
  299. Journal of Biotechnology
  300. Journal of Black Psychology
  301. Journal of Black Studies
  302. Journal of Blood Transfusion
  303. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies
  304. Journal Of Bone And Mineral Metabolism
  305. Journal Of Bone And Mineral Research
  306. Journal of Bone Oncology
  307. Journal of Botany
  308. Journal of Breast Imaging
  309. Journal Of Breath Research
  310. Journal of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology
  311. Journal of Building Physics
  312. Journal of Burn Care & Research (2013 -2017)
  313. Journal of Burn Care & Research (1996 - Actual)
  314. Journal Of Business And Psychology
  315. Journal of Business and Technical Communication
  316. Journal of Business Economics
  317. Journal Of Business Ethics
  318. Journal Of Business Finance & Accounting
  319. Journal Of Business Logistics
  320. Journal of Business Research
  321. Journal of Business Venturing
  322. Journal of Calculus of Variations
  323. Journal Of Cancer Education
  324. Journal of Cancer Epidemiology
  325. Journal of Cancer Nursing
  326. Journal of Cancer Policy
  327. Journal of Cancer Research
  328. Journal Of Cancer Research And Clinical Oncology
  329. Journal Of Cancer Survivorship
  330. Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry
  331. Journal of Cardiac Failure
  332. Journal Of Cardiac Surgery
  333. Journal of Cardiology
  334. Journal of Cardiology Cases
  335. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention
  336. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia
  337. Journal of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia
  338. Journal of Cardiothoracic-Renal Research
  339. Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography
  340. Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
  341. Journal Of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology
  342. Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine
  343. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing
  344. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology
  345. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics
  346. Journal Of Cardiovascular Translational Research
  347. Journal of Career Assessment
  348. Journal Of Career Development
  349. Journal of Career Development
  350. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership
  351. Journal of Catalysis
  352. Journal of Catalysts
  353. Journal of Causal Inference
  354. Journal of Cell Adhesion
  355. Journal Of Cell Biology
  356. Journal Of Cell Communication And Signaling
  357. Journal Of Cell Science
  358. Journal Of Cellular Biochemistry
  359. Journal Of Cellular Physiology
  360. Journal of Cellular Plastics
  361. Journal Of Central South University Of Technology
  362. Journal of Ceramics
  363. Journal of Cereal Science
  364. Journal of Cerebral Blood Floow and Metabolism
  365. Journal of Chaos
  366. Journal Of Chemical & Engineering Data
  367. Journal Of Chemical Biology
  368. Journal Of Chemical Crystallography
  369. Journal Of Chemical Ecology
  370. Journal Of Chemical Education
  371. Journal of Chemical Health and Safety
  372. Journal Of Chemical Information And Modeling
  373. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy
  374. Journal of Chemical Physics
  375. Journal of Chemical Research
  376. Journal Of Chemical Sciences
  377. Journal Of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology
  378. Journal Of Chemical Theory And Computation
  379. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, The
  380. Journal of Chemistry
  381. Journal Of Chemometrics
  382. Journal Of Child And Adolescent Group Therapy
  383. Journal Of Child And Adolescent Psychiatric Nursin G
  384. Journal Of Child And Family Studies
  385. Journal of Child Health Care
  386. Journal of Child Neurology
  387. Journal Of Child Psychology And Psychiatry, The
  388. Journal Of Children´s Orthopaedics
  389. Journal of Children´s Services
  390. Journal of China University of Mining and Technology
  391. Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies
  392. Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship
  393. Journal of Chinese Human Resources Management
  394. Journal Of Chinese Philosophy
  395. Journal Of Chinese Political Science
  396. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine
  397. Journal of Choice Modelling
  398. Journal of Christian Nursing
  399. Journal of Chromatographic Science
  400. Journal of Chromatography A
  401. Journal of Chromatography B
  402. Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications
  403. Journal of Chronic Diseases
  404. Journal of Church and State
  405. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers
  406. Journal Of Civil Structural Health Monitoring
  407. Journal of Classical Sociology
  408. Journal Of Classification
  409. Journal of Classroom Interaction
  410. Journal of Cleaner Production
  411. Journal of Climatology
  412. Journal of Clinical & Translational Endocrinology
  413. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology
  414. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia
  415. Journal Of Clinical Apheresis
  416. Journal Of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, The
  417. Journal of Clinical Engineering
  418. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
  419. Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine
  420. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology
  421. Journal of Clinical Gerontology and Geriatrics
  422. Journal Of Clinical Hypertension, The
  423. Journal Of Clinical Immunology
  424. Journal Of Clinical Investigation
  425. Journal Of Clinical Laboratory Analysis
  426. Journal of Clinical Lipidology
  427. Journal Of Clinical Microbiology
  428. Journal Of Clinical Monitoring And Computing
  429. Journal of Clinical Neuromuscular Disease
  430. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology
  431. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience
  432. Journal Of Clinical Nursing
  433. Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma
  434. Journal Of Clinical Periodontology
  435. Journal Of Clinical Pharmacology
  436. Journal Of Clinical Pharmacy & Therapeutics
  437. Journal Of Clinical Psychology
  438. Journal Of Clinical Psychology In Medical Settings
  439. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology
  440. Journal Of Clinical Ultrasound
  441. Journal of Clinical Urology
  442. Journal of Clinical Virology
  443. Journal Of Cluster Science
  444. Journal of CO2 Utilization
  445. Journal of Coal Science And Engineering (China)
  446. Journal of Coastal Conservation (1995 - 2013)
  447. Journal of Coastal Conservation (2002 - 2004)
  448. Journal of Coastal Research (1985-2002)
  449. Journal of Coastal Research (2002-)
  450. Journal of Coatings
  451. Journal Of Coatings Technology And Research
  452. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making
  453. Journal Of Cognitive Neuroscience
  454. Journal Of Cognitive Psychology
  455. Journal Of College Counseling
  456. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice
  457. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
  458. Journal of Colloid Science
  459. Journal of Coloproctology
  460. Journal Of Combinatorial Chemistry
  461. Journal Of Combinatorial Designs
  462. Journal Of Combinatorial Optimization
  463. Journal of Combinatorial Theory
  464. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A
  465. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B
  466. Journal of Combustion
  467. Journal of Commonwealth Literature, The
  468. Journal of Communication (1997 - 2017)
  469. Journal of Communication (1996 - Actual)
  470. Journal of Communication Disorders
  471. Journal of Communication Inquiry
  472. Journal Of Communications And Networks
  473. Journal of Communications and Networks
  474. Journal Of Communications Technology And Electronics
  475. Journal Of Community & Applied Social Psychology
  476. Journal Of Community Genetics
  477. Journal Of Community Health
  478. Journal Of Community Psychology
  479. Journal of Commutative Algebra
  480. Journal of Comparative Economics
  481. Journal Of Comparative Germanic Linguistics
  482. Journal Of Comparative Neurology, The
  483. Journal of Comparative Pathology
  484. Journal of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics
  485. Journal Of Comparative Physiology A
  486. Journal Of Comparative Physiology B
  487. Journal of Competition Law & Economics
  488. Journal of Complex Analysis
  489. Journal of Complex Networks
  490. Journal of Complex Systems
  491. Journal of Complexity
  492. Journal of Composite Materials
  493. Journal of Composites
  494. Journal of Computational Acoustics
  495. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
  496. Journal Of Computational Biology
  497. Journal Of Computational Chemistry
  498. Journal Of Computational Electronics
  499. Journal of Computational Engineering
  500. Journal of Computational Environmental Sciences
  501. Journal of Computational Mathematics
  502. Journal of Computational Medicine
  503. Journal of Computational Methods in Physics
  504. Journal Of Computational Neuroscience
  505. Journal of Computational Physics
  506. Journal of Computed Tomography
  507. Journal of Computer and System Sciences
  508. Journal Of Computer And Systems Sciences International
  509. Journal Of Computer Assisted Learning
  510. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography
  511. Journal of Computer Networks and Communications
  512. Journal Of Computer Science And Technology
  513. Journal Of Computer-Aided Molecular Design
  514. Journal Of Computer-Mediated Communication
  515. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching
  516. Journal Of Computing In Higher Education
  517. Journal of Conflict and Security Law
  518. Journal of Conflict Resolution
  519. Journal of Construction Engineering
  520. Journal of Constructional Steel Research
  521. Journal Of Consumer Affairs
  522. Journal Of Consumer Behaviour
  523. Journal of Consumer Culture
  524. Journal Of Consumer Policy
  525. Journal of Consumer Psychology
  526. Journal of Consumer Research
  527. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology
  528. Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics
  529. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice
  530. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography
  531. Journal of Contemporary History
  532. Journal Of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis
  533. Journal Of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy Of Sciences)
  534. Journal Of Contemporary Psychotherapy
  535. Journal Of Contemporary Water Resource & Education
  536. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science
  537. Journal Of Contingencies And Crisis Management
  538. Journal Of Continuing Education In The Health Professions
  539. Journal of Control Science and Engineering
  540. Journal Of Control Theory And Applications
  541. Journal of Controlled Release
  542. Journal of Convex Analysis
  543. Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management
  544. Journal Of Corporate Accounting & Finance
  545. Journal of Corporate Finance
  546. Journal of Corporate Real Estate
  547. Journal of Correctional Health Care
  548. Journal Of Cosmetic Dermatology
  549. Journal Of Cosmology And Astroparticle Physics
  550. Journal Of Counseling & Development
  551. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery
  552. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery
  553. Journal of Creating Value
  554. Journal Of Creative Behavior, The
  555. Journal of Creative Communications
  556. Journal of Criminal Justice
  557. Journal of Criminal Law
  558. Journal of Criminal Psychology
  559. Journal of Criminology
  560. Journal of Critical Care
  561. Journal of Critical Care Medicine
  562. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis
  563. Journal Of Crop Science And Biotechnology
  564. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Gerontology
  565. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
  566. Journal of Crustacean Biology (2000 - 2012)
  567. Journal of Crustacean Biology (1996 - Actual)
  568. Journal Of Cryptographic Engineering
  569. Journal Of Cryptology
  570. Journal of Crystal Growth
  571. Journal of Crystallography
  572. Journal Of Cultural Economics
  573. Journal of Cultural Heritage
  574. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development
  575. Journal Of Curriculum Studies
  576. Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery
  577. Journal Of Cutaneous Pathology
  578. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis
  579. Journal Of Dairy Research
  580. Journal of Dairy Science
  581. Journal of Data and Information Quality
  582. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, The
  583. Journal of Dental Research
  584. Journal of Dental Sciences
  585. Journal of Dental Surgery
  586. Journal of Dentistry
  587. Journal Of Dermatologic Surgery And Oncology, The
  588. Journal of Dermatological Science
  589. Journal of Dermatological Science Supplement
  590. Journal Of Dermatology, The
  591. Journal of Design History
  592. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management
  593. Journal of Developing Societies
  594. Journal of Development Economics
  595. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics
  596. Journal Of Developmental And Physical Disabilities
  597. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship
  598. Journal Of Diabetes
  599. Journal of Diabetes and its Complications
  600. Journal Of Diabetes Investigation
  601. Journal of Diabetes Research
  602. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology
  603. Journal of Diabetic Complications
  604. Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography
  605. Journal of Difference Equations
  606. Journal of Differential Equations
  607. Journal of Differential Geometry
  608. Journal Of Digestive Diseases
  609. Journal Of Digital Imaging
  610. Journal of Direct Marketing
  611. Journal of Disability Policy Studies
  612. Journal of Discrete Algorithms
  613. Journal of Discrete Mathematics
  614. Journal of Display Technology
  615. Journal of Documentation
  616. Journal of Drug Delivery
  617. Journal of Drug Education: Substance Abuse Research and Prevention
  618. Journal of Drug Issues
  619. Journal Of Dynamical And Control Systems
  620. Journal Of Dynamics And Differential Equations
  621. Journal of Early Adolescence, The
  622. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy
  623. Journal of Early Childhood Research
  624. Journal of Early Intervention
  625. Journal Of Earth Science
  626. Journal Of Earth System Science
  627. Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami
  628. Journal of Earthquakes
  629. Journal of East African Natural History
  630. Journal Of East Asian Linguistics
  631. Journal Of Echocardiography
  632. Journal Of Ecology
  633. Journal of Econometrics
  634. Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences
  635. Journal of Economic Asymmetries, The
  636. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
  637. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
  638. Journal of Economic Entomology (2000 - Actual)
  639. Journal of Economic Entomology (1996 - Actual)
  640. Journal of Economic Geography
  641. Journal Of Economic Growth
  642. Journal Of Economic Inequality
  643. Journal Of Economic Interaction And Coordination
  644. Journal of Economic Psychology
  645. Journal of Economic Studies
  646. Journal Of Economic Surveys
  647. Journal of Economic Theory
  648. Journal Of Economics
  649. Journal Of Economics & Management Strategy
  650. Journal of Economics and Business
  651. Journal Of Economics And Finance
  652. Journal of Ecosystems
  653. Journal of ECT, The
  654. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development
  655. Journal Of Education For Teaching
  656. Journal Of Education Policy
  657. Journal of Educational Administration
  658. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics
  659. Journal Of Educational Change
  660. Journal of Educational Computing Research
  661. Journal Of Educational Measurement
  662. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia
  663. Journal of Educational Research
  664. Journal of Educational Technology Systems
  665. Journal Of Elasticity
  666. Journal of Elastomers and Plastics
  667. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  668. Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology
  669. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
  670. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (1959)
  671. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry
  672. Journal of Electrocardiology
  673. Journal Of Electroceramics
  674. Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage
  675. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology
  676. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena
  677. Journal Of Electronic Materials
  678. Journal Of Electronic Testing
  679. Journal Of Electronics (China)
  680. Journal of Electrostatics
  681. Journal Of Elementary Science Education
  682. Journal of Emergency Medicine, The
  683. Journal of Emergency Nursing
  684. Journal of Emerging Market Finance
  685. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
  686. Journal of Empirical Finance
  687. Journal Of Empirical Legal Studies
  688. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics
  689. Journal Of Employment Counseling
  690. Journal Of Endocrinology
  691. Journal of Endodontics
  692. Journal of Endovascular Therapy
  693. Journal of Energy
  694. Journal of Energy Chemistry
  695. Journal of Energy Finance & Development
  696. Journal of Engineering
  697. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management
  698. Journal Of Engineering Education
  699. Journal Of Engineering Mathematics
  700. Journal Of Engineering Physics And Thermophysics
  701. Journal Of Engineering Thermophysics
  702. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology
  703. Journal of Engineering, The
  704. Journal of English for Academic Purposes
  705. Journal of English Linguistics
  706. Journal of Enterprise Information Management
  707. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy
  708. Journal of Enterprising Culture
  709. Journal of Entrepreneurship
  710. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies
  711. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy
  712. Journal of Environment & Development, The
  713. Journal of Environmental and Public Health
  714. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management
  715. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
  716. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
  717. Journal of Environmental Education
  718. Journal of Environmental Engineering
  719. Journal of Environmental Law
  720. Journal of Environmental Management
  721. Journal of Environmental Psychology
  722. Journal of Environmental Quality
  723. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
  724. Journal of Environmental Sciences
  725. Journal Of Environmental Studies And Sciences
  726. Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health
  727. Journal of Epilepsy
  728. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science
  729. Journal Of Esthetic And Restorative Dentistry
  730. Journal Of Ethics
  731. Journal of Ethnobiology (1981 - 2004)
  732. Journal of Ethnobiology (2005 - 2012)
  733. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine
  734. Journal of Ethnopharmacology
  735. Journal Of Ethology
  736. Journal Of Eukaryotic Microbiology (2000 - 2004)
  737. Journal Of Eukaryotic Microbiology, The
  738. Journal of Eurasian Studies
  739. Journal of European Competition Law & Practice
  740. Journal of European Real Estate Research
  741. Journal of European Social Policy
  742. Journal of European Studies
  743. Journal Of Evaluation In Clinical Practice
  744. Journal of Evidence Based Dental Practice
  745. Journal Of Evidence Based Medicine
  746. Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine
  747. Journal Of Evolution Equations
  748. Journal Of Evolutionary Biochemistry And Physiology
  749. Journal Of Evolutionary Biology
  750. Journal Of Evolutionary Economics
  751. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness
  752. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine
  753. Journal of Experiential Education
  754. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine
  755. Journal Of Experimental Algorithmics
  756. Journal Of Experimental And Theoretical Physics
  757. Journal of Experimental Animal Science
  758. Journal Of Experimental Biology
  759. Journal of Experimental Botany
  760. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
  761. Journal Of Experimental Criminology
  762. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
  763. Journal Of Experimental Medicine
  764. Journal of Experimental Physics
  765. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
  766. Journal Of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics And Physiology
  767. Journal Of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular And Developmental Evolution
  768. Journal Of Experimental Zoology, The
  769. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology
  770. Journal of Extreme Events
  771. Journal of Facilities Management
  772. Journal Of Failure Analysis And Prevention
  773. Journal Of Family And Economic Issues
  774. Journal of Family Business Management
  775. Journal of Family Business Strategy
  776. Journal of Family History
  777. Journal of Family Issues
  778. Journal of Family Nursing
  779. Journal Of Family Theory & Review
  780. Journal Of Family Therapy
  781. Journal Of Family Violence
  782. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery
  783. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery Open Reports
  784. Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering
  785. Journal of Fermentation Technology
  786. Journal Of Field Ornithology
  787. Journal of Field Ornithology (2000 - 2005)
  788. Journal Of Field Robotics
  789. Journal Of Finance, The
  790. Journal of Financial Crime
  791. Journal of Financial Econometrics
  792. Journal of Financial Economic Policy
  793. Journal of Financial Economics
  794. Journal of Financial Intermediation
  795. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction
  796. Journal of Financial Markets
  797. Journal of Financial Regulation
  798. Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance
  799. Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting
  800. Journal Of Financial Research, The
  801. Journal Of Financial Services Research
  802. Journal of Financial Stability
  803. Journal of Fire Sciences
  804. Journal Of Fish Biology
  805. Journal Of Fish Diseases
  806. Journal Of Fixed Point Theory And Applications
  807. Journal Of Flood Risk Management
  808. Journal of Fluency Disorders
  809. Journal of Fluid Mechanics
  810. Journal of Fluids
  811. Journal of Fluids and Structures
  812. Journal Of Fluorescence
  813. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry
  814. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis
  815. Journal Of Food Biochemistry
  816. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
  817. Journal of Food Engineering
  818. Journal Of Food Lipids
  819. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization
  820. Journal Of Food Process Engineering
  821. Journal of Food Processing
  822. Journal Of Food Processing And Preservation
  823. Journal Of Food Quality
  824. Journal Of Food Safety
  825. Journal Of Food Science
  826. Journal Of Food Science And Technology
  827. Journal Of Food Science Education
  828. Journal Of Foodservice
  829. Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery, The
  830. Journal Of Forecasting
  831. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine
  832. Journal Of Forensic Nursing
  833. Journal of Forensic Radiology and Imaging
  834. Journal Of Forensic Sciences
  835. Journal of Forest Economics
  836. Journal Of Forest Research
  837. Journal of Forestry
  838. Journal Of Forestry Research
  839. Journal Of Fourier Analysis And Applications
  840. Journal of Free Radicals in Biology & Medicine
  841. Journal Of Friction And Wear
  842. Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology
  843. Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology
  844. Journal of Fuels
  845. Journal of Function Spaces
  846. Journal of Functional Analysis
  847. Journal of Functional Foods
  848. Journal Of Fusion Energy
  849. Journal Of Futures Markets, The
  850. Journal Of Gambling Studies
  851. Journal Of Gastroenterology
  852. Journal Of Gastroenterology And Hepatology
  853. Journal Of Gastrointestinal Cancer
  854. Journal Of Gastrointestinal Surgery
  855. Journal Of Gene Medicine, The
  856. Journal of General and Applied Microbiology
  857. Journal Of General Internal Medicine
  858. Journal Of General Internal Medicine
  859. Journal Of General Physiology
  860. Journal Of General Plant Pathology
  861. Journal Of General Virology
  862. Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications
  863. Journal of Generic Medicines
  864. Journal Of Genetic Counseling (1992 - 2018)
  865. Journal Of Genetic Counseling (1997 - actual)
  866. Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
  867. Journal Of Genetics
  868. Journal of Genetics and Genomics
  869. Journal of Geochemical Exploration
  870. Journal of Geochemistry
  871. Journal Of Geodesy
  872. Journal of Geodynamics
  873. Journal Of Geographical Sciences
  874. Journal Of Geographical Systems
  875. Journal of Geological Research
  876. Journal of Geology, The
  877. Journal Of Geometric Analysis
  878. Journal Of Geometry
  879. Journal of Geometry and Physics
  880. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
  881. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
  882. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface
  883. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Oceans
  884. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Planets
  885. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
  886. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
  887. Journal Of Geophysics And Engineering
  888. Journal of Geriatric Oncology
  889. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy
  890. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology
  891. Journal of Geriatrics
  892. Journal of Ginseng Research
  893. Journal of Glaucoma
  894. Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance
  895. Journal Of Global Optimization
  896. Journal of Global Responsibility
  897. Journal of Global Security Studies
  898. Journal of Government Information
  899. Journal Of Graph Theory
  900. Journal of Gravity
  901. Journal of Great Lakes Research
  902. Journal of Great Lakes Research
  903. Journal Of Grid Computing
  904. Journal of Group Theory
  905. Journal Of Guidance, Control, And Dynamics
  906. Journal Of Hand And Microsurgery
  907. Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume)
  908. Journal of Hand Surgery, The
  909. Journal of Hand Surgery: British & European Volume, The
  910. Journal of Hand Therapy
  911. Journal Of Happiness Studies
  912. Journal of Hazardous Materials
  913. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
  914. Journal of Headache and Pain
  915. Journal of Health and Social Behavior
  916. Journal of Health Economics
  917. Journal of Health Management
  918. Journal of Health Psychology
  919. Journal Of Healthcare Risk Management
  920. Journal of Heat Recovery Systems
  921. Journal Of Heat Treating
  922. Journal Of Hematopathology
  923. Journal Of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences
  924. Journal Of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences
  925. Journal of Hepatology
  926. Journal of Herbal Medicine
  927. Journal Of Heredity
  928. Journal Of Herpetology
  929. Journal Of Heterocyclic Chemistry
  930. Journal Of Heuristics
  931. Journal of High Energy Astrophysics
  932. Journal Of High Energy Physics (1997 - 2009)
  933. Journal Of High Energy Physics (2010 - 2013)
  934. Journal of High Technology Management Research, The
  935. Journal of Hindu Studies
  936. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education
  937. Journal Of Histochemistry And Cytochemistry
  938. Journal of Histology
  939. Journal of Historical Geography
  940. Journal Of Historical Sociology
  941. Journal of Holistic Nursing
  942. Journal of Hormones
  943. Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing
  944. Journal of Hospital Infection
  945. Journal Of Hospital Medicine
  946. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research
  947. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management
  948. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education
  949. Journal Of Housing And The Built Environment
  950. Journal of Housing Economics
  951. Journal Of Huazhong University Of Science And Technology (Medical Sciences)
  952. Journal of Human Capital
  953. Journal of Human Evolution
  954. Journal of Human Lactation
  955. Journal Of Human Nutrition & Dietetics
  956. Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting
  957. Journal of Human Rights Practice
  958. Journal of Human Values
  959. Journal Of Humanistic Counseling, The
  960. Journal of Humanistic Psychology
  961. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B
  962. Journal of Hydro-environment Research
  963. Journal of Hydrology
  964. Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations
  965. Journal of Hypertension
  966. Journal Of Ichthyology
  967. Journal Of Immigrant And Minority Health
  968. Journal of Immunological Methods
  969. Journal Of Immunology
  970. Journal of Immunology Research
  971. Journal of Immunotherapy
  972. Journal of Inborn Errors of Metabolism and Screening (JIEMS)
  973. Journal Of Inclusion Phenomena And Macrocyclic Chemistry
  974. Journal of Indian College of Cardiology
  975. Journal Of Indian Philosophy
  976. Journal Of Indian Prosthodontic Society
  977. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
  978. Journal Of Industrial Ecology
  979. Journal Of Industrial Economics, The
  980. Journal of Industrial Engineering
  981. Journal of Industrial Mathematics
  982. Journal Of Industrial Microbiology And Biotechnology
  983. Journal of Industrial Relations
  984. Journal of Industrial Textiles
  985. Journal Of Industry, Competition And Trade
  986. Journal of Infection
  987. Journal Of Infection And Chemotherapy
  988. Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy
  989. Journal of Infection and Public Health
  990. Journal of Infection Prevention
  991. Journal of Infectious Diseases
  992. Journal of Information & Knowledge Management
  993. Journal Of Information Science
  994. Journal of Information Security and Applications
  995. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society
  996. Journal of Informetrics
  997. Journal Of Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves
  998. Journal of Infrastructure Development
  999. Journal of Infusion Nursing
  1000. Journal Of Inherited Metabolic Disease (1978 - 2018)
  1001. Journal Of Inherited Metabolic Disease (1997 - actual)
  1002. Journal of Innate Immunity
  1003. Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry
  1004. Journal Of Inorganic And Organometallic Polymers And Materials
  1005. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry
  1006. Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
  1007. Journal Of Insect Behavior
  1008. Journal Of Insect Conservation
  1009. Journal of Insect Physiology
  1010. Journal of Insect Science
  1011. Journal of Insects
  1012. Journal Of Instructional Development
  1013. Journal Of Instrumentation
  1014. Journal of Integral Equations and Applications
  1015. Journal of Integrative Agriculture
  1016. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience
  1017. Journal Of Integrative Plant Biology
  1018. Journal of Intellectual Capital
  1019. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities
  1020. Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research
  1021. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice
  1022. Journal Of Intelligent And Robotic Systems
  1023. Journal Of Intelligent Information Systems
  1024. Journal Of Intelligent Manufacturing
  1025. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures
  1026. Journal of Intelligent Systems
  1027. Journal of Intensive Care Medicine
  1028. Journal of Interactive Learning Research
  1029. Journal of Interactive Marketing
  1030. Journal of Interconnection Networks
  1031. Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics
  1032. Journal Of Interior Design
  1033. Journal Of Internal Medicine
  1034. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation
  1035. Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy
  1036. Journal of International Criminal Justice
  1037. Journal of International Development
  1038. Journal of International Dispute Settlement
  1039. Journal of International Economic Law
  1040. Journal of International Economics
  1041. Journal of International Education in Business
  1042. Journal Of International Entrepreneurship
  1043. Journal Of International Financial Management & Accounting
  1044. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  1045. Journal of International Management
  1046. Journal of International Medical Research
  1047. Journal Of International Migration And Integration
  1048. Journal of International Money and Finance
  1049. Journal of International Political Theory
  1050. Journal of International Trade Law and Policy
  1051. Journal Of Internet Services And Applications
  1052. Journal of Interpersonal Violence
  1053. Journal Of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology
  1054. Journal Of Interventional Cardiology
  1055. Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems
  1056. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology
  1057. Journal Of Investigative And Clinical Dentistry
  1058. Journal Of Investigative Dermatology
  1059. Journal of Investigative Medicine
  1060. Journal of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case Reports
  1061. Journal Of Investigative Psychology And Offender Profiling
  1062. Journal of Investment Compliance
  1063. Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International
  1064. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research
  1065. Journal of Islamic Studies
  1066. Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences
  1067. Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences
  1068. Journal of King Saud University - Languages and Translation
  1069. Journal of King Saud University - Science
  1070. Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications
  1071. Journal of Knowledge Management
  1072. Journal of Knowledge-based Innovation in China
  1073. Journal Of Labelled Compounds And Radiopharmaceuticals
  1074. Journal of Labor Economics
  1075. Journal Of Labor Research
  1076. Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine
  1077. Journal of Laboratory Automation
  1078. Journal of Land and Rural Studies
  1079. Journal of Language and Social Psychology
  1080. Journal of Language Evolution
  1081. Journal Of Latin American & Caribbean Anthropology
  1082. Journal of Latin American Studies
  1083. Journal of Law and Courts
  1084. Journal of Law and Economics, The
  1085. Journal Of Law And Society
  1086. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization
  1087. Journal Of Law, Medicine & Ethics, The
  1088. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies
  1089. Journal Of Leadership Studies
  1090. Journal of Learning Disabilities
  1091. Journal of Learning Disabilities and Offending Behaviour
  1092. Journal Of Legal Studies Education
  1093. Journal of Legal Studies, The
  1094. Journal Of Leukocyte Biology
  1095. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science
  1096. Journal of Light Metals
  1097. Journal of Lightwave Technology
  1098. Journal Of Linguistic Anthropology
  1099. Journal of Lipid Mediators and Cell Signalling
  1100. Journal Of Lipid Research
  1101. Journal of Lipids
  1102. Journal of Liquid Chromatography and Related Technologies
  1103. Journal of Literacy Research
  1104. Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, The
  1105. Journal of Logic and Computation
  1106. Journal of Logic Programming, The
  1107. Journal Of Logic, Language And Information
  1108. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming
  1109. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries
  1110. Journal Of Low Temperature Physics
  1111. Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease
  1112. Journal of Luminescence
  1113. Journal Of Machinery Manufacture And Reliability
  1114. Journal of Macroeconomics
  1115. Journal of Macromarketing
  1116. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys
  1117. Journal of Magnetic Resonance
  1118. Journal of Magnetic Resonance (1969)
  1119. Journal Of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  1120. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series A
  1121. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series B
  1122. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
  1123. Journal Of Mammalian Evolution
  1124. Journal of Mammalian Ova Research
  1125. Journal of Mammalogy (2000 - Actual)
  1126. Journal of Mammalogy (1996 - Actual)
  1127. Journal Of Mammary Gland Biology And Neoplasia
  1128. Journal of Management
  1129. Journal Of Management & Governance
  1130. Journal Of Management Control
  1131. Journal of Management Development
  1132. Journal of Management Education
  1133. Journal of Management History
  1134. Journal of Management Inquiry
  1135. Journal Of Management Studies
  1136. Journal of Managerial Psychology
  1137. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
  1138. Journal of Manufacturing Processes
  1139. Journal Of Manufacturing Science And Engineering
  1140. Journal of Manufacturing Systems
  1141. Journal of Marine and Island Cultures
  1142. Journal of Marine Biology
  1143. Journal Of Marine Science And Application
  1144. Journal Of Marine Science And Technology
  1145. Journal of Marine Systems
  1146. Journal Of Marital And Family Therapy
  1147. Journal Of Maritime Archaeology
  1148. Journal Of Market-Focused Management
  1149. Journal of Marketing Education
  1150. Journal Of Marriage And Family
  1151. Journal Of Mass Spectrometry (Incorp Biological Mass Spectrometry)
  1152. Journal of Material Culture
  1153. Journal Of Material Cycles And Waste Management
  1154. Journal of Materials
  1155. Journal of Materials Chemistry
  1156. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. Materials for energy and sustainability
  1157. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. Materials for biology and medicine
  1158. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. Materials for optical, magnetic and electronic devices
  1159. Journal Of Materials Engineering
  1160. Journal Of Materials Engineering And Performance
  1161. Journal Of Materials For Energy Systems
  1162. Journal of Materials Processing Technology
  1163. Journal of Materials Research
  1164. Journal of Materials Research and Technology
  1165. Journal Of Materials Science
  1166. Journal of Materials Science & Technology
  1167. Journal Of Materials Science Letters
  1168. Journal Of Materials Science: Materials In Electronics
  1169. Journal Of Materials Science: Materials In Medicine
  1170. Journal Of Materials Shaping Technology
  1171. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
  1172. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, The
  1173. Journal Of Mathematical Biology
  1174. Journal Of Mathematical Chemistry
  1175. Journal of Mathematical Cryptology
  1176. Journal of Mathematical Economics
  1177. Journal Of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics
  1178. Journal Of Mathematical Imaging And Vision
  1179. Journal of Mathematical Logic
  1180. Journal Of Mathematical Modelling And Algorithms
  1181. Journal of Mathematical Physics
  1182. Journal of Mathematical Psychology
  1183. Journal Of Mathematical Sciences
  1184. Journal of Mathematical Sciences The University of Tokyo
  1185. Journal Of Mathematical Society Of Japan
  1186. Journal of Mathematics
  1187. Journal Of Mathematics Teacher Education
  1188. Journal Of Maxillofacial And Oral Surgery
  1189. Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery
  1190. Journal Of Mechanical Design
  1191. Journal Of Mechanical Science And Technology
  1192. Journal of Mechanical Working Technology
  1193. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology
  1194. Journal of Mechanisms
  1195. Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA
  1196. Journal of Medical Engineering
  1197. Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology
  1198. Journal of Medical Entomology (2000 - Actual)
  1199. Journal of Medical Entomology (1996 - Actual)
  1200. Journal Of Medical Humanities
  1201. Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ideas
  1202. Journal Of Medical Imaging And Radiation Oncology
  1203. Journal of Medical Marketing
  1204. Journal Of Medical Primatology
  1205. Journal Of Medical Radiation Sciences
  1206. Journal Of Medical Systems
  1207. Journal Of Medical Toxicology
  1208. Journal Of Medical Ultrasonics
  1209. Journal of Medical Ultrasound
  1210. Journal Of Medical Virology
  1211. Journal Of Medicinal Chemistry
  1212. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy
  1213. Journal Of Medicine And The Person
  1214. Journal Of Membrane Biology
  1215. Journal of Membrane Science
  1216. Journal of Memory and Language
  1217. Journal of Men´s Health
  1218. Journal of Men´s Health & Gender, The
  1219. Journal of Men´s Studies, The
  1220. Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice
  1221. Journal of Metallurgy
  1222. Journal Of Metamorphic Geology
  1223. Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials
  1224. Journal Of Micro - Nano Mechatronics
  1225. Journal of Microbiological Methods
  1226. Journal Of Microbiology
  1227. Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection
  1228. Journal Of Microcolumn Separations
  1229. Journal of Microcomputer Applications
  1230. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems
  1231. Journal Of Micromechanics And Microengineering
  1232. Journal Of Microscopy
  1233. Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure
  1234. Journal Of Midwifery & Women´S Health
  1235. Journal of Mining
  1236. Journal Of Mining Science
  1237. Journal of Mixed Methods Research
  1238. Journal of Modelling in Management
  1239. Journal of Modern History, The
  1240. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
  1241. Journal of Molecular and Engineering Materials
  1242. Journal of Molecular Biology
  1243. Journal of Molecular Catalysis
  1244. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical
  1245. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic
  1246. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology
  1247. Journal Of Molecular Evolution
  1248. Journal of Molecular Graphics
  1249. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling
  1250. Journal Of Molecular Histology
  1251. Journal of Molecular Liquids
  1252. Journal Of Molecular Medicine
  1253. Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology
  1254. Journal Of Molecular Modeling
  1255. Journal Of Molecular Neuroscience
  1256. Journal Of Molecular Recognition
  1257. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy
  1258. Journal of Molecular Structure
  1259. Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM
  1260. Journal of Molluscan Studies
  1261. Journal of Monetary Economics
  1262. Journal of Money Laundering Control
  1263. Journal Of Money, Credit And Banking
  1264. Journal of Moral Education
  1265. Journal Of Morphology
  1266. Journal Of Mountain Science
  1267. Journal Of Multi Criteria Decision Analysis
  1268. Journal Of Multicultural Counseling And Development
  1269. Journal of Multinational Financial Management
  1270. Journal of Multiscale Modeling
  1271. Journal of Multivariate Analysis
  1272. Journal Of Muscle Foods
  1273. Journal Of Muscle Research And Cell Motility
  1274. Journal of Musculoskeletal Research
  1275. Journal of Music Teacher Education
  1276. Journal of Music Therapy
  1277. Journal of Mycology
  1278. Journal of Nanjing Medical University
  1279. Journal of Nano Research
  1280. Journal of Nanomaterials
  1281. Journal Of Nanoparticle Research
  1282. Journal of Nanoparticles
  1283. Journal of Nanoscience
  1284. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
  1285. Journal of Nanotechnology
  1286. Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry
  1287. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
  1288. Journal Of Natural Medicines
  1289. Journal Of Natural Products
  1290. Journal of Natural Resources & Life Sciences Education
  1291. Journal of Near Eastern Studies
  1292. Journal of Neonatal Nursing
  1293. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
  1294. Journal of Network and Computer Applications
  1295. Journal Of Network And Systems Management
  1296. Journal Of Neural Engineering
  1297. Journal Of Neural Transmission
  1298. Journal Of Neural Transmission - Parkinson´s Disease And Dementia Section
  1299. Journal Of Neurochemistry
  1300. Journal of Neurodegenerative Diseases
  1301. Journal Of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
  1302. Journal Of Neuroendocrinology
  1303. Journal Of Neuroimaging
  1304. Journal Of Neuroimmune Pharmacology
  1305. Journal of Neuroimmunology
  1306. Journal of Neurolinguistics
  1307. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy
  1308. Journal Of Neurology
  1309. Journal Of Neuro-Oncology
  1310. Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology
  1311. Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology
  1312. Journal Of Neurophysiology
  1313. Journal Of Neuropsychology
  1314. Journal Of Neuroscience
  1315. Journal of Neuroscience Methods
  1316. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing
  1317. Journal Of Neuroscience Research
  1318. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology
  1319. Journal Of Neurovirology
  1320. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
  1321. Journal Of Nondestructive Evaluation
  1322. Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics
  1323. Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics
  1324. Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials
  1325. Journal Of Nonlinear Science
  1326. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics
  1327. Journal Of Nonverbal Behavior
  1328. Journal of Northeast Agricultural University (English Edition)
  1329. Journal Of Nuclear Cardiology
  1330. Journal of Nuclear Chemistry
  1331. Journal of Nuclear Energy
  1332. Journal of Nuclear Energy (1954)
  1333. Journal of Nuclear Energy. Part A. Reactor Science
  1334. Journal of Nuclear Energy. Part B. Reactor Technology
  1335. Journal Of Nuclear Energy. Part C, Plasma Physics, Accelerators, Thermonuclear Research
  1336. Journal of Nuclear Energy. Parts A/B. Reactor Science and Technology
  1337. Journal of Nuclear Materials
  1338. Journal of Nucleic Acids
  1339. Journal of Number Theory
  1340. Journal of Numbers
  1341. Journal of Numerical Mathematics
  1342. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery
  1343. Journal of Nursing Care Quality
  1344. Journal Of Nursing Management
  1345. Journal of Nursing Research
  1346. Journal Of Nursing Scholarship
  1347. Journal of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics
  1348. Journal of Nutrition, The (1996-2022)
  1349. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism
  1350. Journal of Nutrition Education
  1351. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior
  1352. Journal Of Nutrition Health And Aging
  1353. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, The
  1354. Journal of Obesity
  1355. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders
  1356. Journal Of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing
  1357. Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynaecology Research
  1358. Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Of India
  1359. Journal of Occupational Accidents
  1360. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
  1361. Journal Of Occupational And Organizational Psychology
  1362. Journal of Occupational Health
  1363. Journal Of Occupational Rehabilitation
  1364. Journal Of Ocean University Of China (English Edition)
  1365. Journal Of Oceanography
  1366. Journal Of Ocular Biology, Diseases, And Informatics
  1367. Journal of Oncology
  1368. Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice
  1369. Journal of Operations Management
  1370. Journal of Operator Theory
  1371. Journal of Operators
  1372. Journal of Ophthalmology
  1373. Journal of Optical and Fiber Communications Research
  1374. Journal of Optical Communications
  1375. Journal Of Optics (1999 - 2013)
  1376. Journal Of Optics (2009 - 2013)
  1377. Journal Of Optics A: Pure And Applied Optics
  1378. Journal Of Optics B: Quantum And Semiclassical Optics
  1379. Journal of Optimization
  1380. Journal Of Optimization Theory And Applications
  1381. Journal of Optometry
  1382. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
  1383. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology
  1384. Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research
  1385. Journal of Oral Biosciences
  1386. Journal of Oral Diseases
  1387. Journal of Oral Implants
  1388. Journal of Oral Oncology
  1389. Journal Of Oral Pathology & Medicine
  1390. Journal Of Oral Rehabilitation
  1391. Journal Of Organic Chemistry
  1392. Journal Of Organizational Behavior
  1393. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry
  1394. Journal Of Ornithology
  1395. Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics / Fortschritte der Kieferorthopädie
  1396. Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing
  1397. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research
  1398. Journal Of Orthopaedic Science
  1399. Journal of Orthopaedic Translation
  1400. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma
  1401. Journal of Orthopaedics
  1402. Journal of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Rehabilitation
  1403. Journal Of Orthoptera Research
  1404. Journal of Osteopathic Medicine
  1405. Journal of Osteoporosis
  1406. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism
  1407. Journal Of Paediatrics And Child Health
  1408. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
  1409. Journal of Pain, The
  1410. Journal Of Paleolimnology
  1411. Journal Of Paleontology
  1412. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
  1413. Journal Of Parasitic Diseases
  1414. Journal Of Parasitology
  1415. Journal of Parasitology Research
  1416. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
  1417. Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling
  1418. Journal of Pathogens
  1419. Journal Of Pathology, The
  1420. Journal of Patient Safety
  1421. Journal of Patient Safety & Infection Control
  1422. Journal of Peace Research
  1423. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology
  1424. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
  1425. Journal of Pediatric Health Care
  1426. Journal of Pediatric HematologyOncology
  1427. Journal of Pediatric Nursing
  1428. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing
  1429. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics
  1430. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, Part B
  1431. Journal of Pediatric Psychology
  1432. Journal of Pediatric Surgery
  1433. Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports
  1434. Journal of Pediatric Urology
  1435. Journal of Pediatrics, The
  1436. Journal Of Peptide Science
  1437. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing
  1438. Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing
  1439. Journal Of Periodontal Research
  1440. Journal Of Personality
  1441. Journal Of Pest Science
  1442. Journal of Petroleum Engineering
  1443. Journal Of Petroleum Geology
  1444. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
  1445. Journal of Petrology
  1446. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis
  1447. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
  1448. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research (2010 - 2020)
  1449. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research (2010 - Actual)
  1450. Journal Of Pharmaceutical Innovation
  1451. Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  1452. Journal of Pharmaceutics
  1453. Journal Of Pharmacokinetics And Pharmacodynamics
  1454. Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods
  1455. Journal of Pharmacological Methods
  1456. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences
  1457. Journal Of Pharmacology And Experimental Theapeutics
  1458. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (1996 - Actual)
  1459. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (1996 - 2020)
  1460. Journal of Pharmacy Practice
  1461. Journal Of Pharmacy Practice And Research
  1462. Journal of Pharmacy Research
  1463. Journal of Pharmacy Technology
  1464. Journal Of Phase Equilibria And Diffusion
  1465. Journal Of Philosophical Logic
  1466. Journal Of Philosophy Of Education
  1467. Journal of Phonetics
  1468. Journal of Photochemistry
  1469. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry
  1470. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology
  1471. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews
  1472. Journal of Photonics
  1473. Journal Of Phycology
  1474. Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data
  1475. Journal Of Physical Chemistry
  1476. Journal Of Physical Chemistry A
  1477. Journal Of Physical Chemistry B
  1478. Journal Of Physical Chemistry C
  1479. Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters
  1480. Journal of Physical Mathematics
  1481. Journal Of Physical Organic Chemistry
  1482. Journal Of Physics A: General Physics
  1483. Journal Of Physics A: Mathematical And General
  1484. Journal Of Physics A: Mathematical And Theoretical
  1485. Journal Of Physics A: Mathematical, Nuclear And General
  1486. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
  1487. Journal Of Physics B: Atomic And Molecular Physics
  1488. Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics
  1489. Journal Of Physics C: Solid State Physics
  1490. Journal Of Physics D: Applied Physics
  1491. Journal Of Physics E: Scientific Instruments
  1492. Journal Of Physics F: Metal Physics
  1493. Journal Of Physics G: Nuclear And Particle Physics
  1494. Journal Of Physics G: Nuclear Physics
  1495. Journal Of Physics: Condensed Matter
  1496. Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
  1497. Journal Of Physiological Sciences
  1498. Journal Of Physiology (1878 - 2012)
  1499. Journal Of Physiology And Biochemistry
  1500. Journal Of Physiology, The
  1501. Journal of Physiology-Paris
  1502. Journal Of Phytopathology
  1503. Journal of Pierre Fauchard Academy (India Section)
  1504. Journal Of Pineal Research
  1505. Journal of Place Management and Development
  1506. Journal of Plankton Research
  1507. Journal of Planning Education and Research
  1508. Journal of Planning History
  1509. Journal of Planning Literature
  1510. Journal Of Plant Biochemistry And Biotechnology
  1511. Journal Of Plant Biology
  1512. Journal of Plant Ecology
  1513. Journal Of Plant Growth Regulation
  1514. Journal Of Plant Nutrition And Soil Science
  1515. Journal of Plant Physiology
  1516. Journal of Plant Registrations
  1517. Journal Of Plant Research
  1518. Journal of Plastic Film and Sheeting
  1519. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
  1520. Journal Of Police And Criminal Psychology
  1521. Journal Of Policy Analysis And Management
  1522. Journal Of Policy And Practice In Intellectual Disabilities
  1523. Journal of Policy Modeling
  1524. Journal of Political Economy
  1525. Journal Of Political Philosophy, The
  1526. Journal Of Politics
  1527. Journal of Politics, The
  1528. Journal of Polymer Engineering
  1529. Journal Of Polymer Research
  1530. Journal Of Polymer Science Part A : Polymer Chemistry
  1531. Journal Of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics
  1532. Journal of Polymers
  1533. Journal Of Polymers And The Environment
  1534. Journal Of Popular Culture, The
  1535. Journal Of Popular Music Studies
  1536. Journal Of Population Ageing
  1537. Journal Of Population Economics
  1538. Journal Of Population Research
  1539. Journal Of Porous Materials
  1540. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines
  1541. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions
  1542. Journal of Powder Technology
  1543. Journal of Power Sources
  1544. Journal of Pragmatics
  1545. Journal of Pregnancy
  1546. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health
  1547. Journal Of Primary Prevention
  1548. Journal of Probability
  1549. Journal of Probability and Statistics
  1550. Journal of Process Control
  1551. Journal Of Product Innovation Management, The
  1552. Journal Of Productivity Analysis
  1553. Journal of Professional Nursing
  1554. Journal of Professions and Organization
  1555. Journal of Property Investment & Finance
  1556. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, The
  1557. Journal of Prosthodontic Research
  1558. Journal Of Prosthodontics
  1559. Journal Of Proteome Research
  1560. Journal of Proteomics
  1561. Journal Of Pseudo-Differential Operators And Applications
  1562. Journal Of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing
  1563. Journal of Psychiatric Practice
  1564. Journal of Psychiatric Research
  1565. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment
  1566. Journal Of Psycholinguistic Research
  1567. Journal Of Psychological Issues In Organizational Culture
  1568. Journal Of Psychopathology And Behavioral Assessment
  1569. Journal of Psychopharmacology
  1570. Journal of Psychosomatic Research
  1571. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
  1572. Journal Of Public Affairs
  1573. Journal Of Public Economic Theory
  1574. Journal of Public Economics
  1575. Journal of Public Health (1993 - Actual)
  1576. Journal of Public Health (1996 - Actual)
  1577. Journal Of Public Health Dentistry
  1578. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice
  1579. Journal of Public Mental Health
  1580. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management
  1581. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
  1582. Journal of Quality and Reliability Engineering
  1583. Journal of Quality Management
  1584. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports
  1585. Journal Of Quantitative Criminology
  1586. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer
  1587. Journal of Quantum Chemistry
  1588. Journal Of Quaternary Science
  1589. Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences
  1590. Journal Of Radioanalytical And Nuclear Chemistry
  1591. Journal Of Radiological Protection
  1592. Journal of Radiology Nursing
  1593. Journal of Radiotherapy
  1594. Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management
  1595. Journal Of Raman Spectroscopy
  1596. Journal Of Rapid Methods & Automation In Microbiology
  1597. Journal of Raptor Research
  1598. Journal of Rare Earths
  1599. Journal Of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy
  1600. Journal Of Real Estate Finance And Economics
  1601. Journal Of Real-Time Image Processing
  1602. Journal Of Receptors And Signal Transduction
  1603. Journal of Refugee Studies
  1604. Journal Of Regional Science
  1605. Journal Of Regulatory Economics
  1606. Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering (OA)
  1607. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites
  1608. Journal Of Religion And Health
  1609. Journal of Religion, The
  1610. Journal Of Religious Ethics
  1611. Journal Of Religious History
  1612. Journal Of Renal Care
  1613. Journal of Renewable Energy
  1614. Journal of Reproduction and Contraception
  1615. Journal of Reproductive Health and Medicine
  1616. Journal of Reproductive Immunology
  1617. Journal of Research in Childhood Education
  1618. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency
  1619. Journal of Research in International Education
  1620. Journal of Research in Music Education
  1621. Journal of Research in Nursing
  1622. Journal of Research in Personality
  1623. Journal Of Research In Reading
  1624. Journal Of Research In Science Teaching
  1625. Journal Of Research In Special Educational Needs
  1626. Journal of Research of NIST
  1627. Journal Of Research On Adolescence
  1628. Journal of Research on Leadership Education
  1629. Journal of Resources and Ecology
  1630. Journal of Respiratory Medicine
  1631. Journal of Retailing
  1632. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
  1633. Journal Of Risk And Insurance
  1634. Journal Of Risk And Uncertainty
  1635. Journal of Risk Finance, The
  1636. Journal Of Robotic Surgery
  1637. Journal of Robotics
  1638. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
  1639. Journal Of Rural Health, The
  1640. Journal of Rural Studies
  1641. Journal Of Russian Laser Research
  1642. Journal of Safety Research
  1643. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials
  1644. Journal of Saudi Chemical Society
  1645. Journal Of Scheduling
  1646. Journal Of School Health
  1647. Journal of School Nursing
  1648. Journal of School Psychology
  1649. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport
  1650. Journal Of Science Education And Technology
  1651. Journal Of Science Teacher Education
  1652. Journal Of Scientific Computing
  1653. Journal Of Scientific Instruments
  1654. Journal of Sea Research
  1655. Journal of Second Language Writing
  1656. Journal Of Seismology
  1657. Journal of Semantics
  1658. Journal Of Semiconductors
  1659. Journal of Semitic Studies
  1660. Journal of Sensors
  1661. Journal Of Sensory Studies
  1662. Journal Of Separation Science
  1663. Journal of Service Management
  1664. Journal of Service Research
  1665. Journal Of Service Science Research
  1666. Journal Of Sexual Medicine, The
  1667. Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  1668. Journal Of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science)
  1669. Journal Of Shanghai University (English Edition)
  1670. Journal of Shellfish Research
  1671. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
  1672. Journal Of Signal Processing Systems
  1673. Journal of Signal Transduction
  1674. Journal of Skin Cancer
  1675. Journal Of Sleep Research
  1676. Journal Of Small Animal Practice
  1677. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development
  1678. Journal Of Small Business Management
  1679. Journal of Social and Evolutionary Systems
  1680. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
  1681. Journal of Social Archaeology
  1682. Journal Of Social Distress And The Homeless
  1683. Journal of Social History
  1684. Journal Of Social Issues
  1685. Journal Of Social Philosophy
  1686. Journal of Social Studies Research, The
  1687. Journal of Social Work
  1688. Journal of Socio-Economics, The
  1689. Journal Of Sociolinguistics
  1690. Journal of Sociology
  1691. Journal of Soft Matter
  1692. Journal Of Software: Evolution And Process
  1693. Journal Of Soils And Sediments
  1694. Journal of Solar Energy
  1695. Journal Of Sol-Gel Science And Technology
  1696. Journal of Solid State Chemistry
  1697. Journal Of Solid State Electrochemistry
  1698. Journal of Solid State Physics
  1699. Journal Of Solution Chemistry
  1700. Journal of Sound and Vibration
  1701. Journal of South American Earth Sciences
  1702. Journal of South Asian Development
  1703. Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences
  1704. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets
  1705. Journal of Special Education, The
  1706. Journal of Spectroscopy
  1707. Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques
  1708. Journal of Sport and Health Science
  1709. Journal of Sport and Social Issues
  1710. Journal of Sports Economics
  1711. Journal of Sports Medicine
  1712. Journal Of Statistical Mechanics: Theory And Experiment
  1713. Journal Of Statistical Physics
  1714. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
  1715. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry
  1716. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The
  1717. Journal of Stochastics
  1718. Journal of Stored Products Research
  1719. Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation
  1720. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, The
  1721. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
  1722. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases
  1723. Journal Of Structural And Functional Genomics
  1724. Journal of Structural Biology
  1725. Journal Of Structural Chemistry
  1726. Journal of Structural Geology
  1727. Journal of Structures
  1728. Journal of Studies in International Education
  1729. Journal of Substance Abuse
  1730. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
  1731. Journal Of Supercomputing
  1732. Journal Of Superconductivity And Novel Magnetism
  1733. Journal of Supercritical Fluids, The
  1734. Journal Of Superhard Materials
  1735. Journal Of Supply Chain Management
  1736. Journal of Supramolecular Chemistry
  1737. Journal Of Supreme Court History
  1738. Journal Of Surface Investigation. X-Ray, Synchrotron And Neutron Techniques
  1739. Journal Of Surfactants And Detergents
  1740. Journal of Surgery, The
  1741. Journal of Surgical Education
  1742. Journal Of Surgical Oncology
  1743. Journal of Surgical Research
  1744. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology
  1745. Journal of Symbolic Computation
  1746. Journal of Symbolic Logic
  1747. Journal of Symbolic Logic
  1748. Journal of Symplectic Geometry
  1749. Journal Of Synchrotron Radiation
  1750. Journal of Synthetic Biology
  1751. Journal Of Systematics Evolution
  1752. Journal of Systems and Information Technology
  1753. Journal of Systems and Software
  1754. Journal of Systems Architecture
  1755. Journal Of Systems Integration
  1756. Journal Of Systems Science And Complexity
  1757. Journal Of Systems Science And Systems Engineering
  1758. Journal of Taibah University for Science
  1759. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences
  1760. Journal of Teacher Education
  1761. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication
  1762. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education
  1763. Journal of Technology Computer Aided Design TCAD
  1764. Journal Of Technology Transfer
  1765. Journal of Terramechanics
  1766. Journal of Textiles
  1767. Journal Of Texture Studies
  1768. Journal of the A.I.E.E.
  1769. Journal Of The Academy Of Marketing Science
  1770. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
  1771. Journal Of The ACM
  1772. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
  1773. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
  1774. Journal of the American Academy of Religion
  1775. Journal of the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists, The
  1776. Journal Of The American Association Of Nurse Practitioners
  1777. Journal Of The American Ceramic Society
  1778. Journal Of The American Chemical Society
  1779. Journal of the American College of Cardiology
  1780. Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians
  1781. Journal of the American College of Surgeons
  1782. Journal of the American Dietetic Association
  1783. Journal Of The American Heart Association
  1784. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation
  1785. Journal of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers
  1786. Journal of the American Mathematical Society
  1787. Journal of the American Medical Association
  1788. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association
  1789. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association
  1790. Journal Of The American Oil Chemists´ Society (1924 - 2017)
  1791. Journal Of The American Oil Chemists´ Society (1996 - actual)
  1792. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association
  1793. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
  1794. Journal Of The American Society For Mass Spectrometry
  1795. Journal of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand
  1796. Journal of the American Society of Cytopathology
  1797. Journal of the American Society of Hypertension
  1798. Journal of the American Statistical Association
  1799. Journal Of The American Water Resources Association - Jawra
  1800. Journal of the Anatomical Society of India
  1801. Journal Of The Arizona-Nevada Academy Of Science
  1802. Journal Of The Association For Information Science And Technology
  1803. Journal Of The Association For Research In Otolaryngology
  1804. Journal of the Association for Vascular Access
  1805. Journal of the Association of Arab Universities for Basic and Applied Sciences
  1806. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
  1807. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care
  1808. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society
  1809. Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System
  1810. Journal Of The Brazilian Computer Society
  1811. Journal of The British Contact Lens Association
  1812. Journal Of The Chinese Chemical Society
  1813. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers
  1814. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association
  1815. Journal of the Dermatology Nurses´ Association
  1816. Journal of the Economics of Ageing, The
  1817. Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society
  1818. Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute
  1819. Journal of The Electrochemical Society
  1820. Journal of the Energy Institute
  1821. Journal Of The European Academy Of Dermatology & Venereology
  1822. Journal of the European Ceramic Society
  1823. Journal of the European Economic Association
  1824. Journal Of The Experimental Analysis Of Behavior
  1825. Journal of the Faculty of Radiologists
  1826. Journal of the Forensic Science Society
  1827. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association
  1828. Journal of the Franklin Institute
  1829. Journal Of The Geological Society Of India
  1830. Journal Of The Historical Society
  1831. Journal Of The History Of Biology
  1832. Journal of the History of Collections
  1833. Journal of the History of Ideas
  1834. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
  1835. Journal Of The History Of The Behavioral Sciences
  1836. Journal of the History of the Neurosciences
  1837. Journal of the ICRU
  1838. Journal Of The Indian Academy Of Wood Science
  1839. Journal Of The Indian Society Of Remote Sensing
  1840. Journal Of The Institute Of Brewing
  1841. Journal of the Intensive Care Society
  1842. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care
  1843. Journal of the Japanese and International Economies
  1844. Journal Of The Kansas Entomological Society
  1845. Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science
  1846. Journal Of The Knowledge Economy
  1847. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society
  1848. Journal Of The Learning Sciences
  1849. Journal of the Less Common Metals
  1850. Journal of the London Mathematical Society
  1851. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan
  1852. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials
  1853. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials
  1854. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
  1855. Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society
  1856. Journal of the Neurological Sciences
  1857. Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society
  1858. Journal of the North American Benthological Society
  1859. Journal Of The North Atlantic
  1860. Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan
  1861. Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society
  1862. Journal Of The Peripheral Nervous System
  1863. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
  1864. Journal of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System
  1865. Journal Of The Royal Anthropological Institute, The
  1866. Journal of the Royal Society Interface
  1867. Journal Of The Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics In Society)
  1868. Journal Of The Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology)
  1869. Journal Of The Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics)
  1870. Journal Of The Royal Statistical Society: Series D (The Statistician)
  1871. Journal of the Saudi Heart Association
  1872. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences
  1873. Journal of the Saudi Society of Dermatology & Dermatologic Surgery
  1874. Journal Of The Science Of Food And Agriculture
  1875. Journal Of The Society For Information Display
  1876. Journal Of The Society For Radiological Protection
  1877. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research
  1878. Journal Of The Society For The Anthropology Of Europe
  1879. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
  1880. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society
  1881. Journal Of The World Aquaculture Society
  1882. Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists
  1883. Journal of Theological Studies
  1884. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
  1885. Journal of Theoretical Biology
  1886. Journal of Theoretical Chemistry
  1887. Journal of Theoretical Politics
  1888. Journal Of Theoretical Probability
  1889. Journal Of Thermal Analysis And Calorimetry
  1890. Journal of Thermal Biology
  1891. Journal Of Thermal Science
  1892. Journal Of Thermal Spray Technology
  1893. Journal of Thermodynamics
  1894. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials
  1895. Journal of Thoracic Imaging
  1896. Journal of Thoracic Oncology
  1897. Journal Of Thrombosis And Haemostasis
  1898. Journal Of Thrombosis And Thrombolysis
  1899. Journal of Thyroid Research
  1900. Journal Of Time Series Analysis
  1901. Journal of Tissue Engineering
  1902. Journal Of Tissue Engineering And Regenerative Medicine
  1903. Journal of Tissue Viability
  1904. Journal of Topology and Analysis
  1905. Journal of Toxicology
  1906. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part A
  1907. Journal of Toxins
  1908. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology
  1909. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine
  1910. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  1911. Journal of Transcultural Nursing
  1912. Journal of Transformative Education
  1913. Journal of Transplantation
  1914. Journal of Transport & Health
  1915. Journal of Transport Geography
  1916. Journal Of Transportation Security
  1917. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology
  1918. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, The
  1919. Journal of Trauma Nursing
  1920. Journal Of Traumatic Stress
  1921. Journal Of Traumatic Stress (1988 - 2004)
  1922. Journal of Travel Medicine (2013)
  1923. Journal of Travel Medicine (1994 - Actual)
  1924. Journal of Travel Research
  1925. Journal of Tropical Medicine
  1926. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics
  1927. Journal of Ultrastructure and Molecular Structure Research
  1928. Journal of Ultrastructure Research
  1929. Journal of Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources
  1930. Journal Of Urban Affairs
  1931. Journal of Urban Economics
  1932. Journal Of Urban Health
  1933. Journal of Urban History
  1934. Journal of Vacation Marketing
  1935. Journal of Vaccines
  1936. Journal of Vacuum Science & Techonology : A
  1937. Journal of Vacuum Science & Techonology : B
  1938. Journal Of Value Inquiry
  1939. Journal of Vascular Access Devices
  1940. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology
  1941. Journal of Vascular Nursing
  1942. Journal of Vascular Research
  1943. Journal of Vascular Surgery: Venous and Lymphatic Disorders
  1944. Journal Of Vector Ecology
  1945. Journal of Vector Ecology
  1946. Journal Of Vegetation Science
  1947. Journal Of Vegetation Science (2002 - 2008)
  1948. Journal of Venereology
  1949. Journal Of Vertebrate Paleontology
  1950. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research
  1951. Journal of Veterinary Cardiology
  1952. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation
  1953. Journal Of Veterinary Emergency And Critical Care
  1954. Journal Of Veterinary Internal Medicine
  1955. Journal of Veterinary Medicine
  1956. Journal Of Veterinary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
  1957. Journal Of Vibration And Control
  1958. Journal of Victorian Culture
  1959. Journal Of Vinyl & Additive Technology
  1960. Journal Of Viral Hepatitis
  1961. Journal of Virological Methods
  1962. Journal Of Virology
  1963. Journal of Viruses
  1964. Journal of Visceral Surgery
  1965. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
  1966. Journal of Visual Culture
  1967. Journal of Visual Languages & Computing
  1968. Journal Of Visualization
  1969. Journal of Vocational Behavior
  1970. Journal of Voice
  1971. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
  1972. Journal Of Volcanology And Seismology
  1973. Journal of Waste Management
  1974. Journal Of Water Chemistry And Technology
  1975. Journal of Water Process Engineering
  1976. Journal of Wilderness Medicine
  1977. Journal Of Wildlife Management
  1978. Journal Of Wildlife Management, The
  1979. Journal of Wind Energy
  1980. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics
  1981. Journal of Women´s Health Physical Therapy
  1982. Journal Of Wood Science
  1983. Journal of World Business
  1984. Journal of World Energy Law & Business
  1985. Journal Of World Intellectual Property, The
  1986. Journal Of World Prehistory
  1987. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing
  1988. Journal Of Wuhan University Of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed.
  1989. Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology
  1990. Journal of Young Pharmacists
  1991. Journal Of Youth And Adolescence
  1992. Journal Of Zhejiang University - Science A
  1993. Journal Of Zhejiang University - Science B
  1994. Journal Of Zhejiang University - Science C
  1995. Journal Of Zoo And Wildlife Medicine
  1996. Journal Of Zoological Systematics And Evolutionary Research
  1997. Journal Of Zoology
  1998. Journal On Computing And Cultural Heritage
  1999. Journal on Educational Resources in Computing (JERIC)
  2000. Journal On Multimodal User Interfaces
  2001. Journalism
  2002. Journalism & Communication Monographs
  2003. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator
  2004. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly
  2005. Journals of Gerontology: Series A
  2006. Journals of Gerontology: Series B
  2007. JPO: Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics
  2008. JSAE Review
  2009. Juncture
  2010. Juristische Blätter
  2011. Juvenile And Family Court Journal
  1. L´Année Biologique
  2. L´Année psychologique (1894 - 2008)
  3. L´Année psychologique (2009 - actual)
  4. L´Anthropologie
  5. L´architecture Militaire Ou la Fortification Nouvelle
  6. L´Enseignement Mathematique
  7. L´Évolution Psychiatrique
  8. La Lettre de médecine physique et de réadaptation
  9. La Presse Médicale
  10. La Radiologia Medica
  11. La Recherche
  12. La Revue de Médecine Interne
  13. La Revue Gestion et Organisation
  14. La Rivista Del Nuovo Cimento (1969 - 1970)
  15. La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento (2000 - actual)
  16. La Rivista Italiana Della Medicina Di Laboratorio
  17. Lab Animal
  18. Labor Studies Journal
  19. Laboratory Animals
  20. Laboratory Animals
  21. Laboratory Automation & Information Management
  22. Laboratory Investigation
  23. Laboratory Medicine
  24. Labour
  25. Labour Economics
  26. Lakes & Reservoirs: Research And Management
  27. Lancet Global Health, The
  28. Lancet Infectious Diseases, The
  29. Lancet Neurology, The
  30. Lancet Oncology, The
  31. Lancet, The
  32. Land Degradation And Development
  33. Land Use Policy
  34. Landscape And Ecological Engineering
  35. Landscape and Urban Planning
  36. Landscape Ecology
  37. Landscape Planning
  38. Landslides
  39. Langenbeck´s Archives Of Surgery
  40. Langmuir
  41. Language & Communication
  42. Language & Linguistics Compass
  43. Language & Speech
  44. Language And Education
  45. Language and Linguistics
  46. Language and Literature
  47. Language in Society
  48. Language Learning
  49. Language Policy
  50. Language Problems Language Planning
  51. Language Resources And Evaluation
  52. Language Sciences
  53. Language Teaching Research
  54. Language Testing
  55. Laryngoscope, The
  56. Laser & Photonics Reviews
  57. Laser Focus World
  58. Laser Physics
  59. Laser Physics Letters
  60. Laser Physics Letters
  61. Laser Technik Journal
  62. Laser-Medizin: eine interdisziplinäre Zeitschrift ; Praxis, Klinik, Forschung
  63. Lasers In Medical Science
  64. Lasers In Surgery And Medicine
  65. Latin American Perspectives
  66. Latin American Policy
  67. Latin American Politics And Society
  68. Latin Americanist, The
  69. Law & Policy
  70. Law & Social Inquiry
  71. Law & Society Review
  72. Law And Critique
  73. Law And Human Behavior
  74. Law And Philosophy
  75. Law, Culture and the Humanities
  76. Law, Probability and Risk
  77. Le Pastissier François
  78. Leader To Leader
  79. Leadership
  80. Leadership Quarterly, The
  81. Learned Publishing
  82. Learning & Behavior
  83. Learning & Memory
  84. Learning and Individual Differences
  85. Learning and Instruction
  86. Learning and Motivation
  87. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice
  88. Learning Disability Quarterly
  89. Learning Environments Research
  90. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction
  91. Lebensmittelchemie
  92. Lecture Notes in Mathematics
  93. Legal And Criminological Psychology
  94. Legal Medicine
  95. Legal Studies
  96. Legislative Studies Quarterly
  97. Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook
  98. Les cahiers de l´ Année Gérontologique
  99. Lethaia
  100. Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento Series 2
  101. Letters In Applied Microbiology
  102. Letters in Heat and Mass Transfer
  103. Letters In Mathematical Physics
  104. Letters In Spatial And Resource Sciences
  105. Leukemia Research
  106. Leukemia Research and Treatment
  107. Leukemia Research Reports
  108. Leviathan
  109. Leviathan (2000 - 2011)
  110. Library
  111. Library & Information Science Research
  112. Library Acquisitions: Practice & Theory
  113. Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services
  114. Library Hi Tech
  115. Library Hi Tech News
  116. Library Management
  117. Library Quarterly: Information, Community, Policy, The
  118. Library Review
  119. Library Trends
  120. Life Sciences
  121. Life Sciences in Space Research
  122. Lifetime Data Analysis
  123. Lighting Research & Technology
  124. Limnologica - Ecology and Management of Inland Waters
  125. Limnology
  126. Limnology & Oceanography: Methods
  127. Limnology And Oceanography
  128. Limnology and Oceanography
  129. Limnology And Oceanography E-Lectures
  130. Limnology And Oceanography: Bulletin
  131. Limnology And Oceanography: Fluids And Environments
  132. Linear Algebra and its Applications
  133. Linear and Multilinear Algebra
  134. Lingua
  135. Linguistics and Education
  136. Linguistics And Philosophy
  137. Lipid Technology
  138. Lipids
  139. Lippincott's Bone and Joint Newsletter
  140. Literacy
  141. Literary Imagination
  142. Literature and Theology
  143. Literature Compass
  144. Lithology And Mineral Resources
  145. Lithos
  146. Lithuanian Mathematical Journal
  147. Liver Cancer
  148. Liver International
  149. Liver Transplantation
  150. Liverpool Law Review
  151. Livestock Production Science
  152. Livestock Science
  153. LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics
  154. Lo Scalpello - Otodi Educational
  155. Lobachevskii Journal Of Mathematics
  156. Local Economy
  157. Location Science
  158. Logic Journal of the IGPL
  159. Logica Universalis
  160. Logistics Research
  161. London Business School Review
  162. London Review of International Law
  163. Long Range Planning
  164. Low Temperature Physics
  165. Lubrication Science
  166. Luminescence: The Journal Of Biological And Chemical Luminescence
  167. Lung
  168. Lung Cancer
  169. Lung Cancer International
  170. Lupus
  171. Luts
  172. LWT - Food Science and Technology
  173. Lymphoma
  1. Machine Design
  2. Machine Learning
  3. Machine Translation
  4. Machine Vision And Applications
  5. Machining Science and Technology
  6. Macromolecular Bioscience
  7. Macromolecular Chemistry And Physics
  8. Macromolecular Materials & Engineering
  9. Macromolecular Rapid Communications
  10. Macromolecular Reaction Engineering
  11. Macromolecular Research
  12. Macromolecular Symposia
  13. Macromolecular Theory And Simulations
  14. Macromolecules
  15. Madroño
  16. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  17. Magnetic Resonance In Chemistry
  18. Magnetic Resonance In Medicine
  19. Magnetic Resonance Materials In Physics, Biology And Medicine
  20. Main Group Chemistry
  21. Main Group Metal Chemistry
  22. Major Gifts Report, The
  23. Malacologia
  24. Malaria Research and Treatment
  25. Mammal Review
  26. Mammal Study
  27. Mammalia
  28. Mammalian Biology - Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde
  29. Mammalian Genome
  30. Mammalian Species (2000 - Actual)
  31. Mammalian Species (1969 - Actual)
  32. Management Accounting Research
  33. Management and Labour Studies
  34. Management And Organization Review
  35. Management Communication Quarterly
  36. Management Decision
  37. Management in Education
  38. Management International Review
  39. Management Learning
  40. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal
  41. Management Report For Nonunion Organizations
  42. Management Research Review
  43. Management Review Quarterly
  44. Management Science ( 1954 - 2010)
  45. Management Science (1998 - actual)
  46. Management Teaching Review
  47. Managerial And Decision Economics
  48. Managerial Auditing Journal
  49. Managerial Finance
  50. Manchester School, The
  51. Manual Therapy
  52. Manuelle Medizin
  53. Manufacturing Engineer
  54. Manufacturing Letters
  55. Manuscripta Mathematica
  56. Mapan
  57. Mare Liberum
  58. Margin - The Journal of Applied Economic Research
  59. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science
  60. Marine and Petroleum Geology
  61. Marine Biodiversity
  62. Marine Biology
  63. Marine Biology Research
  64. Marine Biotechnology
  65. Marine Chemistry
  66. Marine Ecology
  67. Marine Ecology Progress Series
  68. Marine Environmental Research
  69. Marine Genomics
  70. Marine Geology
  71. Marine Geophysical Research
  72. Marine Mammal Science
  73. Marine Micropaleontology
  74. Marine Models
  75. Marine Policy
  76. Marine Pollution Bulletin
  77. Marine Resource Economics
  78. Marine Structures
  79. Mark Twain Annual, The
  80. Market Microstructure and Liquidity
  81. Marketing Letters
  82. Marketing Review St. Gallen
  83. Marketing Theory
  84. Mass Spectrometry Reviews
  85. Materials & Design
  86. Materials And Corrosion/Werkstoffe Und Korrosion
  87. Materials And Structures
  88. Materials at High Temperatures
  89. Materials Characterization
  90. Materials Chemistry
  91. Materials Chemistry and Physics
  92. Materials Letters
  93. Materials Research Bulletin
  94. Materials Research Innovations
  95. Materials Science
  96. Materials Science & Technology
  97. Materials Science and Engineering
  98. Materials Science and Engineering: A
  99. Materials Science and Engineering: B
  100. Materials Science and Engineering: C
  101. Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports
  102. Materials Science Forum
  103. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing
  104. Materials Science Reports
  105. Materials Science-Poland
  106. Materials Technology
  107. Materials Today
  108. Materials Today: Proceedings
  109. Materialwissenschaft Und Werkstofftechnik
  110. Maternal & Child Nutrition
  111. Maternal And Child Health Journal
  112. Mathematica Journal
  113. Mathematica Slovaca
  114. Mathematica Slovaca
  115. Mathematical and Computer Modelling
  116. Mathematical Biosciences
  117. Mathematical Finance
  118. Mathematical Geosciences
  119. Mathematical Intelligencer
  120. Mathematical Medicine and Biology: A Journal of the IMA
  121. Mathematical Methods In The Applied Sciences
  122. Mathematical Methods Of Operations Research
  123. Mathematical Methods Of Statistics
  124. Mathematical Modelling
  125. Mathematical Models And Computer Simulations
  126. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences
  127. Mathematical Notes
  128. Mathematical Physics, Analysis And Geometry
  129. Mathematical Problems in Engineering
  130. Mathematical Programming
  131. Mathematical Programming Computation
  132. Mathematical Social Sciences
  133. Mathematical Thinking and Learning
  134. Mathematics & Mechanics of Solids
  135. Mathematics and Computer Education
  136. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
  137. Mathematics And Financial Economics
  138. Mathematics Education Research Journal
  139. Mathematics Educator
  140. Mathematics In Computer Science
  141. Mathematics of Computation
  142. Mathematics Of Control, Signals And Systems
  143. Mathematics of Operations Research
  144. Mathematics Of The USSR-Izvestiya
  145. Mathematics Of The USSR-Sbornik
  146. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School
  147. Mathematische Annalen
  148. Mathematische Nachrichten
  149. Mathematische Semesterberichte
  150. Mathematische Zeitschrift
  151. Matrix
  152. Matrix Biology
  153. Maturitas
  154. Mauerwerk - European Journal Of Masonry
  155. Mayo Clinic Proceedings
  156. MCN, The American Journal of MaternalChild Nursing
  157. Measurement
  158. Measurement and Control
  159. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development
  160. Measurement Science And Technology
  161. Measurement Techniques
  162. Meat Science
  163. Meccanica
  164. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
  165. Mechanics Of Cohesive-Frictional Materials
  166. Mechanics Of Composite Materials
  167. Mechanics of Materials
  168. Mechanics Of Solids
  169. Mechanics Of Time-Dependent Materials
  170. Mechanics Research Communications
  171. Mechanism and Machine Theory
  172. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development
  173. Mechanisms of Development
  174. Mechatronics
  175. Médecine & Droit
  176. Médecine de Catastrophe - urgences collectives
  177. Médecine et Chirurgie du Pied
  178. Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses
  179. Médecine Nucléaire
  180. Media International Australia
  181. Media, Culture & Society
  182. Media, War & Conflict
  183. Mediators of Inflammation
  184. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing
  185. Medical And Veterinary Entomology
  186. Medical Anthropology
  187. Medical Anthropology Quarterly
  188. Medical Care
  189. Medical Care Research and Review
  190. Medical Decision Making
  191. Medical Education
  192. Medical Engineering & Physics
  193. Medical Epigenetics
  194. Medical Hypotheses
  195. Medical Image Analysis
  196. Medical Journal Armed Forces India
  197. Medical Laser Application
  198. Medical Law International
  199. Medical Law Review
  200. Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics
  201. Medical Microbiology And Immunology
  202. Medical Molecular Morphology
  203. Medical Mycology
  204. Medical Mycology Case Reports
  205. Medical Oncology
  206. Medical Physics
  207. Medical Principles and Practice
  208. Medical Update for Psychiatrists
  209. Medicina
  210. Medicina Intensiva (English Edition)
  211. Medicinal Chemistry Research
  212. Medicinal Research Reviews
  213. Medicine
  214. Medicine
  215. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
  216. Medicine Studies
  217. Medicine, Health Care And Philosophy
  218. Medieval History Journal
  219. Meditari Accountancy Research
  220. Mediterranean Journal Of Mathematics
  221. Mediterranean Journal Of Nutrition And Metabolism
  222. Medizinische Genetik
  223. Medizinische Klinik - Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin
  224. Medizinrecht
  225. Melanoma Research
  226. MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States
  227. Membership Management Report, The
  228. Membrane Technology
  229. Memetic Computing
  230. Memo - Magazine Of European Medical Oncology
  231. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
  232. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz
  233. Memories de la Societe Mathematique de France
  234. Memory & Cognition
  235. Memory Studies
  236. Men and Masculinities
  237. Mendeleev Communications
  238. Menopause
  239. Mental Health & Prevention
  240. Mental Health and Physical Activity
  241. Mental Health and Social Inclusion
  242. Mental Health Review Journal
  243. Mental Health Weekly
  244. Meta Gene
  245. Metabolic Bone Disease and Related Research
  246. Metabolic Brain Disease
  247. Metabolic Engineering
  248. Metabolic Engineering Communications
  249. Metabolism
  250. Metabolomics
  251. Metacognition And Learning
  252. Metal Finishing
  253. Metal Powder Report
  254. Metal Science And Heat Treatment
  255. Metallography
  256. Metallomics 
  257. Metallurgical And Materials Transactions A
  258. Metallurgical And Materials Transactions B
  259. Metallurgical Research & Technology
  260. Metallurgist
  261. Metals And Materials International
  262. Metamaterials
  263. Metaphilosophy
  264. Metaphysica
  265. Metascience
  266. Meteoritics & Planetary Science
  267. Meteorological Applications
  268. Meteorology And Atmospheric Physics
  269. Methodology And Computing In Applied Probability
  270. Methods
  271. Methods and Applications in Fluorescence
  272. Methods and Applications of Analysis
  273. Methods In Cell Science
  274. Methods In Ecology And Evolution
  275. Methods in Enzymology
  276. Methods in Microbiology
  277. Methods in Oceanography
  278. MethodsX
  279. Metrika
  280. Metroeconomica
  281. Metrologia
  282. Metropolitan Museum Journal
  283. Michigan Mathematical Journal, The
  284. Microbes and Infection
  285. Microbial Biotechnology
  286. Microbial Ecology
  287. Microbial Pathogenesis
  288. Microbiological Research
  289. Microbiology
  290. Microbiology (Reading England)
  291. Microbiology And Immunology
  292. Microbiology And Molecular Biology Reviews
  293. Microbiologyopen
  294. Microchemical Journal
  295. Microchimica Acta
  296. Microcirculation
  297. Microelectronic Engineering
  298. Microelectronics International: An International Journal
  299. Microelectronics Journal
  300. Microelectronics Reliability
  301. Microfluidics And Nanofluidics
  302. Microgravity Science And Technology
  303. Micron
  304. Micron (1969)
  305. Micron and Microscopica Acta
  306. Micropaleontology
  307. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
  308. Microporous Materials
  309. Microprocessing and Microprogramming
  310. Microprocessors
  311. Microprocessors and Microsystems
  312. Microscopy
  313. Microscopy Research And Technique
  314. Microsurgery
  315. Microsystem Technologies
  316. Microvascular Research
  317. Microwave And Optical Technology Letters
  318. Microwave Journal
  319. Microwaves And Rf
  320. Microwaves, Optics and Acoustics, IEE Journal on
  321. Microwaves, Optics and Antennas, IEE Proceedings H
  322. Middle East Fertility Society Journal
  323. Middle East Policy
  324. Midwest Studies In Philosophy
  325. Midwifery
  326. Migration Studies
  327. Mikrochemie
  328. Milan Journal Of Mathematics
  329. Milbank Quarterly, The
  330. Millennial Asia
  331. Millennium: Journal of International Studies
  332. Military Medicine
  333. Milton Quarterly
  334. Mind
  335. Mind & Language
  336. Mind & Society
  337. Mind Culture and Activity
  338. Mind, Brain, And Education
  339. Mindfulness
  340. Minds And Machines
  341. Mine Water And The Environment
  342. Mineral Economics
  343. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy
  344. Mineralium Deposita
  345. Mineralogy And Petrology
  346. Minerals Engineering
  347. Minerva
  348. Minimally Invasive Surgery
  349. Mining Science and Technology
  350. Mining Science and Technology (China)
  351. Mining Technology
  352. Missiology: An International Review
  353. Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences
  354. MIT Technology Review
  355. Mitigation And Adaptation Strategies For Global Change
  356. Mitochondrion
  357. Mitteilungen der DMV
  358. Mlq- Mathematical Logic Quarterly
  359. Mobile Information Systems
  360. Mobile Media & Communication
  361. Mobile Networks And Applications
  362. Modelling and Simulation in Engineering
  363. Modelling And Simulation In Materials Science And Engineering
  364. Modern China
  365. Modern Judaism - A Journal of Jewish Ideas and Experience
  366. Modern Language Journal
  367. Modern Law Review, The
  368. Modern Philology
  369. Modern Physics Letters A
  370. Modern Physics Letters B
  371. Modern Rheumatology (1997 - 2013)
  372. Modern Rheumatology (1997 - Actual)
  373. Modern Rheumatology Case Reports
  374. Modern Theology
  375. Molecular & Cellular Toxicology
  376. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology
  377. Molecular And Cellular Biochemistry
  378. Molecular And Cellular Biology
  379. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology
  380. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
  381. Molecular and Cellular Probes
  382. Molecular And Chemical Neuropathology
  383. Molecular Aspects of Medicine
  384. Molecular Biology
  385. Molecular Biology and Evolution
  386. Molecular Biology International
  387. Molecular Biology Of The Cell
  388. Molecular Biology Reports
  389. Molecular Biosystems
  390. Molecular Biotechnology
  391. Molecular Brain Research
  392. Molecular Breeding
  393. Molecular Cancer Research
  394. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics
  395. Molecular Carcinogenesis
  396. Molecular Cell Biology Research Communications
  397. Molecular Diversity
  398. Molecular Ecology
  399. Molecular Ecology Resources
  400. Molecular Endocrinology
  401. Molecular Engineering
  402. Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine
  403. Molecular Genetics And Genomics
  404. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism
  405. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports
  406. Molecular Genetics, Microbiology And Virology
  407. Molecular Human Reproduction
  408. Molecular Imaging And Biology
  409. Molecular Immunology
  410. Molecular Informatics
  411. Molecular Medicine Today
  412. Molecular Metabolism
  413. Molecular Microbiology
  414. Molecular Neurobiology
  415. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research
  416. Molecular Oncology
  417. Molecular Oral Microbiology
  418. Molecular Pharmaceutics
  419. Molecular Pharmacology
  420. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
  421. Molecular Physics
  422. Molecular Plant
  423. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions
  424. Molecular Plant Pathology
  425. Molecular Reproduction & Development
  426. Molecular Syndromology
  427. Molecular Systems Biology
  428. Molecular Therapy (embargo de 12 meses)
  429. Molecules And Cells
  430. Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly
  431. Monatshefte für Mathematik
  432. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde
  433. Monist, The
  434. Monographs Of The Society For Research In Child Development
  435. Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist
  436. Monte Carlo Methods and Applications
  437. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (1998 - 2012)
  438. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (1996 - Actual)
  439. Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society: Letters
  440. Morphology
  441. Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin
  442. Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin
  443. Moscow University Computational Mathematics And Cybernetics
  444. Moscow University Geology Bulletin
  445. Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin
  446. Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin
  447. Moscow University Physics Bulletin
  448. Moscow University Soil Science Bulletin
  449. Most: Economic Policy In Transitional Economies
  450. Motivation And Emotion
  451. Mountain Research and Development
  452. Movement Disorders
  453. Movement Disorders Clinical Practice
  454. MRS Bulletin
  455. Mucosal Immunology
  456. Multibody System Dynamics
  457. Multicultural Education & Technology Journal
  458. Multidimensional Systems And Signal Processing
  459. Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures
  460. Multimedia Systems
  461. Multimedia Tools And Applications
  462. Multinational Business Review
  463. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders
  464. Multiple Sclerosis International
  465. Multiple Sclerosis Journal
  466. Multiple Sclerosis Journal EUR Experimental
  467. Multiscale Modeling and Simulation
  468. Mundo Nano
  469. Muscle And Nerve
  470. Musculoskeletal Care
  471. Musculoskeletal Surgery
  472. Museum Anthropology
  473. Museum International
  474. Museum International (Edition Francaise)
  475. Music Analysis
  476. Music and Letters
  477. Music Educators Journal
  478. Music Theory Spectrum
  479. Music Therapy Perspectives
  480. Musicae Scientiae
  481. Musical Quarterly
  482. Muslim World, The
  483. Mutagenesis
  484. Mutation Research Letters
  485. Mutation Research/DNA Repair
  486. Mutation Research/DNA Repair Reports
  487. Mutation Research/DNAging
  488. Mutation Research/Environmental Mutagenesis and Related Subjects
  489. Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis
  490. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology
  491. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
  492. Mutation Research/Mutation Research Genomics
  493. Mutation Research/Reviews in Genetic Toxicology
  494. Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research
  495. Mycologia
  496. Mycological Progress
  497. Mycological Research
  498. Mycologist
  499. Mycopathologia
  500. Mycorrhiza
  501. Mycoscience
  502. Mycoscience
  503. Mycoses
  504. Mycotoxin Research
  1. Nagoya Mathematical Journal
  2. Nano
  3. Nano Communication Networks
  4. Nano Energy
  5. Nano Hybrids
  6. Nano Letters
  7. Nano LIFE
  8. Nano Research
  9. Nano Today
  10. Nanocomposites
  11. Nanoethics
  12. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine
  13. Nanoscale Research Letters
  14. Nanostructured Materials
  15. Nanotechnologies In Russia
  16. Nanotechnology
  17. Nanotechnology Reviews
  18. Narrative Inquiry
  19. NASN School Nurse
  20. NASSP Bulletin
  21. National Civic Review
  22. National Institute Economic Review
  23. National Nurse Magazine
  24. National Teaching & Learning Forum, The
  25. Nations And Nationalism
  26. Natur Und Recht
  27. Natural Areas Journal
  28. Natural Computing
  29. Natural Gas & Electricity
  30. Natural Gas Industry B
  31. Natural Hazards
  32. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory
  33. Natural Language Semantics
  34. Natural Product Reports
  35. Natural Product Research
  36. Natural Resource Modeling
  37. Natural Resources Forum
  38. Natural Resources Research
  39. Nature
  40. Nature Biotechnology
  41. Nature Cell Biology
  42. Nature Chemical Biology
  43. Nature Chemistry
  44. Nature Communications
  45. Nature Genetics
  46. Nature Immunology
  47. Nature Materials
  48. Nature Medicine
  49. Nature Methods
  50. Nature Nanotechnology
  51. Nature Neuroscience
  52. Nature News
  53. Nature Physics
  54. Nature Plants
  55. Nature Precedings
  56. Nature Protocols
  57. Nature Reviews Cancer
  58. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery
  59. Nature Reviews Genetics
  60. Nature Reviews Immunology
  61. Nature Reviews Microbiology
  62. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
  63. Nature Reviews Neuroscience
  64. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology
  65. Natureza & Conservação
  66. Naturwissenschaften
  67. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg´s Archives Of Pharmacology
  68. Naval Engineers Journal
  69. Naval Research Logistics: An International Journal
  70. Navigation
  71. NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics - Electronic Edition
  72. NBER Macroeconomics Annual - Electronic Edition
  73. NDT & E International
  74. NDT International
  75. Negotiation And Conflict Management Research
  76. Negotiation Journal
  77. Neohelicon
  78. Neonatology
  79. Neophilologus
  80. Neoplasia
  81. Neotropical Primates
  82. Néphrologie & Thérapeutique
  83. Nephrology
  84. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
  85. Nephrology Times
  86. Nephron
  87. Nephron Clinical Practice
  88. Nephron Experimental Nephrology
  89. Nephron Extra
  90. Nephron Physiology
  91. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research
  92. Netnomics: Economic Research And Electronic Networking
  93. Network Security
  94. Network: Computation In Neural Systems
  95. Networker
  96. Networking Science
  97. Networks And Spatial Economics
  98. Networks: An International Journal
  99. Neural Computing & Applications
  100. Neural Networks
  101. Neural Plasticity
  102. Neural Processing Letters
  103. Neuro-Oncology Practice
  104. Neurobiology of Aging
  105. Neurobiology of Disease
  106. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
  107. Neurobiology of Stress
  108. Neurochemical Journal
  109. Neurochemical Research
  110. Neurochemistry International
  111. Neurocomputing
  112. Neurocritical Care
  113. Neurodegeneration
  114. Neurodegenerative Diseases
  115. Neuroendocrinology
  116. Neuroepidemiology
  117. Neuroepigenetics
  118. Neuroethics
  119. Neurogastroenterology & Motility
  120. Neurogenetics
  121. Neurohospitalist, The
  122. NeuroImage
  123. NeuroImage: Clinical
  124. Neuroimmunomodulation
  125. Neuroinformatics
  126. Neurología (English Edition)
  127. Neurologia i Neurochirurgia Polska
  128. Neurological Sciences
  129. Neurologist, The
  130. Neurology
  131. Neurology And Clinical Neuroscience
  132. Neurology Now
  133. Neurology Research International
  134. Neurology Today
  135. Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain Research
  136. Neurology: Clinical Practice
  137. Neuromodulation: Technology At The Neural Interface
  138. Neuromolecular Medicine
  139. Neuromuscular Disorders
  140. Neuron
  141. Neuro-Oncology
  142. Neuropathology
  143. Neuropathology & Applied Neurobiology
  144. Neuropeptides
  145. Neuropharmacology
  146. Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology
  147. Neurophysiology
  148. Neuroprotocols
  149. Neuropsychiatrie de l´Enfance et de l´Adolescence
  150. Neuropsychobiology
  151. Neuropsychologia
  152. Neuropsychology Review
  153. Neuropsychopharmacology
  154. Neuroradiology
  155. Neuroradiology Journal, The
  156. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair
  157. NeuroReport
  158. Neuroscience
  159. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews
  160. Neuroscience And Behavioral Physiology
  161. Neuroscience Bulletin
  162. Neuroscience Journal
  163. Neuroscience Letters
  164. Neuroscience Research
  165. Neuroscience Research Supplements
  166. Neuroscientist, The
  167. Neurosignals
  168. Neurosurgery
  169. Neurosurgery Quarterly
  170. Neurosurgical Review
  171. Neurotherapeutics
  172. Neurotoxicity Research
  173. NeuroToxicology
  174. Neurotoxicology and Teratology
  175. Neurourology And Urodynamics
  176. New Astronomy
  177. New Astronomy Reviews
  178. New Biotechnology
  179. New Blackfriars
  180. New Carbon Materials
  181. New Directions For Adult & Continuing Education
  182. New Directions For Child & Adolescent Development
  183. New Directions For Community Colleges
  184. New Directions For Evaluation
  185. New Directions For Higher Education
  186. New Directions For Institutional Research
  187. New Directions For Student Leadership
  188. New Directions For Student Services
  189. New Directions For Teaching & Learning
  190. New England Journal of Medicine
  191. New Forests
  192. New Generation Computing
  193. New Horizons In Adult Education And Human Resource Development
  194. New Ideas in Psychology
  195. New Journal of Chemistry
  196. New Journal Of Physics
  197. New Journal of Science
  198. New Labor Forum
  199. New Library World
  200. New Mathematics and Natural Computation
  201. New Media & Society
  202. New Microbes And New Infections
  203. New Microbes and New Infections
  204. New Perspectives Quarterly
  205. New Phytologist
  206. New Scientist
  207. NEW SOLUTIONS: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy
  208. New Technology, Work And Employment
  209. New Zealand Geographer
  210. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews
  211. Newsletter of the IRE Professional Group on Audio
  212. Newspaper Research Journal
  213. Nexus Network Journal
  214. Nicotine and Tobacco Research
  215. Nihon Kyukyu Igakukai Zasshi - Journal Of Japanese Association For Acute Medicine
  216. Nihonkai Mathematical Journal
  217. Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry
  218. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences
  219. Nmr In Biomedicine
  220. Non-Destructive Testing
  221. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems
  222. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications
  223. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications
  224. Nonlinear Differential Equations And Applications Nodea
  225. Nonlinear Dynamics
  226. Nonlinear Engineering
  227. Nonlinear Oscillations
  228. Nonlinearity
  229. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
  230. Nonprofit Business Advisor
  231. Nonprofit Communications Report
  232. Nonprofit Management & Leadership
  233. Nontraditional Students Report
  234. Nordic Journal Of Botany
  235. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research
  236. North American Archaeologist
  237. North American Dialogue
  238. North American Journal of Aquaculture
  239. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, The
  240. North American Journal Of Fisheries Management
  241. Northeastern Naturalist
  242. Northwest Science
  243. Northwestern Naturalist
  244. Notes and Queries
  245. Notes and Records of the Royal Society
  246. Notfall + Rettungsmedizin
  247. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic
  248. Nous
  249. Nouvelle Revue D´ Optique
  250. Nouvelle Revue D´ Optique Appliquée
  251. Novon: Ajournal For Botanical Nomenclature
  252. NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics
  253. NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin
  254. Nuclear and Chemical Waste Management
  255. Nuclear Data Sheets
  256. Nuclear Data Sheets. Section A
  257. Nuclear Data Sheets. Section B
  258. Nuclear Engineering and Design
  259. Nuclear Engineering and Design. Fusion
  260. Nuclear Fusion
  261. Nuclear Instruments
  262. Nuclear Instruments and Methods
  263. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research
  264. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
  265. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
  266. Nuclear Medicine and Biology
  267. Nuclear Medicine And Molecular Imaging
  268. Nuclear Medicine Communications
  269. Nuclear Physics
  270. Nuclear Physics A
  271. Nuclear Physics B
  272. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
  273. Nuclear Structural Engineering
  274. Nuclear Track Detection
  275. Nuclear Tracks
  276. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements
  277. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements (1982)
  278. Nucleic Acid Therapeutics
  279. Nucleic Acids Research
  280. Nucleosides Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids
  281. Nucleus
  282. Nueva Antropología
  283. Numerical Algorithms
  284. Numerical Analysis And Applications
  285. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization
  286. Numerical Linear Algebra With Applications
  287. Numerical Methods For Partial Differential Equations
  288. Numerische Mathematik
  289. Nurse Education in Practice
  290. Nurse Education Today
  291. Nurse Educator
  292. Nurse Leader
  293. Nurse Practitioner, The
  294. Nursing
  295. Nursing & Health Sciences
  296. Nursing Administration Quarterly
  297. Nursing Critical Care
  298. Nursing Ethics
  299. Nursing For Women´S Health
  300. Nursing Forum
  301. Nursing In Critical Care
  302. Nursing Inquiry
  303. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy
  304. Nursing Management (LWW)
  305. Nursing Open
  306. Nursing Outlook
  307. Nursing Philosophy
  308. Nursing Research
  309. Nursing Research and Practice
  310. Nursing Science Quarterly
  311. Nutrient Cycling In Agroecosystems
  312. Nutrition
  313. Nutrition & Dietetics
  314. Nutrition And Health
  315. Nutrition Bulletin
  316. Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme
  317. Nutrition in Clinical Practice
  318. Nutrition Research
  319. Nutrition Reviews
  320. Nutrition Today
  321. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases
  322. Nutritional Neuroscience
  1. OAH Magazine of History
  2. Obere Extremität
  3. Obésité
  4. Obesity
  5. Obesity Facts
  6. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice
  7. Obesity Reviews
  8. Obesity Science & Practice
  9. Obesity Surgery
  10. Observationum Medicarum
  11. Obstetric Anesthesia Digest
  12. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey
  13. Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, The
  14. Obstetrics & Gynecology
  15. Obstetrics and Gynecology International
  16. Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Medicine
  17. Occupational And Environmental Medicine
  18. Occupational Medicine
  19. Occupational Outlook Quarterly
  20. Occupational Therapy International
  21. Ocean & Coastal Management
  22. Ocean and Shoreline Management
  23. Ocean Dynamics
  24. Ocean Engineering
  25. Ocean Management
  26. Ocean Modelling
  27. Ocean Science Journal
  28. Oceania
  29. Oceanologica Acta
  30. Oceanological And Hydrobiological Studies
  31. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies
  32. Oceanology
  33. OCLC Systems & Services: International digital library perspectives
  34. Ocular Oncology and Pathology
  35. Ocular Surface, The
  36. Odontology
  37. Oecologia
  38. Oikos
  39. Oil and Chemical Pollution
  40. Oil And Energy Trends
  41. Oil And Energy Trends: Annual Statistical Review
  42. Oil and Petrochemical Pollution
  43. Old and New Testament Student, The
  44. Old Testament Student, The
  45. Oligonucleotides
  46. Omega
  47. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying
  48. On the Horizon
  49. Oncogene
  50. Oncologie
  51. Oncology
  52. Oncology Research and Treatment
  53. Oncology Reviews
  54. Oncology Times
  55. Oncology Times UK
  56. Oncomagazine
  57. Online Information Review
  58. Opec Energy Review
  59. Open Biology
  60. Open Economies Review
  61. Open Systems & Information Dynamics
  62. Opera Quarterly
  63. Operational Research
  64. Operations Management Research
  65. Operations Research
  66. Operations Research for Health Care
  67. Operations Research Letters
  68. Operations Research Perspectives
  69. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie
  70. Operative Techniques in Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery
  71. Operative Techniques in General Surgery
  72. Operative Techniques in Neurosurgery
  73. Operative Techniques in Orthopaedics
  74. Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
  75. Operative Techniques in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  76. Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine
  77. Operative Techniques in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
  78. Ophthalmic And Physiological Optics
  79. Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
  80. Ophthalmic Research
  81. Ophthalmologica
  82. Ophthalmologica Extra
  83. Opportunistic Pathogens
  84. Opsearch
  85. Optical And Quantum Electronics
  86. Optical Engineering
  87. Optical Fiber Technology
  88. Optical Materials
  89. Optical Memory And Neural Networks
  90. Optical Review
  91. Optical Switching and Networking
  92. Optics & Laser Technology
  93. Optics and Lasers in Engineering
  94. Optics And Spectroscopy
  95. Optics Communications
  96. Optics Technology
  97. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics
  98. Optik & Photonik
  99. Optimal Control Applications And Methods
  100. Optimization And Engineering
  101. Optimization Letters
  102. Option/Bio
  103. Optoelectronics Letters
  104. Opto-Electronics Review
  105. Opto-Electronics Review
  106. Optoelectronics, Instrumentation And Data Processing
  107. Optometry - Journal of the American Optometric Association
  108. Optometry and Vision Science
  109. OR Nurse
  110. Or Spectrum
  111. Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery
  112. Oral Diseases
  113. Oral History Review
  114. Oral Oncology
  115. Oral Oncology Supplement
  116. Oral Radiology
  117. Oral Science International
  118. Oral Surgery
  119. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology
  120. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology
  121. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology
  122. Orbis
  123. Orbis Literarum
  124. Order
  125. Ore Geology Reviews
  126. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry
  127. Organic Agriculture
  128. Organic Chemistry International
  129. Organic Electronics
  130. Organic Geochemistry
  131. Organic Letters
  132. Organic Preparations and Procedures International
  133. Organic Process Research & Development
  134. Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching
  135. Organisms Diversity & Evolution
  136. Organization
  137. Organization & Environment
  138. Organization Studies
  139. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
  140. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance
  141. Organizational Dynamics
  142. Organizational Psychology Review
  143. Organizational Research Methods
  144. Organometallics
  145. Oriental Pharmacy & Experimental Medicine
  146. Origins Of Life And Evolution Of Biospheres
  147. ORL
  148. Ornithological Monographs
  149. Ornithological Science
  150. Orthodontic Waves
  151. Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research
  152. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
  153. Orthopaedic Nursing
  154. Orthopaedic Surgery
  155. Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research
  156. Orthopaedics and Trauma
  157. Orthopedics And Traumatology
  158. Osaka Journal of Mathematics
  159. Osiris
  160. Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives
  161. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage
  162. Osteopathische Medizin, Zeitschrift für ganzheitliche Heilverfahren
  163. Osteoporosis International
  164. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
  165. OTJR: Occupation, Participation, and Health
  166. Otolaryngologia Polska
  167. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
  168. Otology & Neurotology (formerly American Journal of Otology)
  169. Oxford Art Journal
  170. Oxford Bulletin Of Economics & Statistics
  171. Oxford Economic Papers
  172. Oxford Journal of Archaeology
  173. Oxford Journal of Law and Religion
  174. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
  175. Oxford Review of Economic Policy
  176. Oxford Review Of Education
  177. Oxidation Of Metals
  178. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity
  179. Oxonomics
  1. Pacific Accounting Review
  2. Pacific Economic Review
  3. Pacific Focus
  4. Pacific Journal of Mathematics (1951 - 1996)
  5. Pacific Journal of Mathematics (1951 - actual)
  6. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly
  7. Pacific Science
  8. Pacific Science Review
  9. Pacifica
  10. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal
  11. Pacing And Clinical Electrophysiology
  12. Packaging Technology And Science
  13. Packaging, Transport, Storage & Security of Radioactive Material
  14. Paddy And Water Environment
  15. Pädiatrie & Pädologie
  16. P-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, And Applications
  17. Paedagogica Historica
  18. Paediatric & Perinatal Epidemiology
  19. Paediatric Respiratory Reviews
  20. Paediatrics & Child Health
  21. Paediatrics and Child Health
  22. Pain Forum
  23. Pain Management Nursing
  24. Pain Medicine (2000 - 2015)
  25. Pain Medicine (2000 - Actual)
  26. Pain Practice
  27. Pain Research and Treatment
  28. PAIN®
  29. Paladyn
  30. Palaeobiodiversity And Palaeoenvironments
  31. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
  32. Palaeontology
  33. Palaeoworld
  34. Palaios
  35. Paläontologische Zeitschrift
  36. Paleobiology
  37. Paleoceanography
  38. Paleontological Journal
  39. Paleontological Research
  40. Paleontology Journal
  41. Palliative Medicine
  42. Palynology
  43. Pancreas
  44. Pancreatology
  45. Pan-Pacific Entomologist
  46. Papers In Palaeontology
  47. Papers In Regional Science
  48. Paradigm
  49. Parallel Computing
  50. Parallel Processing Letters
  51. Parasite Immunology
  52. Parasitology
  53. Parasitology International
  54. Parasitology Research
  55. Parasitology Today
  56. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders
  57. Parkinson's Disease
  58. Parliamentary Affairs
  59. Parliamentary History
  60. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization
  61. Particuology
  62. Party Politics
  63. Past & Present
  64. Pastoral Care In Education
  65. Pastoral Psychology
  66. Pathobiology
  67. Pathogens and Disease (1997 - 2014)
  68. Pathogens and Disease (1988 - Actual)
  69. Pathogens and Global Health
  70. Pathologie Biologie
  71. Pathology
  72. Pathology - Research and Practice
  73. Pathology & Oncology Research
  74. Pathology Case Reviews
  75. Pathology International
  76. Pathology Research International
  77. Pathophysiology
  78. Pathophysiology of Haemostasis and Thrombosis
  79. Patient Counselling and Health Education
  80. Patient Education and Counseling
  81. Pattern Analysis And Applications
  82. Pattern Recognition
  83. Pattern Recognition And Image Analysis
  84. Pattern Recognition Letters
  85. Peace & Change
  86. Pedagogy in Health Promotion
  87. Pediatric Allergy And Immunology
  88. Pediatric Anesthesia
  89. Pediatric Blood & Cancer
  90. Pediatric Cardiology
  91. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
  92. Pediatric Dental Journal
  93. Pediatric Dermatology
  94. Pediatric Diabetes
  95. Pediatric Emergency Care
  96. Pediatric Infectious Disease
  97. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal
  98. Pediatric Nephrology
  99. Pediatric Neurology
  100. Pediatric Neurosurgery
  101. Pediatric Obesity
  102. Pediatric Physical Therapy
  103. Pediatric Pulmonology
  104. Pediatric Radiology
  105. Pediatric Surgery International
  106. Pediatric Transplantation
  107. Pediatrics & Neonatology
  108. Pediatrics International
  109. Pedobiologia
  110. Pedosphere
  111. Peer-To-Peer Networking And Applications
  112. Pelvi-périnéologie
  113. Peptide Science
  114. Peptides
  115. Perception
  116. Performance Enhancement & Health
  117. Performance Evaluation
  118. Performance Improvement
  119. Performance Improvement Quarterly
  120. Performance Measurement and Metrics
  121. Perfusion
  122. Pergamon Materials Series
  123. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica
  124. Periodontology 2000
  125. Perioperative Medizin
  126. Permafrost And Periglacial Processes
  127. Personal And Ubiquitous Computing
  128. Personal Relationships
  129. Personality and Individual Differences
  130. Personality And Mental Health
  131. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
  132. Personality and Social Psychology Review
  133. Personalized Medicine Universe
  134. Personnel Psychology
  135. Personnel Review
  136. Perspectives in Medicine
  137. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics
  138. Perspectives In Psychiatric Care
  139. Perspectives in Public Health
  140. Perspectives in Science
  141. Perspectives in Vaccinology
  142. Perspectives on Psychological Science
  143. Perspectives on Public Management and Governance
  144. Perspectives On Sexual And Reproductive Health
  145. Perspektiven Der Wirtschaftspolitik
  146. Pervasive and Mobile Computing
  147. Pest Management Science
  148. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology
  149. Petroleum Chemistry
  150. Petroleum Chemistry U.S.S.R.
  151. Petroleum Exploration and Development
  152. Petroleum Science
  153. Petrology
  154. Pflügers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology
  155. Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae
  156. Pharmaceutical Biology
  157. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal
  158. Pharmaceutical Medicine
  159. Pharmaceutical Methods
  160. Pharmaceutical Research
  161. Pharmaceutical Science & Technology Today
  162. Pharmaceutical Statistics: The Journal Of Applied Statistics In The Pharmaceutical Industry
  163. Pharmacoepidemiology And Drug Safety
  164. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics
  165. Pharmacognosy Journal
  166. Pharmacological Reports
  167. Pharmacological Research
  168. Pharmacological Research Communications
  169. Pharmacological Reviews
  170. Pharmacology
  171. Pharmacology & Therapeutics
  172. Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Part A: Chemotherapy, Toxicology and Metabolic Inhibitors
  173. Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Part B: General and Systematic Pharmacology
  174. Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Part C: Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
  175. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior
  176. Pharmacology Research & Perspectives
  177. Pharmacotherapy: The Journal Of Human Pharmacology And Drug Therapy
  178. Pharmacy And Pharmacology Communications
  179. PharmaNutrition
  180. Pharmazie In Unserer Zeit
  181. Phase Transitions
  182. Phenomenology And The Cognitive Sciences
  183. Phi Delta Kappan Magazine
  184. Philips Journal of Research
  185. Philosophia
  186. Philosophia Mathematica
  187. Philosophical Forum, The
  188. Philosophical Investigations
  189. Philosophical Issues
  190. Philosophical Magazine
  191. Philosophical Perspectives
  192. Philosophical Quarterly, The (1997 - 2013)
  193. Philosophical Quarterly, The (1996 - Actual)
  194. Philosophical Studies
  195. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
  196. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
  197. Philosophy & Social Criticism
  198. Philosophy & Technology
  199. Philosophy And Phenomenological Research
  200. Philosophy And Public Affairs
  201. Philosophy Compass
  202. Philosophy of Science
  203. Philosophy of the Social Sciences
  204. Phonetica
  205. Photoacoustics
  206. Photochemistry & Photobiology
  207. Photochemistry And Photobiology
  208. Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine
  209. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy
  210. Photogrammetria
  211. Photogrammetric Record, The
  212. Photonic Network Communications
  213. Photonics & Lasers in Medicine
  214. Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications
  215. Photonics Spectra
  216. Photosynthesis Research
  217. Photosynthetica
  218. Photovoltaics Bulletin
  219. Phycological Research
  220. Physica
  221. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
  222. Physica B: Condensed Matter
  223. Physica B+C
  224. Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications Also available as part of a Full Set and Combined Subscription
  225. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
  226. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures
  227. Physica Medica
  228. Physica Scripta
  229. Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters
  230. Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications And Materials Science
  231. Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Solid State Physics
  232. Physica Status Solidi (C) - Current Topics In Solid State Physics
  233. Physical Biology
  234. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
  235. Physical Communication
  236. Physical Oceanography
  237. Physical Review A
  238. Physical Review B
  239. Physical Review C
  240. Physical Review D
  241. Physical Review E
  242. Physical Review Letters
  243. Physical Review Series I
  244. Physical Review Series II
  245. Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams
  246. Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research
  247. Physical Review X
  248. Physical Therapy
  249. Physical Therapy in Sport
  250. Physics
  251. Physics and Chemistry of Glasses - European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B
  252. Physics and Chemistry of Liquids
  253. Physics And Chemistry Of Minerals
  254. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
  255. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy
  256. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere
  257. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar, Terrestrial & Planetary Science
  258. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C
  259. Physics Education
  260. Physics fluids
  261. Physics In Medicine And Biology
  262. Physics In Perspective
  263. Physics In Technology
  264. Physics Letters
  265. Physics Letters A
  266. Physics Letters B
  267. Physics Of Atomic Nuclei
  268. Physics of Life Reviews
  269. Physics Of Metals And Metallography
  270. Physics Of Particles And Nuclei
  271. Physics Of Particles And Nuclei Letters
  272. Physics of Plasmas
  273. Physics of the Dark Universe
  274. Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors
  275. Physics Of The Solid State
  276. Physics Of Wave Phenomena
  277. Physics Procedia
  278. Physics Reports
  279. Physics Research International
  280. Physics Today
  281. Physics-Uspekhi
  282. Physik In Unserer Zeit (Phiuz)
  283. Physikalische Blatter
  284. Physiologia Plantarum
  285. Physiological And Biochemical Zoology
  286. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology
  287. Physiological Entomology
  288. Physiological Measurement
  289. Physiological Plant Pathology
  290. Physiological Reports
  291. Physiological Reviews
  292. Physiological Zoology
  293. Physiology
  294. Physiology & Behavior
  295. Physiology And Molecular Biology Of Plants
  296. Physiology Journal
  297. Physiotherapy
  298. Physiotherapy Research International
  299. Phytochemical Analysis
  300. Phytochemistry
  301. Phytochemistry Letters
  302. Phytochemistry Reviews
  303. Phytomedicine
  304. Phytoparasitica
  305. Phytopathology
  306. Phytothérapie
  307. Phytotherapy Research
  308. Pigment & Resin Technology
  309. Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research
  310. Pituitary
  311. Placenta
  312. Planetary and Space Science
  313. Planning Theory
  314. Plant and Cell Physiology
  315. Plant And Soil
  316. Plant Biology
  317. Plant Biotechnology Journal
  318. Plant Biotechnology Reports
  319. Plant Breeding
  320. Plant Cell, The
  321. Plant Cell & Environment
  322. Plant Cell Reports
  323. Plant Cell, Tissue And Organ Culture
  324. Plant Direct
  325. Plant Disease
  326. Plant Ecology
  327. Plant Foods For Human Nutrition
  328. Plant Genome
  329. Plant Growth Regulation
  330. Plant Journal, The
  331. Plant Molecular Biology
  332. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter
  333. Plant Pathology
  334. Plant Physiology
  335. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
  336. Plant Reproduction
  337. Plant Science
  338. Plant Science Letters
  339. Plant Species Biology
  340. Plant Systematics And Evolution
  341. Planta
  342. Planta Medica
  343. Plasma Chemistry And Plasma Processing
  344. Plasma Physics
  345. Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion
  346. Plasma Physics Reports
  347. Plasma Processes And Polymers
  348. Plasma Science And Technology
  349. Plasma Sources Science And Technology
  350. Plasma Therapy and Transfusion Technology
  351. Plasmas & Ions
  352. Plasmas And Polymers
  353. Plasmid
  354. Plasmonics
  355. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
  356. Plastic Surgery International
  357. Plastic Surgical Nursing
  358. Plastics, Additives and Compounding
  359. Plastics, Rubber and Composites
  360. PLEURA (OA)
  361. PM&R
  362. Poe Studies
  363. Poetics
  364. Point of Care:The Journal of Near-Patient Testing & Technology
  365. Polar Biology
  366. Polar Research
  367. Polar Science
  368. Polar: Political And Legal Anthropology Review
  369. Police Journal
  370. Police Quarterly
  371. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice
  372. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management
  373. Policy & Internet
  374. Policy and Society
  375. Policy Futures in Education
  376. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences
  377. Policy Sciences
  378. Policy Studies Journal
  379. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice
  380. Polish Annals of Medicine
  381. Political Analysis
  382. Political Behavior
  383. Political Geography
  384. Political Geography Quarterly
  385. Political Insight
  386. Political Insight
  387. Political Psychology
  388. Political Quarterly, The
  389. Political Research Quarterly
  390. Political Science
  391. Political Science Quarterly
  392. Political Studies
  393. Political Studies
  394. Political Studies Review
  395. Political Studies Review
  396. Political Theory
  397. Politics
  398. Politics
  399. Politics & Policy
  400. Politics & Society
  401. Politics and the Life Sciences
  402. Politics, Philosophy & Economics
  403. Polyhedron
  404. Polymer
  405. Polymer Bulletin
  406. Polymer Composites
  407. Polymer Contents
  408. Polymer Degradation and Stability
  409. Polymer Engineering & Science
  410. Polymer Foams Handbook
  411. Polymer Gels and Networks
  412. Polymer International
  413. Polymer Photochemistry
  414. Polymer Science Series D
  415. Polymer Science U.S.S.R.
  416. Polymer Testing
  417. Polymers For Advanced Technologies
  418. Population And Development Review
  419. Population And Environment
  420. Population Ecology (1952 - 2018)
  421. Population Ecology (1997 - actual)
  422. Population Research And Policy Review
  423. Population, Space And Place
  424. Portugaliae Mathematica
  425. Portuguese Economic Journal
  426. Positivity
  427. Post?py Psychiatrii i Neurologii
  428. Postgraduate Obstetrics & Gynecology
  429. Postharvest Biology and Technology
  430. Potato Research
  431. Potential Analysis
  432. Poultry Science
  433. Poverty & Public Policy
  434. Powder Metallurgy
  435. Powder Metallurgy And Metal Ceramics
  436. Powder Technology
  437. Power and Education
  438. Power Engineer
  439. Power Engineering Journal
  440. Power Technology And Engineering
  441. PPAR Research
  442. Practical Diabetes (Incorporating Cardiabetes)
  443. Pragmatics Cognition
  444. Pramana
  445. Pratique Médicale et Chirurgicale de l´Animal de Compagnie
  446. Pratiques Psychologiques
  447. Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung
  448. Precambrian Research
  449. Precision Agriculture
  450. Precision Engineering
  451. Pregnancy Hypertension: An International Journal of Women´s Cardiovascular Health
  452. Prenatal Diagnosis
  453. Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology
  454. Prescriber
  455. Presidential Studies Quarterly
  456. Prevention and Control
  457. Prevention Science
  458. Preventive Cardiology
  459. Preventive Medicine
  460. Preventive Medicine Reports
  461. Preventive Veterinary Medicine
  462. Primary Care Diabetes
  463. Primary Care Update for OB/GYNS
  464. Primate Conservation
  465. Primates
  466. Primer on Flat Rolling
  467. Prison Journal, The
  468. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics
  469. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences
  470. Probability Surveys
  471. Probability Theory And Related Fields
  472. Probation Journal
  473. Probiotics And Antimicrobial Proteins
  474. Problems Of Information Transmission
  475. Procare
  476. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
  477. Procedia Chemistry
  478. Procedia CIRP
  479. Procedia Computer Science
  480. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science
  481. Procedia Economics and Finance
  482. Procedia Engineering
  483. Procedia Environmental Sciences
  484. Procedia Food Science
  485. Procedia in Vaccinology
  486. Procedia IUTAM
  487. Procedia Materials Science
  488. Procedia Technology
  489. Proceedings In Applied Mathematics & Mechanics - Pamm
  490. Proceedings Mathematical Sciences
  491. Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare
  492. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
  493. Proceedings of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers
  494. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
  495. Proceedings Of The American Society For Information Science & Technology
  496. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society (2000 - 2015)
  497. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society (1996 - Actual)
  498. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington
  499. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
  500. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
  501. Proceedings of the Geologists´ Association
  502. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting
  503. Proceedings of the IEE - Part A: Power Engineering
  504. Proceedings of the IEE - Part B: Electronic and Communication Engineering
  505. Proceedings of the IEE - Part B: Radio and Electronic Engineering
  506. Proceedings of the IEE - Part C: Monographs
  507. Proceedings of the IEE - Part I: General
  508. Proceedings of the IEE - Part IA: Electric Railway Traction
  509. Proceedings of the IEE - Part II: Power Engineering
  510. Proceedings of the IEE - Part IIA: Insulating Materials
  511. Proceedings of the IEE - Part III: Radio and Communication Engineering
  512. Proceedings of the IEE - Part IIIA: Television
  513. Proceedings of the IEE - Part IV: Institution Monographs
  514. Proceedings of the IEEE
  515. Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers
  516. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers, Part H
  517. Proceedings of the International Symposium of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare
  518. Proceedings of the IRE
  519. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series A, Mathematical Sciences
  520. Proceedings Of The Linnean Society Of London
  521. Proceedings of the  London Mathematical Society
  522. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America (Pnas)
  523. Proceedings Of The Physical Society
  524. Proceedings Of The Physical Society Of London
  525. Proceedings Of The Physical Society. Section A
  526. Proceedings Of The Physical Society. Section B
  527. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
  528. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
  529. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Section: A Mathematics
  530. Proceedings Of The Steklov Institute Of Mathematics
  531. Proceedings of the Symposium on Combustion
  532. Proceedings Of The Zoological Society
  533. Proceedings: Animal Sciences
  534. Proceedings: Plant Sciences
  535. Process Biochemistry
  536. Process Safety and Environmental Protection
  537. Process Safety Progress
  538. Production And Operations Management
  539. Production Engineer
  540. Production Engineering
  541. Production Engineers Journal, Institution of
  542. Production Engineers, Journal of the Institution of
  543. Profesional Geographer, The
  544. Professional Case Management
  545. Professional Geographer
  546. Program: Electronic library and information systems
  547. Programming And Computer Software
  548. Progress in Aerospace Sciences
  549. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
  550. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases
  551. Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization
  552. Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials
  553. Progress in Development Studies
  554. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science
  555. Progress in Growth Factor Research
  556. Progress in Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
  557. Progress in Human Geography
  558. Progress in Lipid Research
  559. Progress in Materials Science
  560. Progress in Metal Physics
  561. Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science
  562. Progress in Natural Science: Materials International
  563. Progress in Neurobiology
  564. Progress In Neurology And Psychiatry
  565. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology
  566. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry
  567. Progress in Nuclear Energy
  568. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  569. Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology
  570. Progress in Oceanography
  571. Progress in Organic Coatings
  572. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics
  573. Progress in Pediatric Cardiology
  574. Progress In Photovoltaics: Research & Applications
  575. Progress in Physical Geography
  576. Progress in Planning
  577. Progress in Polymer Science
  578. Progress in Quantum Electronics
  579. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research
  580. Progress in Retinal Research
  581. Progress in Solid State Chemistry
  582. Progress In Structural Engineering And Materials
  583. Progress in Surface Science
  584. Progress in the Chemistry of Fats and other Lipids
  585. Progress In Tourism And Hospitality Research
  586. Progress of Theoretical Physics
  587. Progress of Theoretical Physics. Supplement
  588. Project Management Journal
  589. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics
  590. Property Management
  591. Propulsion and Power Research
  592. Prospects
  593. Prostaglandins
  594. Prostaglandins & Other Lipid Mediators
  595. Prostaglandins and Medicine
  596. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids (PLEFA)
  597. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Medicine
  598. Prostate Cancer
  599. Prostate, The
  600. Prosthetics & Orthotics International
  601. Protection Of Metals And Physical Chemistry Of Surfaces
  602. Protein & Cell
  603. Protein Engineering, Design and Selection
  604. Protein Expression and Purification
  605. Protein Journal
  606. Protein Science
  607. Proteins: Structure, Function And Bioinformatics
  608. Proteomics
  609. Proteomics - Clinical Applications
  610. Protist
  611. Protoplasma
  612. PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association
  613. Psicología Educativa
  614. Psn
  615. Psych Journal
  616. Psyche: A Journal of Entomology
  617. Psychiatric Genetics
  618. Psychiatric Quarterly
  619. Psychiatrie Und Psychotherapie
  620. Psychiatry
  621. Psychiatry And Clinical Neurosciences
  622. Psychiatry Journal
  623. Psychiatry Research
  624. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging
  625. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, The
  626. Psychogeriatrics
  627. Psychological Injury And Law
  628. Psychological Research
  629. Psychological Science
  630. Psychological Science in the Public Interest
  631. Psychological Science in the Public Interest
  632. Psychological Studies
  633. Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations
  634. Psychologie Française
  635. Psychology & Marketing
  636. Psychology and Developing Societies
  637. Psychology And Psychotherapy: Theory, Research And Practice
  638. Psychology In The Schools
  639. Psychology Learning & Teaching
  640. Psychology of Music
  641. Psychology of Sport and Exercise
  642. Psychology of Women Quarterly
  643. Psychology Of Women Quarterly
  644. Psychometrika
  645. Psychoneuroendocrinology
  646. Psychonomic Bulletin And Review
  647. Psycho-Oncologie
  648. Psycho-Oncology
  649. Psychopathology
  650. Psychopharm Review
  651. Psychopharmacology
  652. Psychophysiology
  653. Psychopraxis
  654. Psychosocial Intervention
  655. Psychosomatic Medicine
  656. Psychosomatics
  657. Psychotherapeut
  658. Psychotherapy And Politics International
  659. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics
  660. Pteridines
  661. Public Administration
  662. Public Administration & Development
  663. Public Administration Review
  664. Public Budgeting And Finance
  665. Public Choice
  666. Public Finance Review
  667. Public Health
  668. Public Health Ethics
  669. Public Health Forum
  670. Public Health Genomics
  671. Public Health Nursing
  672. Public Opinion Quarterly
  673. Public Organization Review
  674. Public Personnel Management
  675. Public Policy & Aging Report
  676. Public Policy and Administration
  677. Public Relations Inquiry
  678. Public Relations Review
  679. Public Transport
  680. Public Understanding of Science
  681. Public Works Management & Policy
  682. Publicacions Matemàtiques
  683. Publications mathématiques de l´IHÉS
  684. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
  685. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
  686. Publishing Research Quarterly
  687. Publius: The Journal of Federalism
  688. Publizistik
  689. Pulmonary Circulation
  690. Pulmonary Medicine
  691. Pulmonary Pharmacology
  692. Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
  693. Pulse
  694. Pump Industry Analyst
  695. Punishment & Society
  696. Pure and Applied Chemistry
  697. Pure and Applied Chemistry
  698. Pure And Applied Geophysics
  699. Pure And Applied Optics: Journal Of The European Optical Society Part A
  700. Purinergic Signalling
  1. R & D Management
  2. R&D
  3. Race & Class
  4. Race and Justice
  5. Race And Social Problems
  6. Race and Society
  7. Radiation And Environmental Biophysics
  8. Radiation Botany
  9. Radiation Measurements
  10. Radiation Oncology Investigations
  11. Radiation Physics and Chemistry
  12. Radiation Physics and Chemistry (1977)
  13. Radiation Protection Dosimetry
  14. Radiation Research
  15. Radio and Electronic Engineer
  16. Radio Engineers, Journal of the British Institution of
  17. Radio Engineers, Proceedings of the British Institution of
  18. Radio Engineers, Proceedings of the Indian Division of the British Institution of
  19. Radio Science
  20. Radiochemistry
  21. Radiochimica Acta
  22. Radioelectronics And Communications Systems
  23. Radiography
  24. Radiología (English Edition)
  25. Radiological Physics And Technology
  26. Radiology Research and Practice
  27. Radiophysics And Quantum Electronics
  28. Radiotherapy and Oncology
  29. RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications
  30. Ramanujan Journal
  31. Rand Journal Of Economics, The
  32. Random Matrices: Theory and Application
  33. Random Operators and Stochastic Equations
  34. Random Structures And Algorithms
  35. Rangeland Ecology & Management
  36. Rangelands
  37. RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment
  38. Rapid Communications In Mass Spectrometry
  39. Rapid Prototyping Journal
  40. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering
  41. Rare Metals
  42. Ratio
  43. Ratio Juris
  44. Rationality and Society
  45. Raumforschung Und Raumordnung
  46. RBM-News
  47. Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms And Catalysis
  48. Reactions Weekly
  49. Reactive and Functional Polymers
  50. Reactive Polymers
  51. Reactive Polymers, Ion Exchangers, Sorbents
  52. Reactivity of Solids
  53. Reading And Writing
  54. Reading Research Quarterly
  55. Reading Teacher, The
  56. Reading Today
  57. Real Analysis Exchange
  58. Real Estate Economics
  59. Real-Time Imaging
  60. Real-Time Systems
  61. Réanimation
  62. Réanimation Urgences
  63. Recent Progress in Hormone Research
  64. Recherche - Transports - Sécurité
  65. Recherche et Applications en Marketing
  66. Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English)
  67. Recherche Transports Sécurité
  68. Recherches en Didactique des Mathematiques
  69. Rechtsmedizin
  70. Records Management Journal
  71. Recruiting & Retaining Adult Learners
  72. Redox Biology
  73. Reference Reviews
  74. Reference Services Review
  75. Refocus
  76. Refractories And Industrial Ceramics
  77. Refugee Survey Quarterly
  78. Regeneration
  79. Regenerative Therapy
  80. Regional and Urban Economics
  81. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
  82. Regional Environmental Change
  83. Regional Research Of Russia
  84. Regional Science and Urban Economics
  85. Regional Science Policy And Practice
  86. Regular And Chaotic Dynamics
  87. Regulation & Governance
  88. Regulatory Peptides
  89. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology
  90. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
  91. Rehabilitation Nursing
  92. Rehabilitation Research and Practice
  93. Reinforced Plastics
  94. RELC Journal
  95. Reliability Engineering
  96. Reliability Engineering & System Safety
  97. Reliable Computing
  98. Religion Compass
  99. Religious Studies Review
  100. Remedial and Special Education
  101. Remediation Journal
  102. Remote Sensing In Ecology And Conservation
  103. Remote Sensing of Environment
  104. Renaissance Drama
  105. Renaissance News
  106. Renaissance Quarterly
  107. Renaissance Studies
  108. Rendiconti Del Circolo Matematico Di Palermo
  109. Rendiconti Del Seminario Matematico Dell Universita Di Padova Rsmup
  110. Rendiconti Lincei
  111. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews
  112. Renewable Energy
  113. Renewable Energy Focus
  114. Reports of Patent, Design and Trade Mark Cases
  115. Reports of Practical Oncology
  116. Reports of Practical Oncology & Radiotherapy
  117. Reports on Mathematical Physics
  118. Reports On Progress In Physics
  119. Representation Theory, and Electronic Journal of the AMS
  120. Reprodução & Climatério
  121. Reproduction: The Official Journal ofthe Society for Reproduction and Fertility
  122. Reproduction In Domestic Animals
  123. Reproductive Biology
  124. Reproductive BioMedicine Online
  125. Reproductive Health Matters
  126. Reproductive Medicine And Biology
  127. Reproductive Medicine And Biology
  128. Reproductive Sciences
  129. Reproductive Toxicology
  130. Requirements Engineering
  131. Res Publica
  132. Research & Politics
  133. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities
  134. Research Ethics
  135. Research Evaluation
  136. Research in Accounting Regulation
  137. Research In Astronomy And Astrophysics
  138. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
  139. Research in Comparative and International Education
  140. Research in Developmental Disabilities
  141. Research in Economics
  142. Research In Engineering Design
  143. Research In Experimental Medicine
  144. Research In Higher Education
  145. Research in Immunology
  146. Research in International Business and Finance
  147. Research in Microbiology
  148. Research In Nondestructive Evaluation
  149. Research In Nursing & Health
  150. Research in Organizational Behavior
  151. Research In Science Education
  152. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy
  153. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility
  154. Research in Transportation Business & Management
  155. Research in Transportation Economics
  156. Research in Veterinary Science
  157. Research in Virology
  158. Research Into Higher Education Abstracts
  159. Research on Aging
  160. Research On Chemical Intermediates
  161. Research on Social Work Practice
  162. Research Policy
  163. Research Strategies
  164. Research Studies in Music Education
  165. Research Synthesis Methods
  166. Research World
  167. Resonance
  168. Resource and Energy Economics
  169. Resource Geology
  170. Resource Recovery and Conservation
  171. Resources and Energy
  172. Resources Policy
  173. Resources, Conservation and Recycling
  174. Resources, Conservation and Recycling
  175. Respiration
  176. Respiration Physiology
  177. Respiratory Investigation
  178. Respiratory Medicine
  179. Respiratory Medicine Case Reports
  180. Respiratory Medicine Extra
  181. Respiratory Medicine: COPD Update
  182. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology
  183. Respirology
  184. Respirology Case Reports
  185. Restoration Ecology
  186. Restoration of Buildings and Monuments
  187. Results in Immunology
  188. Results In Mathematics
  189. Results in Pharma Sciences
  190. Results in Physics
  191. Resuscitation
  192. Retina
  193. RETINAL Cases & Brief Reports
  194. Reumatología Clínica (English Edition)
  195. Review & Expositor: An International Baptist Journal
  196. Review Journal Of Chemistry
  197. Review of Accounting and Finance
  198. Review Of Accounting Studies
  199. Review Of Agricultural Economics
  200. Review of Asset Pricing Studies
  201. Review Of Austrian Economics
  202. Review Of Black Political Economy
  203. Review of Corporate Finance Studies
  204. Review Of Derivatives Research
  205. Review Of Development Economics
  206. Review of Development Finance
  207. Review Of Economic Design
  208. Review of Economic Dynamics
  209. Review of Economic Studies
  210. Review Of Economics Of The Household
  211. Review Of Education
  212. Review of Educational Research
  213. Review of English Studies
  214. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy
  215. Review Of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law
  216. Review of Finance
  217. Review of Financial Economics
  218. Review of Financial Studies
  219. Review of Higher Education, The
  220. Review Of Income And Wealth
  221. Review Of Industrial Organization
  222. Review Of International Economics
  223. Review Of International Organizations
  224. Review Of Managerial Science
  225. Review of Market Integration
  226. Review of Modern Logic, The
  227. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
  228. Review Of Philosophy And Psychology
  229. Review Of Policy Research
  230. Review of Public Personnel Administration
  231. Review Of Quantitative Finance And Accounting
  232. Review of Radical Political Economics
  233. Review of Regional Research
  234. Review of Research in Education
  235. Review of Scientific Instruments
  236. Review Of Socionetwork Strategies
  237. Review Of Urban & Regional Development Studies
  238. Review Of World Economics
  239. Reviews in Accelerator Science and Technology
  240. Reviews in Analytical Chemistry
  241. Reviews In Aquaculture
  242. Reviews in Chemical Engineering
  243. Reviews In Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders
  244. Reviews In Environmental Science And Bio / Technology
  245. Reviews In Fish Biology And Fisheries
  246. Reviews in Gynaecological and Perinatal Practice
  247. Reviews in Gynaecological Practice
  248. Reviews in Inorganic Chemistry
  249. Reviews in Mathematical Physics
  250. Reviews in Medical Microbiology
  251. Reviews In Medical Virology
  252. Reviews in Molecular Biotechnology
  253. Reviews In Religion & Theology
  254. Reviews in the Neurosciences
  255. Reviews in Vascular Medicine
  256. Reviews Of Geophysics
  257. Reviews of Modern Physics
  258. Reviews of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies
  259. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte
  260. Revista Argentina de Microbiología
  261. Revista Argentina de Radiología
  262. Revista Brasileira de Cardiologia Invasiva (English Version)
  263. Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte
  264. Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos
  265. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia
  266. Revista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia
  267. Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia
  268. Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia (English Edition)
  269. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria
  270. Revista Brasileira de Reumatologia
  271. Revista Clínica de Periodoncia, Implantología y Rehabilitación Oral
  272. Revista Clínica Española (English Edition)
  273. Revista Colombiana de Anestesiología
  274. Revista Colombiana de Cardiología
  275. Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira
  276. Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira (English Edition)
  277. Revista de Contabilidad
  278. Revista de Educación
  279. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matematicas
  280. Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones
  281. Revista de Psicología Social
  282. Revista de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental (English Edition)
  283. Revista Española de Cardiología (English Edition)
  284. Revista Española de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología (English Edition)
  285. Revista Española de Documentación Científica
  286. Revista Española de Investigación en Marketing ESIC
  287. Revista Española de Medicina Nuclear (English Edition)
  288. Revista Española de Medicina Nuclear e Imagen Molecular (English Edition)
  289. Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa
  290. Revista Hispanoamericana de Hernia
  291. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI
  292. Revista Internacional De Seguridad Social
  293. Revista Internacional Del Trabajo
  294. Revista Latinoamericana de Investigación en Matemática Educativa
  295. Revista Matemática Complutense
  296. Revista Matemática Iberoamericana
  297. Revista Paulista de Pediatria
  298. Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia
  299. Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia (English Edition)
  300. Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial
  301. Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia
  302. Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia (English Edition)
  303. Revue d´Electroencéphalographie et de Neurophysiologie Clinique
  304. Revue d'Histoire des sciences (2007 - actual)
  305. Revue d'Histoire des sciences (1947 - 2006)
  306. Revue de médecine périnatale
  307. Revue de Micropaléontologie
  308. Revue de Synthèse
  309. Revue du Rhumatisme
  310. Revue du Rhumatisme Monographies
  311. Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée/European Review of Applied Psychology
  312. Revue Française d´Allergie
  313. Revue Française d´Allergologie
  314. Revue Française d´Allergologie et d´Immunologie Clinique
  315. Revue Française de Transfusion
  316. Revue Française de Transfusion et d´Hémobiologie
  317. Revue Française de Transfusion et Immuno-hématologie
  318. Revue Française des Laboratoires
  319. Revue Francophone des Laboratoires
  320. Revue Générale de Thermique
  321. Revue Générale des Chemins de Fer
  322. Revue Internationale De Securite Sociale
  323. Revue Internationale Du Travail
  324. Revue Romane
  325. Revue Vétérinaire Clinique
  326. Rheologica Acta
  327. Rheuma Plus
  328. Rheumatology
  329. Rheumatology International
  330. Rhodora
  331. Rice
  332. Rice Science
  333. Ricerche Di Matematica
  334. Ricerche Economiche
  335. Risk Analysis
  336. Risk Management And Insurance Review
  337. Risk, Hazards & Crisis In Public Policy
  338. River Research And Applications
  339. Rna
  340. Robotics
  341. Robotics and Autonomous Systems
  342. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
  343. Rock Mechanics And Rock Engineering
  344. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics
  345. Röntgenpraxis
  346. Rural Sociology
  347. Russian Academy Of Sciences. Izvestiya Mathematics
  348. Russian Academy Of Sciences. Sbornik Mathematics
  349. Russian Aeronautics (Iz Vuz)
  350. Russian Agricultural Sciences
  351. Russian Chemical Bulletin
  352. Russian Chemical Reviews
  353. Russian Electrical Engineering
  354. Russian Engineering Research
  355. Russian Geology and Geophysics
  356. Russian Journal Of Applied Chemistry
  357. Russian Journal Of Biological Invasions
  358. Russian Journal Of Bioorganic Chemistry
  359. Russian Journal Of Coordination Chemistry
  360. Russian Journal Of Developmental Biology
  361. Russian Journal Of Ecology
  362. Russian Journal Of Electrochemistry
  363. Russian Journal Of General Chemistry
  364. Russian Journal Of Genetics
  365. Russian Journal Of Genetics: Applied Research
  366. Russian Journal Of Inorganic Chemistry
  367. Russian Journal Of Marine Biology
  368. Russian Journal Of Mathematical Physics
  369. Russian Journal Of Nondestructive Testing
  370. Russian Journal Of Non-Ferrous Metals
  371. Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling
  372. Russian Journal Of Organic Chemistry
  373. Russian Journal Of Pacific Geology
  374. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A
  375. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B
  376. Russian Journal Of Plant Physiology
  377. Russian Linguistics
  378. Russian Literature
  379. Russian Mathematical Surveys
  380. Russian Mathematics
  381. Russian Metallurgy (Metally)
  382. Russian Meteorology And Hydrology
  383. Russian Microelectronics
  384. Russian Physics Journal
  385. Russian Review, The
  1. Sadhana
  2. Safer Communities
  3. Safety and Health at Work
  4. Safety Science
  5. SAGE Open
  6. SAGE Open Medical Case Reports
  7. SAGE Open Medicine
  8. Sankhya
  9. Sarcoma
  10. Sarsia: North Atlantic Marine Science
  11. SAS Journal
  12. Saturday Evening Post
  13. Saudi Dental Journal, The
  14. Saudi Journal for Dental Research, The
  15. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences
  16. Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology
  17. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal
  18. Sauvegarde de l´Enfance
  19. Sbornik: Mathematics
  20. Scandinavian International Business Review
  21. Scandinavian Journal Of Caring Sciences
  22. Scandinavian Journal Of Economics, The
  23. Scandinavian Journal Of Immunology
  24. Scandinavian Journal of Management
  25. Scandinavian Journal of Management Studies
  26. Scandinavian Journal Of Medicine & Science In Sports
  27. Scandinavian Journal Of Metallurgy
  28. Scandinavian Journal of Pain
  29. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
  30. Scandinavian Journal Of Psychology
  31. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
  32. Scandinavian Journal Of Statistics
  33. Scandinavian Journal of Surgery
  34. Scandinavian Political Studies
  35. Scanning
  36. Schizophrenia Bulletin
  37. Schizophrenia Research
  38. Schizophrenia Research and Treatment
  39. Schizophrenia Research: Cognition
  40. School Library Journal
  41. School Mental Health
  42. School of Pharmacy, University of London, The
  43. School Psychology International
  44. School Review, The
  45. School Science And Mathematics
  46. Schools: Studies in Education
  47. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Ganzheitsmedizin / Swiss Journal of Integrative Medicine
  48. Science
  49. Science & Education
  50. Science & Justice
  51. Science & Sports
  52. Science And Engineering Ethics
  53. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials
  54. Science and Public Policy
  55. Science And Technology Of Advanced Materials
  56. Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations
  57. Science and Technology of Welding & Joining
  58. Science China Chemistry
  59. Science China Earth Sciences
  60. Science China Information Sciences
  61. Science China Life Sciences
  62. Science China Mathematics
  63. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy
  64. Science China Technological Sciences
  65. Science Communication
  66. Science Education
  67. Science Foundation In China
  68. Science of Computer Programming
  69. Science of The Total Environment
  70. Science Progress
  71. Science Technology and Society
  72. Science Translational Medicine
  73. Science, Technology & Human Values
  74. Scientia Horticulturae
  75. Scientia Iranica
  76. Scientific American
  77. Scientific And Technical Information Processing
  78. Scientific Modeling and Simulation SMNS
  79. Scientific Programming
  80. Scientific World Journal, The
  81. Scientifica
  82. Scientometrics
  83. Scottish Journal Of Political Economy
  84. Screen
  85. Screening
  86. Scripta Materialia
  87. Scripta Metallurgica
  88. Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia
  89. Sealing Technology
  90. Second Language Research
  91. Secuencia
  92. Securitas Vialis
  93. Security And Communication Networks
  94. Security and Human Rights
  95. Security Dialogue
  96. Sedimentary Geology
  97. Sedimentology
  98. Seismic Instruments
  99. Seizure
  100. Selecta Mathematica
  101. Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics
  102. Semiconductor Science And Technology
  103. Semiconductors
  104. Semigroup Forum
  105. Seminars in Anesthesia, Perioperative Medicine and Pain
  106. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism
  107. Seminars in Arthroplasty
  108. Seminars in Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine
  109. Seminars in Cancer Biology
  110. Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia
  111. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology
  112. Seminars in Cell Biology
  113. Seminars in Cerebrovascular Diseases and Stroke
  114. Seminars in Developmental Biology
  115. Seminars In Dialysis
  116. Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine
  117. Seminars in Immunology
  118. Seminars In Immunopathology
  119. Seminars in Integrative Medicine
  120. Seminars in Neonatology
  121. Seminars in Neuroscience
  122. Seminars in Nuclear Medicine
  123. Seminars in Oncology Nursing
  124. Seminars in Orthodontics
  125. Seminars in Pain Medicine
  126. Seminars in Pediatric Infectious Diseases
  127. Seminars in Pediatric Neurology
  128. Seminars in Pediatric Surgery
  129. Seminars in Perinatology
  130. Seminars in Radiation Oncology
  131. Seminars in Roentgenology
  132. Seminars in Spine Surgery
  133. Seminars In Surgical Oncology
  134. Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
  135. Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery: Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Annual
  136. Seminars in Ultrasound, CT and MRI
  137. Seminars in Vascular Surgery
  138. Seminars in Virology
  139. Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research
  140. Sensing And Imaging: An International Journal
  141. Sensor Review
  142. Sensors and Actuators
  143. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical
  144. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical
  145. Separation and Purification Technology
  146. Separations Technology
  147. Sequential Analysis
  148. Serials Review
  149. Serodiagnosis and Immunotherapy in Infectious Disease
  150. Service Business
  151. Service Oriented Computing And Applications
  152. Set-Valued And Variational Analysis
  153. Sex Roles
  154. Sexologies
  155. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare
  156. Sexual Abuse
  157. Sexual Development
  158. Sexual Medicine
  159. Sexual Medicine Reviews
  160. Sexualisation Media and Society (OA)
  161. Sexualities
  162. Sexuality & Culture
  163. Sexuality And Disability
  164. Sexuality Research And Social Policy
  165. Sexuality, Reproduction and Menopause
  166. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  167. Shakespeare Quarterly
  168. Shape Memory Polymers and Textiles
  169. Ship Technology Research
  170. Shock
  171. Shock and Vibration
  172. Shock Waves
  173. Shoulder & Elbow
  174. SIAM Journal On Applied Dynamical Systems
  175. SIAM Journal On Applied Mathematics
  176. SIAM Journal On Computing
  177. SIAM Journal On Control And Optimization
  178. SIAM Journal On Discrete Mathematics
  179. SIAM Journal On Mathematical Analysis
  180. SIAM Journal On Matrix Analysis And Applications
  181. SIAM Journal On Numerical Analysis
  182. SIAM Journal On Optimization
  183. SIAM Journal On Scientific Computing
  184. SIAM News
  185. SIAM Review
  186. Siberian Advances In Mathematics
  187. Siberian Mathematical Journal
  188. Sid Symposium Digest Of Technical Papers
  189. Signal Processing
  190. Signal Processing: Image Communication
  191. Signal, Image And Video Processing
  192. Significance
  193. Signs
  194. Signs and Society
  195. Sigspatial Special
  196. Silicon
  197. Simulation
  198. Simulation & Gaming
  199. Simulation in Healthcare
  200. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory
  201. Simulation Practice and Theory
  202. Singapore Dental Journal
  203. Singapore Economic Review, The
  204. Singapore Journal Of Tropical Geography
  205. Skeletal Radiology
  206. Skin Pharmacology and Physiology
  207. Skin Research And Technology
  208. SLEEP
  209. Sleep And Biological Rhythms
  210. Sleep And Breathing
  211. Sleep Disorders
  212. Sleep Medicine
  213. Sleep Medicine Reviews
  214. Sleep Science
  215. Small
  216. Small Business Economics
  217. Small Group Research
  218. Small Ruminant Research
  219. Small-Scale Forestry
  220. Smart and Sustainable Built Environment
  221. Smart Materials And Structures
  222. Smart Materials Bulletin
  223. Smart Materials Research
  224. Smart Textiles for Medicine and Healthcare
  225. Smithsonian American Art Museum
  226. Social & Legal Studies
  227. Social And Personality Psychology Compass
  228. Social Anthropology
  229. Social Care and Neurodisability
  230. Social Change
  231. Social Choice And Welfare
  232. Social Cognitive & Affective Neurosci
  233. Social Compass
  234. Social Currents
  235. Social Development
  236. Social Enterprise Journal
  237. Social Forces
  238. Social History of Medicine
  239. Social Indicators Research
  240. Social Issues And Policy Review
  241. Social Justice Research
  242. Social Marketing Quarterly
  243. Social Media + Society
  244. Social Network Analysis And Mining
  245. Social Networks
  246. Social Policy & Administration
  247. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society
  248. Social Problems
  249. Social Psychiatry And Psychiatric Epidemiology
  250. Social Psychological and Personality Science
  251. Social Psychology Of Education
  252. Social Psychology Quarterly
  253. Social Responsibility Journal
  254. Social Science & Medicine
  255. Social Science & Medicine (1967)
  256. Social Science & Medicine. Part A: Medical Psychology & Medical Sociology
  257. Social Science & Medicine. Part B: Medical Anthropology
  258. Social Science & Medicine. Part C: Medical Economics
  259. Social Science & Medicine. Part D: Medical Geography
  260. Social Science & Medicine. Part E: Medical Psychology
  261. Social Science & Medicine. Part F: Medical and Social Ethics
  262. Social Science Computer Review
  263. Social Science Information
  264. Social Science Information Studies
  265. Social Science Japan Journal
  266. Social Science Journal, The
  267. Social Science Quarterly
  268. Social Science Research
  269. Social Service Review
  270. Social Studies of Science
  271. Social Work
  272. Social Work Research
  273. Society
  274. Society and Business Review
  275. Society and Culture in South Asia
  276. Society and Mental Health
  277. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences
  278. Socio-Economic Review
  279. Sociologia Ruralis
  280. Sociological Forum
  281. Sociological Inquiry
  282. Sociological Methodology
  283. Sociological Methodology
  284. Sociological Methods & Research
  285. Sociological Perspectives
  286. Sociological Quarterly, The
  287. Sociological Review, The
  288. Sociological Theory
  289. Sociological Theory
  290. Sociologie du Travail
  291. Sociology
  292. Sociology Compass
  293. Sociology of Education
  294. Sociology Of Health & Illness
  295. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
  296. Sociology of Religion
  297. Socius
  298. Soft Computing
  299. Software & Microsystems
  300. Software And Systems Modeling
  301. Software Engineering Journal
  302. Software Focus
  303. Software Quality Journal
  304. Software Testing, Verification & Reliability
  305. Software:Practice And Experience
  306. Soil and Tillage Research
  307. Soil Biology and Biochemistry
  308. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
  309. Soil Horizons
  310. Soil Mechanics And Foundation Engineering
  311. Soil Science
  312. Soil Science & Plant Nutrition
  313. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
  314. Soil Science Society of America Journal
  315. Soil Technology
  316. Soil Use And Management
  317. Solar & Wind Technology
  318. Solar Cells
  319. Solar Energy
  320. Solar Energy Materials
  321. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
  322. Solar Physics
  323. Solar System Research
  324. Soldering & Surface Mount Technology
  325. Solid Fuel Chemistry
  326. Solid State Communications
  327. Solid State Ionics
  328. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
  329. Solid State Phenomena
  330. Solid State Physics
  331. Solid State Physics
  332. Solid State Sciences
  333. Solid State Technology
  334. Solid-State and Electron Devices, IEE Journal on
  335. Solid-State Electronics
  336. Somatic Cell And Molecular Genetics
  337. Somnologie
  338. Somnologie - Schlafforschung Und Schlafmedizin
  339. Sonography
  340. Sophia
  341. South African Journal of Botany
  342. South African Journal Of Economics, The
  343. South African Journal of Psychology
  344. South African Journal of Wildlife Research
  345. South American Journal of Herpetology
  346. South Asia Economic Journal
  347. South Asia Research
  348. South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases
  349. South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management
  350. South Asian Journal Of Macroeconomics And Public Finance
  351. South Asian Survey
  352. Southeastern Naturalist
  353. Southern Economic Journal
  354. Southern Journal Of Philosophy, The
  355. Southern Medical Journal
  356. Southwestern Entomologist
  357. Southwestern Naturalist
  358. Soviet Journal Of Quantum Electronics
  359. Soviet Physics Uspekhi
  360. Sozial Extra
  361. Soziale Passagen
  362. Space and Culture
  363. Space Policy
  364. Space Research Today
  365. Space Science Reviews
  366. Space Weather
  367. Space Weather Quarterly
  368. Spanish Review of Financial Economics, The
  369. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology
  370. Spatial Statistics
  371. Special Care In Dentistry
  372. Special Events Galore
  373. Special Interest Group On Accessibility And Computing
  374. Special Interest Group On Ada Programming Language
  375. Special Interest Group On Algorithms & Computation Theory
  376. Special Interest Group On Applied Computing
  377. Special Interest Group On Artificial Intelligence
  378. Special Interest Group On Bioinformatics, Computational Biology
  379. Special Interest Group On Computer Architecture
  380. Special Interest Group On Computer Graphics
  381. Special Interest Group On Computer Science Education
  382. Special Interest Group On Computer-Human Interaction
  383. Special Interest Group On Computers And Society
  384. Special Interest Group On Data Communication
  385. Special Interest Group On Design Automation
  386. Special Interest Group On Design Of Communication
  387. Special Interest Group On Electronic Commerce
  388. Special Interest Group On Embedded Systems
  389. Special Interest Group On Genetic And Evolutionary Computation
  390. Special Interest Group On Health Informatics
  391. Special Interest Group On Hypertext, Hypermedia And Web
  392. Special Interest Group On Information Retrieval
  393. Special Interest Group On Information Technology Education
  394. Special Interest Group On Knowledge Discovery In Data
  395. Special Interest Group On Management Information Systems
  396. Special Interest Group On Management Of Data
  397. Special Interest Group On Measurement And Evaluation
  398. Special Interest Group On Microarchitecture
  399. Special Interest Group On Mobility Of Sysems, Users, Data & Comp
  400. Special Interest Group On Multimedia Systems
  401. Special Interest Group On Operating Systems
  402. Special Interest Group On Programming Languages
  403. Special Interest Group On Security, Audit And Control
  404. Special Interest Group On Simulation
  405. Special Interest Group On Software Engineering
  406. Special Interest Group On Spatial Information
  407. Special Interest Group On Symbolic & Algebraic Manipulation
  408. Special Interest Group On University & College Computing Services
  409. Spectrochimica Acta
  410. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
  411. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy
  412. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy
  413. Spectroscopy
  414. Speech Communication
  415. Spektrum Der Augenheilkunde
  416. Spill Science & Technology Bulletin
  417. SPIN
  418. Spine
  419. Spine Deformity
  420. Spine Journal, The
  421. Sport Management Review
  422. Sport Sciences For Health
  423. Sport- und Präventivmedizin
  424. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal
  425. Sport-Orthopädie - Sport-Traumatologie - Sports Orthopaedics and Traumatology
  426. Sports Engineering
  427. Sports Health
  428. Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review
  429. Sportwissenschaft
  430. Stahlbau
  431. Standardisation of Thermal Cycling Exposure Testing
  432. Standardview
  433. Standort
  434. Starch / Staerke
  435. Stat
  436. State and Local Government Review
  437. State Politics & Policy Quarterly
  438. Statistica Neerlandica
  439. Statistical Analysis And Data Mining
  440. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology
  441. Statistical Inference For Stochastic Processes
  442. Statistical Methodology
  443. Statistical Methods And Applications
  444. Statistical Methods in Medical Research
  445. Statistical Modelling
  446. Statistical Papers
  447. Statistical Science (1986 - actual)
  448. Statistics & Probability Letters
  449. Statistics & Risk Modeling
  450. Statistics And Computing
  451. Statistics In Biosciences
  452. Statistics In Medicine
  453. Statistics Surveys
  454. Statute Law Review
  455. Steel Construction - Design And Research
  456. Steel In Translation
  457. Steel Research International
  458. Steinbeck Review
  459. Stem Cell Reports
  460. Stem Cell Research
  461. Stem Cell Reviews And Reports
  462. Stem Cells (1996 - 2021)
  463. Stem Cells (1996 - Actual)
  464. Stem Cells International
  465. Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
  466. Steroids
  467. sterreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft
  468. Stochastic Analysis And Applications
  469. Stochastic Environmental Research And Risk Assessment
  470. Stochastic Models
  471. Stochastic Processes and their Applications
  472. Stochastics - An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes
  473. Stochastics and Dynamics
  474. Stomatologie
  475. Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie
  476. Strain
  477. Strategic Change: Briefings In Entrepreneurial Finance
  478. Strategic Enrollment Management Quarterly
  479. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
  480. Strategic HR Review
  481. Strategic Management Journal
  482. Strategic Organization
  483. Stratigraphy And Geological Correlation
  484. Strength and Conditioning Journal
  485. Strength Of Materials
  486. Stress And Health
  487. Stroke
  488. Stroke Research and Treatment
  489. Structural And Multidisciplinary Optimization
  490. Structural Biology
  491. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics
  492. Structural Chemistry
  493. Structural Concrete
  494. Structural Control And Health Monitoring
  495. Structural Design Of Tall And Special Buildings, The
  496. Structural Health Monitoring
  497. Structural Safety
  498. Structural Survey
  499. Structures
  500. Student Affairs Today
  501. Students' Quarterly Journal
  502. Studia Geophysica Et Geodaetica
  503. Studia Linguistica
  504. Studia Logica
  505. Studies In Applied Mathematics
  506. Studies in Christian Ethics
  507. Studies in Communication Sciences
  508. Studies In Comparative International Development
  509. Studies in Conservation
  510. Studies In East European Thought
  511. Studies in Economics and Finance
  512. Studies in Educational Evaluation
  513. Studies In Ethnicity And Nationalism
  514. Studies In Family Planning
  515. Studies in Higher Education
  516. Studies in History
  517. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A
  518. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics
  519. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
  520. Studies in Indian Politics
  521. Studies in Microeconomics
  522. Studies in Mycology
  523. Studies in PeopleEUR(TM)s History
  524. Studies In Philosophy And Education
  525. Studies in Religion/ Sciences Religieuses
  526. Studies In Science Education
  527. Studies in the Decorative Arts
  528. Studies On Russian Economic Development
  529. Successful Fundraising
  530. Successful Registrar, The
  531. Sugar Tech
  532. Suicide And Life-Threatening Behavior
  533. Superconductor Science And Technology
  534. Superconductor Week
  535. Superlattices and Microstructures
  536. Support For Learning
  537. Supportive Cancer Therapy
  538. Supportive Care In Cancer
  539. Supramolecular Chemistry
  540. Supramolecular Science
  541. Supreme Court Economic Review - Electronic Edition
  542. Supreme Court Review, The
  543. Surface and Coatings Technology
  544. Surface And Interface Analysis
  545. Surface Engineering
  546. Surface Engineering And Applied Electrochemistry
  547. Surface Review and Letters
  548. Surface Science
  549. Surface Science Letters
  550. Surface Science Reports
  551. Surface Science Spectra
  552. Surface Technology
  553. Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties
  554. Surgeon, The
  555. Surgery
  556. Surgery (Oxford)
  557. Surgery Research and Practice
  558. Surgery Today
  559. Surgical And Radiologic Anatomy
  560. Surgical Endoscopy
  561. Surgical Innovation
  562. Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques
  563. Surgical Neurology
  564. Surgical Oncology
  565. Surgical Practice
  566. Survey of Anesthesiology
  567. Survey of Ophthalmology
  568. Survey Review
  569. Surveys in Differential Geometry
  570. Surveys In Geophysics
  571. Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science
  572. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal
  573. Sustainability of Water Quality and Ecology
  574. Sustainability Science
  575. Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy
  576. Sustainable Cities and Society
  577. Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems
  578. Sustainable Development
  579. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
  580. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
  581. Sustainable Materials and Technologies
  582. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation
  583. Swarm Intelligence
  584. SWEBOK 2004 Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge
  585. Swiss Journal Of Geosciences
  586. Swiss Journal Of Paleontology
  587. Swiss Political Science Review
  588. Symbiosis
  589. Symbolic Interaction
  590. Symposium (International) on Combustion
  591. Symposium on Combustion and Flame, and Explosion Phenomena
  592. Synapse
  593. Synergy
  594. Synfacts
  595. Synlett
  596. Syntax
  597. Synthese
  598. Synthesis
  599. Synthetic Communications
  600. Synthetic Metals
  601. System
  602. System Dynamics Review (The Journal Of The System Dynamics Society)
  603. Systematic and Applied Microbiology
  604. Systematic Biology
  605. Systematic Botany
  606. Systematic Entomology
  607. Systematic Parasitology
  608. Systemic Practice And Action Research
  609. Systems & Control Letters
  610. Systems And Synthetic Biology
  611. Systems Biology In Reproductive Medicine
  612. Systems Engineering
  613. Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice
  614. Systems Engineering Procedia
  615. Systems Research & Behavioral Science
  1. Tabacologia
  2. Taiwan Journal of Ophthalmology
  3. Taiwan Veterinary Journal
  4. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
  5. Talanta
  6. Tanta Dental Journal
  7. Target
  8. Targeted Oncology
  10. Tax Policy and the Economy - Electronic Edition
  11. Teacher Education and Special Education
  12. Teacher Education Quarterly
  13. Teachers And Teaching - Theory And Practice
  14. Teachers College Record
  15. Teaching and Learning in Nursing
  16. Teaching and Teacher Education
  17. Teaching Exceptional Children
  18. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA
  19. Teaching of Psychology
  20. Teaching Public Administration
  21. Teaching Sociology
  22. Teaching Statistics
  23. Teaching Theology & Religion
  24. Teaching Tools In Plant Biology
  25. Technical Physics
  26. Technical Physics Letters
  27. Techniques In Coloproctology
  28. Techniques in Foot & Ankle Surgery
  29. Techniques in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
  30. Techniques in Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery
  31. Techniques in Knee Surgery
  32. Techniques in Orthopaedics
  33. Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management
  34. Techniques in Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
  35. Techniques in Vascular and Interventional Radiology
  36. Technological Forecasting
  37. Technological Forecasting and Social Change
  39. Technology and Society
  40. Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment
  41. Technology in Society
  42. Technology, Knowledge And Learning
  43. Technometrics
  44. Technovation
  45. Techtrends
  46. Tectonics
  47. Tectonophysics
  48. Tékhne
  49. Telecommunication Systems
  50. Telecommunications Policy
  51. Telegraph Engineers and of Electricians, Journal of the Society of
  52. Telegraph Engineers, Journal of the Society of
  53. Telegraph-Engineers and Electricians, Journal of the Society of
  54. Telematics and Informatics
  55. Television & New Media
  56. Tellus
  57. Tellus A
  58. Tellus B
  59. Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis, And Mutagenesis
  60. Terminology
  61. Terra Nova
  62. Tertiary Education And Management
  63. Tesol Journal
  64. Tesol Quarterly
  65. Test
  66. Tetrahedron
  67. Tetrahedron Computer Methodology
  68. Tetrahedron Letters
  69. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry
  70. Texas Heart Institute Journal
  71. Textile Research Journal
  72. Theological Studies
  73. Theology
  74. Theology Today
  75. Theoretical And Applied Climatology
  76. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics
  77. Theoretical And Applied Genetics
  78. Theoretical And Computational Fluid Dynamics
  79. Theoretical And Experimental Chemistry
  80. Theoretical And Mathematical Physics
  81. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts
  82. Theoretical Computer Science
  83. Theoretical Criminology
  84. Theoretical Ecology
  85. Theoretical Economics
  86. Theoretical Foundations Of Chemical Engineering
  87. Theoretical Medicine And Bioethics
  88. Theoretical Population Biology
  89. Theoria
  90. Theory & Psychology
  91. Theory And Decision
  92. Theory and Research in Education
  93. Theory And Society
  94. Theory In Biosciences
  95. Theory Of Computing Systems
  96. Theory of Probability and Its Applications
  97. Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
  98. Theory, Culture & Society
  99. Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Disease
  100. Therapeutic advances in Chronic Disease
  101. Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety
  102. Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism
  103. Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology
  104. Therapeutic Advances in Hematology
  105. Therapeutic Advances in Infectious Disease
  106. Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology
  107. Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease
  108. Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders
  109. Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology
  110. Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease
  111. Therapeutic Advances in Urology
  112. Therapeutic Advances in Vaccines
  113. Therapeutic Apheresis And Dialysis
  114. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
  115. Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science
  116. Theriogenology
  117. Thermal Engineering
  118. Thermochimica Acta
  119. Thermophysics And Aeromechanics
  120. Thesis Eleven
  121. Thin Films and Nanostructures
  122. Thin Solid Films
  123. Thinking Skills and Creativity
  124. Thin-Walled Structures
  125. Thoracic Cancer
  126. Thought: A Journal Of Philosophy
  127. Thrombosis
  128. Thrombosis Research
  129. Thunderbird International Business Review
  130. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases
  131. Tijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie
  132. Time & Society
  133. Tissue and Cell
  134. Tissue Antigens
  135. Tizard Learning Disability Review
  136. tm - Technisches Messen
  137. To Improve The Academy
  138. Tohoku Mathematical Journal
  139. Tokyo Journal of Mathematics
  140. Top
  141. Topics In Catalysis
  142. Topics in Clinical Nutrition
  143. Topics In Cognitive Science
  144. Topics in Companion Animal Medicine
  145. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education
  146. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation
  147. Topics in Language Disorders
  148. Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  149. Topics in Pain Management
  150. Topoi
  151. Topology
  152. Topology and its Applications
  153. Tourism and Hospitality Research
  154. Tourism Management
  155. Tourism Management Perspectives
  156. Tourist Studies
  157. Toxicologic Pathology
  158. Toxicological Sciences
  159. Toxicology
  160. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
  161. Toxicology And Environmental Health Sciences
  162. Toxicology and Industrial Health
  163. Toxicology in Vitro
  164. Toxicology Letters
  165. Toxicology Reports
  166. Toxicology Research
  167. Toxicon
  168. Toxin Reviews
  169. Trabajos de Estadística
  170. Trabajos de Estadística Y de Investigación Operativa
  171. Trabajos de Investigación Operativa
  172. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry
  173. Traditional & Kampo Medicine
  174. Traffic
  175. Trait - d´Union
  176. Trames: A Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences
  177. Transactional Analysis Journal
  178. Transactions In Gis
  179. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China
  180. Transactions of the American Entomological Society
  181. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society
  182. Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers
  183. Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Part I: Communication and Electronics
  184. Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Part II: Applications and Industry
  185. Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Part III: Power Apparatus and Systems
  186. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
  187. Transactions of the British Mycological Society
  188. Transactions of the I.R.E. Professional Group on Electronic Computers
  189. Transactions Of The Indian Institute Of Metals
  190. Transactions Of The Institute Of British Geographers
  191. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control
  192. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing
  193. Transactions of the Institute of Radio Engineers Professional Group on Nuclear Science
  194. Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics
  195. Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Airborne Electronics
  196. Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Antennas and Propagation
  197. Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Audio
  198. Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Broadcast and Television Receivers
  199. Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Circuit Theory
  200. Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Communications Systems
  201. Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Component Parts
  202. Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Electron Devices
  203. Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Engineering Management
  204. Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Industrial Electronics
  205. Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Information Theory
  206. Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Instrumentation
  207. Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Medical Electronics
  208. Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Microwave Theory and Techniques
  209. Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Quality Control
  210. Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Radio Telemetry and Remote Control
  211. Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Reliability and Quality Control
  212. Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Ultrasonic Engineering
  213. Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Vehicular Communications
  214. Transactions Of The Kansas Academy Of Science
  215. Transactions Of The Linnean Society Of London
  216. Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society
  217. Transactions Of The Optical Society
  218. Transactions Of The Philological Society
  219. Transactions Of The Royal Academy Of Medicine In Ireland
  220. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
  221. Transactions Of Tianjin University
  222. Transactions On Emerging Telecommunications Technologies
  223. Transboundary And Emerging Diseases
  224. Transcultural Psychiatry
  225. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research
  226. Transformation Groups
  227. Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies
  228. Transforming Anthropology
  229. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy
  230. Transfusion
  231. Transfusion
  232. Transfusion Alternatives In Transfusion Medicine
  233. Transfusion and Apheresis Science
  234. Transfusion Clinique et Biologique
  235. Transfusion Medicine
  236. Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy
  237. Transfusion Medicine Reviews
  238. Transfusion Science
  239. Transgenic Research
  240. Transition Metal Chemistry
  241. Transition Studies Review
  242. Translational Behavioral Medicine (2011 - 2017)
  243. Translational Behavioral Medicine (2011 - Actual)
  244. Translational Neuroscience
  245. Translational Oncology
  246. Translational Proteomics
  247. Translational Research
  248. Translational Stroke Research
  249. Transplant Immunology
  250. Transplant Infectious Disease
  251. Transplant International
  252. Transplant International (1988 - 2004)
  253. Transplantation
  254. Transplantation Proceedings
  255. Transplantation Reviews
  256. Transport In Porous Media
  257. Transport Policy
  258. Transportation
  259. Transportation Geotechnics
  260. Transportation Letters: the International Journal of Transportation Research
  261. Transportation Research
  262. Transportation Research Part A: General
  263. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
  264. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological
  265. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies
  266. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
  267. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review
  268. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
  269. Transportation Research Procedia
  270. Trauma
  271. Trauma Und Berufskrankheit
  272. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse
  273. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
  274. Tree Genetics & Genomes
  275. Tree Physiology
  276. Tree-Ring Research
  277. Trees
  278. Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care
  279. Trends in Biochemical Sciences
  280. Trends in Biotechnology
  281. Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine
  282. Trends in Cell Biology
  283. Trends in Cognitive Sciences
  284. Trends in Ecology & Evolution
  285. Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism
  286. Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry
  287. Trends in Food Science & Technology
  288. Trends in Genetics
  289. Trends in Hearing
  290. Trends in Immunology
  291. Trends in Microbiology
  292. Trends in Molecular Medicine
  293. Trends in Neuroscience and Education
  294. Trends in Neurosciences
  295. Trends In Organized Crime
  296. Trends in Parasitology
  297. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences
  298. Trends in Plant Science
  299. Trends In Urology And Men´S Health
  300. Trials in Vaccinology
  301. Tribology
  302. Tribology - Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces
  303. Tribology International
  304. Tribology Letters
  305. Tropical Animal Health And Production
  306. Tropical Medicine & International Health
  307. Tropical Plant Biology
  308. Trusts & Trustees
  309. Tsinghua Science & Technology
  310. Tsinghua Science and Technology
  311. Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics
  312. Tubercle
  313. Tubercle and Lung Disease
  314. Tuberculosis
  315. Tuberculosis Research and Treatment
  316. Tumor Biology
  317. Tumor Biology
  318. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology
  319. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry
  320. Turkish Journal of Biochemistry
  321. Turkish Journal of Physics
  322. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
  323. Turkish Journal of Zoology
  324. Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter
  325. Twentieth Century British History
  326. TWICE: This Week in Consumer Electronics
  327. Tzu Chi Medical Journal
  1. Vaccine
  2. Vacuum
  3. Vacuum Deposition onto Webs, Films, and Foils
  4. Vadose Zone Journal
  5. Vakuum In Forschung Und Praxis
  6. Value in Health
  7. Value In Health
  8. Value in Health Regional Issues
  9. Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
  10. Vascular Medicine
  11. Vascular Pharmacology
  12. Vegetation History And Archaeobotany
  13. Vehicular Communications
  14. Verhaltenstherapie
  15. Vestnik St. Petersburg University: Mathematics
  16. Veterinarija ir Zootechnika
  17. Veterinary Anaesthesia & Analgesia
  18. Veterinary And Comparative Oncology
  19. Veterinary Clinical Pathology
  20. Veterinary Dermatology
  21. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology
  22. Veterinary Journal, The
  23. Veterinary Medicine And Science
  24. Veterinary Medicine International
  25. Veterinary Microbiology
  26. Veterinary Nursing Journal
  27. Veterinary Ophthalmology
  28. Veterinary Parasitology
  29. Veterinary Pathology
  30. Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound
  31. Veterinary Research Communications
  32. Veterinary Surgery
  33. Vibrational Spectroscopy
  34. Video Journal and Encyclopedia of GI Endoscopy
  35. Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers
  36. VINE
  37. Violence Against Women
  38. Virchows Archiv
  39. Virchows Archiv B
  40. Virologica Sinica
  41. Virology
  42. Virology Reports
  43. Virtual Journal of Applications of Superconductivity
  44. Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research
  45. Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology
  46. Virtual Reality
  47. Virus Genes
  48. Virus Research
  49. Vision
  50. Vision Research
  51. Visions: The Journal of Rogerian Nursing Science
  52. Vistas in Astronomy
  53. Visual Anthropology Review
  54. Visual Communication
  55. Visual Computer
  56. Viszeralmedizin
  57. Vitamins & Hormones
  58. Vldb Journal
  59. VLSI Design
  60. Vocations And Learning
  61. Voluntas: International Journal Of Voluntary And Nonprofit Organizations
  62. Volunteer Management Report, The
  63. Vox Sanguinis
  1. War in History
  2. Waste And Biomass Valorization
  3. Waste Management
  4. Waste Management & Research
  5. Waste Management & Research
  6. Water & Wastes Digest´s
  7. Water And Environment Journal
  8. Water Economics and Policy
  9. Water Environment Research
  10. Water History
  11. Water Quality, Exposure And Health
  12. Water Research
  13. Water Resources
  14. Water Resources and Economics
  15. Water Resources and Industry
  16. Water Resources and Rural Development
  17. Water Resources Management
  18. Water Resources Research
  19. Water Science
  20. Water Science And Technology
  21. Water, Air, And Soil Pollution
  22. Waterbirds
  23. Wave Motion
  24. Waves In Random And Complex Media
  25. Wear
  26. Weather
  27. Weather and Climate Extremes
  28. Weather and Climate Extremes
  29. Web Ecology
  30. Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web
  31. WebNet Journal: Internet Technologies, Applications & Issues
  32. Weed Biology And Management
  33. Weed Research
  34. Weed Science
  35. Weed Technology
  36. Weekly Epidemiological Record
  37. West 86th: A Journal of Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material Culture
  38. Western Historical Quarterly
  39. Western Journal of Nursing Research
  40. Western North American Naturalist
  41. Wetland Science And Practice
  42. Wetlands (1981 - 2013)
  43. Wetlands (2000 - 2009)
  44. Wetlands Ecology And Management
  45. Who Drug Information
  46. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift
  47. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift Education
  48. Wiener Klinisches Magazin
  49. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift
  50. Wilderness & Environmental Medicine
  51. Wilderness & Environmental Medicine (2005 - 2009)
  52. Wildlife Biology
  53. Wildlife Monograph
  54. Wildlife Monographs
  55. Wildlife Society Bulletin
  56. Wildlife Society Bulletin
  57. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change
  58. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science
  59. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science
  60. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics
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  38. Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie und Hygiene. Series A: Medical Microbiology, Infectious Diseases, Virology, Parasitology
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  41. Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie. 1. Abt. Originale A, Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Infektionskrankheiten und Parasitologie
  42. Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie: I. Abt. Originale C: Allgemeine, angewandte und ökologische Mikrobiologie
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